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The Imperial States of Europe - Factbook

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The Imperial States of Europe is a small, mountainous, Marenesian dictatorship, known for its status as one of 2 totally oppressive countries on the Mundus Liber Freedom Index, and its militaristic culture. 


The Imperial States of Europe is named for the Imperial Party, a coalition of far left groups formed in 1923 that advocate for a militaristic society, total equality, and a strong government. They currently have a monopoly on political views, and all other political parties are banned, with only the Imperial Party allowed to have the ability to express their politics. 


The Imperial States of Europe is located in Southeastern Marenesia, and is surrounded by one colossal mountain range on its north (known as the Mountain), and the sea on its south. The Mountain is acknowledged as the most important feature of the nation by far. The River flows south from the Mountain, providing fresh water, transport, and (potentially) hydroelectric power. And the Mountain is also the source of the nation’s chief export, raw ore. Without the Mountain, there would be no ISOE, and no economy. This means that the Mountain is treated almost like the main coal mine in a small coal mining town. 


In Climate, the ISOE resembles RL England or Japan, chiefly growing rice and wheat, although those aren’t the only crops it grows. However, due to the North’s mountainous terrain, the amount of arable farmland is significantly reduced, and the nation lives in fear of just one bad harvest. 


The area that would once become Europe was originally colonized by an Adapton majority trade company known as Marenesia Commercia Cons ociation e Adaptus, starting in 1684, when the first settlers arrived. WIP 

Politics and Government 

Politically, the ISOE is controlled by an organization known as the Imperial Party of Europe, who totally control the government, and are the only legal political party. There are no elections, and a military dictator completely controls the country with no opposition tolerated. They are known as the Consul, and can be either gender. They rule directly above the state governors, and they rule directly above the regional governors. In keeping with the Imperial Tenet of Hierarchy, each governor is appointed by the official above them, although the Consul has the ability to veto any choice. The Consul also appoints a administrator known as the Unison Officer, whose job is to manage all activities seen as low priority. 


The Unison Officer oversees many of the local agencies that perform vital services for the People. These organizations are grouped under Departments, which each cover an important role, and are constantly jockeying for position and funding. There are of these departments. 

The Department of Defense is the most influential of the Departments, and it is responsible for maintaining the military, the Militia, the National Fire Control Agency, and the National Law Enforcement Agency. Its official mission is to protect the citizens of the ISOE from all physical and military threats. 

The Department of Political Correctness is in charge of all covert activities and counterintelligence, and is split into 2 branches, the Imperial State Security Bureau (ISSB) and the Imperial State Intelligence Bureau (ISIB). The ISSB is in charge of internal threats, counterintelligence and surveillance, and the ISIB is in charge of covert operations on foreign soil, in much the same way as the RL CIA. 

The Department of Infrastructure and Civil Logistics is the superior organization for the Civil Logistics Bureau and the Infrastructure Maintenance and Construction Committee. It busies itself by ensuring that people and goods are transported, and that the roads to do this are there. 



The largest area of employment is the mining sector, which primarily mines common metals, but also significantly mines coal, to be used in power plants and heating homes. After this is the metalworking industry, which produces quality steel and copper, some of it to export to friendly governments, some of it to be used in the ISOE. Third in size is the machine making industry, producing farm, textile, and mining equipment. Fourth in size is the textile industry, which is self explanatory. Fifth in size is the agriculture industry, which is a bit obvious in meaning. 

Major exports to literally only countries like the ISOE include machine parts, textiles, metals. Major imports include agricultural products, computer products, and weapons. International partners are Arstotzka. The energy sector of the ISOE is powered by coal firing power plants. The currency is the Ration Card, which can be used to purchase goods and services from the government. Most cities have trams in them, although between cities steam trains are used for transport. Science and technology are very stunted, in almost everything except weapons technology, with coal being used for power, transport, and heating, and only small numbers of mid 80s computers being used. 

Unemployment is almost gone, down to just political prisoners and people between jobs, due to the Department of Work Allotment’s extensive efforts to assign each and every citizen a job. There is no tourism. 

The people of the ISOE can roughly be split into three major groups: Party members, who are given more rights, and a higher status in social affairs, they number around 680,000. They are the intellectual workers, the supervisors, the bureaucrats. Their status can be gained by serving for five extra years in the military. After them are the Citizens, of which technically every non party member is, but social and cultural divisions exist. The Natives are the indigenous population of Europe. Their culture and customs are seen as strange by most European descended citizens, with ritualistic human sacrifice, hunter gatherer lifestyles, and even cannibalism. They’re frowned upon, and efforts have been made to change their culture to conform to the European norm. 

The language of Europe is WILL ADD SOON. While European culture is influenced by Adapton culture, it is also influenced by the Imperial idea of an ideal society, which focuses on militarism and strength. The Adapton portion shows in the architecture of Theocratic Europe, with elaborate temples having being constructed before the era of mass produced concrete apartment buildings. Entertainment is decidedly non Adapton though, with most Europeans entertaining themselves with a television, a park, a night out at a bar, or with a board game. 

The flag has a meaning. The red means the blood required to build the ISOE, the red is the darkness from which it arose, and the words are the motto, “For the State and People of Europe”. (Different word for Europe in LANGUAGE THAT EUROPE SPEAKS). The anthem, ANTHEM, is WORDS GO HERE. 

Some holidays include Liberation Day, Armed Forces Day, Europe Day. They are on the DATE, the DATE, and the DATE. 

Factbook Mk2

Edited by Imperial States of Europe
Not Finished. (see edit history)
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State Organization

The ISOE is ruled by a central administrative state, which commands all other states. (OOC: like the Hunger Games) Each state has a specialty, and the capital's is hosting the military. The capital is the original location the Europeans settled, and it is in the center of the other states. There are 4 other states, and each one has a specialty. These four states are Unity, Discipline, Union and Harmony. Unity is the farming state of the ISOE and is where most of the food comes from. It is the second-most westward state, and is right next to the industrial state of Union. Union is the central state and touches the mountain state (and capital) of Order, the maritime state of Discipline, and the scientific state of Harmony (still under construction). Union's environment is destroyed from the chemical byproducts of the war factories. Discipline is the source of all the fish in the ISOE, and the home base of the Navy. Harmony is located at the most western point of the nation and is devoted to scientific achievement. Bombs are tested on the landscape and in general every year the science takes its toll on the environment noticeably, but the scientists don't care. Such is the price of science.

Administrative Ministries

The ISOE has 10 main sections of the government, the Imperial War Command, the Militia, Imperial Fire Control Agency, Imperial Central Health, Imperial Development Agency, the Imperial Energy Agency, the Imperial Economic Agency and the Imperial Relations Agency. War Command is the military arm of the ISOE, the Militia is the reserve/police agency, the IFCA is the fire control group and the IDA is the state general science group. All of these agencies are under 3 groups, the Armed Services, the Scientific Apparatus, and the State Services. The AS has War Command and the Militia, and the State Services has almost every other group under it. The Scientific Apparatus encompasses the Imperial Energy Agency, and the Imperial Development Agency. But since the leader is part of the AS it gets much more funding than another nation of the same size would provide, and thus has a lot more manpower than other nations of the same size. Meanwhile the Imperial Energy Agency has a lower budget than some other countries because of the abundance of cheap power under the home mountains, and thus the lack of a need for a new power source. Anything that can be spared to power the war machine is used. The budget is also heavily influenced by the three main competing factions in the state, the Armed Services, the State Services, and the Scientific Apparatus. Each one seeks to divert more funds to it so it can increase the size of its group and thus gain domination of the government, but because the military is armed, the other groups cannot do anything. And although the State Services are the largest group, they enjoy only secondary power compared to the Armed Services, and since the nation is under permanent martial law, any rebellion is impossible. The nation would just move in thousands of soldiers to kill the people, they can always be replaced.

Law Enforcement

In the ISOE there are almost no civil rights and this shows in how citizens are policed. There are security cameras everywhere and the secret police service, the Imperial Security Service, is ruthless and loyal to the state beyond belief. The ISS also functions as a intelligence agency, and spreads the will of the People across the world. These units will often stay in other countries for years, slowly solidifying the local intelligence network. Also in the military dictatorship, internet censoring occurs, and the only websites people are allowed to view are filled with propaganda. The police are all armed with assault rifles, they travel in military-issue IFVs, and even the police stations, called "justice centers", are built like fortresses, with sandbags, pillboxes and watch towers. The prisons are all underground, and prisoners are forced to work on weapons for the state 12 hours a day, 7 days a week until their service times are up. The guards are all armed, and security is tight for anyone not an inmate or guard, with individual prisons being administrated by Army majors, and the cells having ventilation from the center of the corridor, making it extremely difficult to escape the cells. After being released from prison, most inmates attempt to revolt against the state, and so the state has learned from it's mistakes and keeps a priority on doing surveillance on former convicts. If they are rebellious, they are executed by firing squad and their ashes are burned and put in farming land. Those who do not rebel are promoted in the Militia and given a better job, as they have shown discipline in not being vengeful against the state.

Leaders and Responsibilities

The leader of the ISOE is called the Consul and has 5 main responsibilities: running foreign policy, maintaining the military, acting as a propaganda figurehead, choosing supporting officers and choosing a replacement for after they die. This officer only manages the external affairs of the nation, with the interior being administered by the Unison Officer, whose main responsibilities are to keep order and unity in the country. The Unison Officer is selected by the Consul in the beginning of their rule, and the Consul is selected by their predecessor. Under each of these leaders is the Imperial Council, the heads of the governmental agencies, who advise the leaders and manage their departments. 

Edited by Imperial States of Europe (see edit history)
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Agriculture - While not a agrarian society, the ISOE still maintains a large state-owned agricultural sector, to reduce reliance on foreign imports. And while the mountainous terrain poses many problems, these are solved in a variety of ingenious ways, for example, the mountains are covered with terraces, and many houses have roof gardens. The staple crops are rice, and wheat, although other crops are cultivated as well, just not in as large quantities. Large numbers of sheeps and cows fill the factory farms of the nation, accompanied by smaller numbers of chickens. Although the climate of Marenesia is perfect for farming, the mountains substantially limit the amount of arable farmland. 

Major Industries (In Order of Size)

  1. Mining Industry
  2. Heavy Industry (Metallurgy)
  3. Shipbuilding Industry
  4. Agricultural Area
  5. Arms Industry
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History of the European People

1678 - Expedition to explore the area that would become the ISOE departs from Adaptus, becoming known as the Kifling Expedition. 

1684 - Decision is made by the Marenesia Commercia Consociatione Adaptus to colonise the area, naming it _____. 

1687 - First ship of colonists reaches _____. More follow, and the place becomes a colossal building site. 

1688 - Natives join forces to defend their island, and Adapton ships stop coming to the island, when it is found that the island is poor in precious metals.

1689 - With the stop of the flow of resources into ___, the colonists and natives start doing all out war, but superior Europan technology allows the colonists to win. 

1690 - With the conquest of the island, a republic is founded on the island. The Prophet of Europe also began the Cult of Europe this year. 

1690 — 1740 - The country becomes a European majority nation, and renames the island Europe in 1717. A theocratic party is put in power in 1734, and immediately puts control of the country in the hands of the European Council, outlawing elections as a result. The Theocracy starts out well, but gradually grows more corrupt...

1740 — 1950 - As the years go on, the Theocracy grows much more abusive of the population, and technophobic. This lowers the standards of living for the People. Radical left wing groups start the Imperial Party of Europe, a organisation originally aimed at protecting and equalising the People. In ___, when the first atom bomb is detonated, the Imperial Party of Europe rapidly grows in membership, due to its promise to completely protect the People from nuclear annihilation. In 1950, the Theocractic Guards fired on protesting Europeans. For many, this was the last straw. The crowd surged forward, killing the guards, as they were armed with muskets. The crowd, led by the infamous leader of the Imperial Party, _____. News spread of the victory, and the Theocracy was soon overrun with militia groups. The Imperial Party managed to take the urban regions of Europe, but other militant groups managed to hold onto rural regions. From the holdings of the Imperial Party, the Imperial States of Europe was founded.



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