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Upgrade to v4.3 tonight

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Quick warning to everyone who is planning to write a long update tonight.

The v4.3 of our forum CMS is available. I will be performing the update later today, in about 2 hours from now.

Be sure to keep a copy of whatever you're writing. This warning will also be shared on Discord.

15 minutes before upgrading, I will remind everyone again. If I see anyone online, I will send them a private message here or on Discord.

Let's make this a smooth upgrade.

While we're at it, you can check out the upcoming new features here: 



Fixed some of the smaller bugs.

  • Search button was misaligned. I've hidden it until I find a permanent solution. You can still use search by hitting the return-button. Mobile used can do the same on their keyboard.
  • Announcements were shown in the sidebar. I could not find the setting to correct this. For now I've hidden the announcements.

Should you be experiencing other problems, be sure to report them.

As an alternative, we always have two other themes available: IPS default and IPS dark.

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