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Request: Mauridiviah

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Nation in Europa: Mauridiviah



Link: Flag of the Most Serene Republic of Mauridiviah

Capital name: Maurotopia

Capital location: Near but not on the coast. It has a Caracas-La Guaira relationship with another city called Puerto D'Morrocoy

Factbook link: 

Newsroom link: 


Culture: Hispanic/Latin (Clarification: Latin as in Latin American, not Roman.)

Climate: Wet, warm, and tropical. I'd prefer it if my nation was placed somewhere around the equator plz map god, O praised be your name.

Location: Coastal. Most of the population is concetrated around there, but there are some more inland regions.

History: I'd say younger than 300 years. Iverica and I talked about how they could've colonized us, but the nation as it currently stands is only 30 years old and overall is almost 100 years old.

Thanks for reading this.

I didn't know how to end this so here you go, have a meme:


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@Sunset Sea Islands That's a correct assumption.

@Mauridiviah Have a look at our climate map. http://www.europans.com/map/ There are several wet, tropical inland locations available. You mention being a former colony of @Iverica , so I'm looking at the western coasts of Alharu and Aurelia. Depending on how much hinterland you prefer, there are both flat and mountainous areas available.

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@Orioni Thank you for replying and considering my request! :D.

I was thinking of being placed somewhere inside the red circle, preferably in one of the flatter areas which I circled in yellow.

Being placed too close to Cashar would cause parts of my history which rely on limited isolation to no longer be realistic, hope you find my suggestions acceptable :).


Edited by Mauridiviah
I am no longer a bad speller :P (see edit history)
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