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The Allied States of Meteorola


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Flag Namibia.png
Motto Be ready, weather or not
Capital Storm
Official Language(s) English
Leader Hurricane Eric
Currency Degree

The Allied States of Meteorola is a huge, safe nation, renowned for its punitive income tax rates. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, intelligent population of 651 million enjoy a sensible mix of personal and economic freedoms, while the political process is open and the people's right to vote held sacrosanct.

It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent government stops and the rest of society begins, but it is mainly concerned with Education, although Law & Order and Defence are secondary priorities. The average income tax rate is 73%. A healthy private sector is dominated by the Arms Manufacturing industry.

Ethnic minorities are often refused admission to some of the nation's best schools, abortions are routinely performed in Meteorola's hospitals, main battle tanks stalk the woods of Meteorola in search of Lightning Bugs, and Meteorola's educational system is the envy of many and regarded as a pinnacle of educational achievement. Crime is well under control, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Meteorola's national animal is the Lightning Bug, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the Degree.


As the name implies, The Weathered Isles are just that, located off the coast of Europa. There are seven inhabited islands in the archipelago of 10. The largest island, which is home to the capital city of The Eye of the Storm, also has a small mountain chain running through it. This mountain chain has beautiful scenery and is home to a reasonably sized mining industry. The other islands are smaller but have fertile land. The three unoccupied islands are situated close together and each has an active volcano, making them unfit for human habitation.

The capital city of The Eye of the Storm is the largest city in the Alliance. Its deepwater port made it an excellent way to export the metals and minerals mined on the island's interior. The other port cities scattered among the islands are Vorti City, Foggy Bottom, Dew Point, Isobar, and Breezewood. The mining towns of Uplift and Lake Effect (located on a lake of the same name) are much smaller. The national economy largely rests on trade between the various islands, though there is some trade with the mainland.


First discovered by the mainlanders, long before they knew of each other, the people of the isolated islands, very much believed in nature, and most of all- the weather. The islands discovery began a chain of events that led each island to learn from its neighbors. The understanding that they were no longer alone began a series of cultural exchanges that blended together and eventually made each islands people indistinguishable from another.

The multiple governments recognized that the people of the Weathered Isles were not as technologically advanced as the mainlanders. Most nations turned to the military for research. This caused a slow build up of organized military practices. About 100 years after the Awakening the first of a long series of wars began ravaging the islands. The mainland, unconcerned, did not become involved.

Commerce instead was responsible for bringing technology to the Weathered Islands, mainly shipping building in the port cities.

It was only 100 years ago that the people of the Weathered Isles rose up against the various Monarchs and formed the Alliance. The first uprising took place in The Eye of the Storm. The revolt was led by our national hero and namesake Penn Meteo. Within 10 years the Winds of Change (as the revolutions are collectively called) had reached all of the islands.

Penn Meteo was determined that there should never again be a war between the islands and tried to unite them. He died before his dream was achieved. Some countries, however, did unite, just not all. Tensions over fishing rights, as well as the memories of old wars, kept total unification at bay. Eventually, through heavy negotiations did the Weathered Islands unite to form the Allied States of Meteorola.


National: We are a democracy. Our parliament is The Council of the Weathered Isles, which is headed by the Hurricane, currently myself. The Council meets in the World Weather Building. There are several major political parties, representing all views of the people, from the east wind to the west wind. Suffrage is granted at 18 to all citizens of the Alliance.

Local: As we are an Alliance individual districts do have their own laws and regulations, though most business is carried out by the Council, especially international relations.

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