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New Laws to be placed on Travel within Hunnistan

As it is known, Hunnistan has always preferred the horse to any other method of transport. Recently new laws have been passed to further emphasize this, and to aid travel for those with horses in the modern world. The law essentially orders that those with unfenced land shall allow horse transit to pass through, and to begin construction of separate roads designed purely for horse transport, so that motor vehicles and horses do not find themselves in the situation of unfortunate accidents. Those entering via motor vehicle to the nation from a foreign nation will be informed at the border that the horses have the right of way, to increase this understanding. 

This has been a report by Tudósítást NEWS, thank you and Ride Well!

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Orders to go into action regarding proper clothing and laws on weapons.

Hunnistan is a nation with its roots in traditional Turkic and Magyar culture and history. As such, and understanding of typical clothing is to be presented to inform those who may be unaware of typical dress. It is not uncommon to see citizens wearing some of the more modern clothing however the vast majority wear old style clothing, including the traditional wool or cotton Deel (adapted from Mongol style) and fairly baggy trousers, with a fur or wide-brimmed hat. Women wear either the same or more oriental variants. However what causes this to be justified as news, is new laws regarding the public wear of Magyar, Hunnic, and Turkic armor, and the public wielding of weapons. Fret not, these laws loosen the restrictions on such things. It is now legal to wear full armor, on the basis that it is historic to our nation. In other words, full plate armor is not allowed, but traditional leather scale maile is allowed, as well as other lamellar armor. In terms of weapons, they are allowed to be tied to your person (or horse in terms of spears) but may NOT be drawn at any time inside a building or around large crowds, lest an accidental injury occurs. 

This has been a report by Tudósítást NEWS, thank you and Ride Well!

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