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Protecting the Past, Securing the Future


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To:- The World

For many decades now our nation has sat on the sidelines of global affairs, content to watch the world. It is now time that this comes to an end, I personally can not remember the last time a foreign dignatary officially visited our capital city of Thale, and therefore I am committed to changing this. It is my hope that working together we can create an organisation designed at achieving greater global understanding of cultures, history and traditions, that this may lead to greater friendship between nations. It is also my hope to one day travel the world, and when I do I wish to see and experience the cultures of other nations, and to this end I believe it important that these be protected, be it dying languages and art forms or physical remains of historical sites. Only by working together with one determined purpose can we break down barriers of cultural misunderstanding, improve educational experiences and preserve the past for future generations. 

It is therefore my ambition to create the Treaty for Cultural and Historical Exchange (TCHE), a multi-national organisation designed to promote co-operation in several academic fields as well as opening our citizens eyes to the cultures of neighbours and potential friends. It is my hope that you will accept my invitation to meet with myself and my team at Thale Royal Palace in the coming days to discuss this concept and reach a mutually acceptable treaty which will kick start this ambition of a young Archaeology student, to this end I have taken the liberty of attaching a draft treaty as a point from which to start discussions. 

May The Four Bless You

Queen Julia III of Morheim


Treaty for Cultural and Historical Exchange


The Purpose of this Treaty is as follows

1. To promote international co-operation in all aspects of cultural research and education.

2. To allow all citizens  to take ownership of their own culture and traditions.

3. To allow all citizens to experience and appreciate the culture and traditions of their neighbours.

4. To promote greater respect and understanding between the nations of the World

To these ends the signatories of this treaty agree to the following 

1. The remains of any human found must be returned to the nation of origin if that nation requests it. The repatriation should be carried out with 12 months and costs will be meet by the nation requesting it. Any disputes will be handled using Appendix 1

2. A standardised regional method of cataloguing artefacts will be drawn up and all attempts should be made to digitalise this allowing access to scholars of all levels across the region.

3. Any artefacts discovered which are thought to be non-native are to be catalogued as in Article 2. These artefacts should then be made available to the native nation on the same conditions as Article 1 after approval has been given by the panel of scholars. The panel of scholars shall follow the guidelines as set out in Appendix 1.

4. Scholars of all nations should not be prevented from accessing sites of interest in other nations as long as the following conditions are meet.
i ) The study does not interfere with research already being undertaken at the site.
ii) Non destructive techniques are used.
iii) Scholars undertaking the study comply with all local customs and laws
iv) If an area is considered "off limits" by the government of the nation then alternative methods of study must be contemplated.
v)A nation may reserve the right to refuse entry if the nation has evidence of actions, speech or beliefs that contradict those customs and or laws of the host nation.

5. Each nation will establish a faculty at a University which is devoted to the study of non-native history and cultures. 

6. Each nation is to make available for loan a series of artefacts they believe represent a overview of their nations history. These are to be made available for loan to any Treaty nation for a period of 6 months. It is the financial responsibility of the nation loaning the artefacts to cover safe transport costs and to compensate the home nation should any loss or damage occur.

7. The establishment of a multi-national working group which will oversee the administration of the following.
i ) A register of sites which are of interest to more than one nation. The process for admission onto this register shall be as follows. Applications will be made by the government of the nation in which the site is located. Applications to be on this register will be submitted to the panel described in Article 8. A simple 3/4 majority of scholars from treaty signatory nations will enrol sites onto the register. 
ii) A quarterly Historical and Cultural Journal which will contain peer reviewed articles by scholars from across the region. This will be open to all citizens of the Independent Order.
iii) An annual conference to take place where the aims of this Treaty can be discussed and promoted.

8.Should any disputes arise between nations over the issues of repatriation of artefacts or remains an international panel of scholars will be created that will arbitrate such matters. The panel will consist of one scholar from each nation, the scholars of the nations in dispute will be excluded from passing judgement on the matter disputed. The panel of scholars will use an independent set of guidelines (Appendix 1) to judge disputes.

9. Any nation wishing to join at a latter date may do so as long as they meet the following criteria

i) Agree to uphold the Articles of this Treaty
ii) Obtain the backing of at least two other Treaty nations

Signed by_______________

APPENDIX 1 - Guidelines for Scholars

1. The panel will be made up of one scholar per nation.
2. The chair of the panel will be held by one nation for one calendar year, this will then rotate. We suggest this work alphabetically to avoid disputes.
3. Upon any dispute arising between nations the chair will convene a meeting of the panel. If the chair's nation is involved then they will be disqualified from the meeting and the next country alphabetically will take over the lead of the meeting, that is obviously unless they too are involved in the dispute, in which case it simply rotates to the next.
4. The first role of the chair during the meeting will be to negotiate a mutually acceptable agreement between nations.
5. Should this negotiation fail the chair will instigate an investigation into the dispute.
6. Once the investigation is complete the chair will call for a meeting between the nations involved and the panel. During this meeting all sides may present their case.
7. The panel will retire and discuss their decision, they have the option of awarding artefacts to either nation or awarding "Shared custody" (this will be defined as 6 months in each)
8. In the events of a split vote the Chair will have the casting vote.
9. Should any nation fail to comply with the decision of the panel they will forfit the right to remain part of this treaty.
10. All nations signed to this treaty agree that military threats or use of force will not be used to solve disputes or influence the panel. 
11. Disputes must be brought to the attention of the panel with 24 months of an artefact being catalogued. 



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To Her Majesty Queen Julia

The nation of Kaitaine highly values education and cultural exchanges. Only by better understanding of the world can we hope to understand the true nature of our existence. As such I would beg your indulgence to send not just a member of our nations government but also a member of my Sisterhood's scholarly branch known as the Missionara Protectiva. These women have dedicated their lives to studying various subjects, history and archaeology being one of the main focuses of their work. I believe such a person can offer a valuable contribution to such an organisation. We do however have concerns about the treaty however we are more than happy to enter into negotiations and hope that other nations will join with the two of us to make this a reality.

Best Wishes

Reverend Mother Hannah McKay

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To Her Royal Highness Queen Julia

We applaud your actions to open up your nation to the wider world, and we hope to gain mutual knowledge and respect as a result of both diplomatic and cultural exchange. Many scholarly individuals in our nation have expressed positive notions of your decision, and wish to also further open up Qardania to the wider world. Our nation's earlier administrations have been cautious when it comes to opening up to other nations, but my administration is working to change that, as over the past decade many in our nation have expressed their interest in opening up our nation and its culture to the wider global community of nations in order to learn from and cooperate with other nations in solving our shared global concerns and issues.

My administration is more than willing to send a delegation to Thale, to discuss relations, and to further discuss the details of this proposed Treaty for Cultural and Historical Exchange (TCHE). This delegation shall consist of various scholars from our esteemed institutions, joined by my Foreign Minister.

Qarshiq (Qar Guides)

President Vindios Tirr

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To Her Majesty Queen Julia of Morheim

For decades we, the Sunset Sea Islands, have been maintaining education and scientific advances as one of the key values of our culture. We are very pleased that a nation which has just recently made its debut on the global stage wishes to pursue the path of wisdom and science and extends their hands in friendship to those who share its interest across the planet.

As the Sunset Sea Islands are home to several archaeological sites we are eager to join the common cause to shine a light into the oblivion of the past. We are sure that both of our nations, as well as those who join our ranks, will be able to benefit greatly from our efforts.

The Radiant Republic of the Sunset Sea Islands has been investing greatly in the exploration of the future, namely technology and science to lead us into a new age. Our sights are focussed on the future and it is entirely possible that we neglected our past. This alone is proof that there is something to gain for all of us here. Whilst the Sunset Sea Islands might profit from the archaeological expertise of the scholars of @Morheim , you could benefit from the highly technologically advanced tools and scientific instruments the Sunset Sea Islands have developed whilst reaching for the future.

The Treaty for Cultural and Historical Exchange (TCHE) will be able to achieve what generations of scientists have struggled with for aeons: uncover the mysteries of our past. We fully support the draft and wish to see it bear blossoms.

Whilst the age of our monarchs came to an end, we hope that the light of our crown may reign supreme for decades.

With the utmost respect,


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The Ministry of Diplomatic Affairs

Het Kantor fan Buitenlant Tieplomatiek fan Het Huisselant Variota

The Foreign Diplomacy Department of Het Huisselant Variota

''Fan Lant tot Lant, gepraat met gesont verstant"

''From Nation to Nation, talks with common sense"


Het Huisselant Variota wishes to congratulate the Queen with her decision to finally pick up the mantle of responsibilities and lead her nation in a way that is to be and should be expected of a Monarch, a President or a Foorste Frauwe fan'es Ferantwortelik fan'es Folke. However, as the nation of Morheim has remained relatively isolationist in nature and very little information that has been put into the international community by the nation can be checked and confirmed by outside sources that Het Huisselant trusts, we are at this moment declining any opportunity to join in on this international organisation. While other nations may be quick to jump into a possibly leaky boat, to tie the cat to the bacon, we feel that lowering our rules, regulations and laws among other issues such as sharing cultural artifacts for and to unknown foreigners isn't the smartest thing to do at this time. To speak in terms of the regular people on the street: 'If you have a choice between your uncle and a shady stranger to buy from, you pick your uncle. If you only have the shady stranger to pick from, it might just be better to be sober for a night.'.

That being said, there is no reason why the shady stranger cannot receive a light above his face and become a friend. As the Greatest Nation of Alharu, it is our duty to shine our light upon the nations of the world that have not yet received the privilege of experiencing the superior Variotan culture. As such, we have arranged a small care package for the Queen in which she will find a free three-months online subscription of Het Waarre Raket fan het Noorten's premium service, which allows such benefits as being able to read all issues including the highly-acclaimed and popular Sausage Section, a variety of CD's by great Variotan artists such as Dina Diva, Felicity St. Foxxy, Helemaal Variot and Auwe Rukker and a premium-quality Variotan eggplant, rightfully deemed the best in the world for it's unique flavour which is being hailed as magnificent among the food critics of the world, with one critic calling the flavour 'a flavour explosion of rich, creamy meatiness, a wondrous culinary experience that everyone should have happen to them atleast once. Almost addictive in it's texture, flavour and mouth feel.'. We are sure that this will cement the Queen's, perhaps not yet consciously existing, wish to pull the Morheiman nation closer to Het Huisselant.

Additionally, our very own Foorste Frauwe fan'es Ferantwortelik fan'es Folke, the World's Greatest Diva and best-selling artist Dina Diva has offered to give Queen Julia the opportunity to visit her in an official state visit once she deems she has the time to visit Het Huisselant. As someone who has been praised multiple times by various leaders and other important people in the world for her political prowess, stunning good looks, deep emotional connection with people that are lesser off, roots in every layer of society, the grace and glory that she shows everyday through gracing us with her presence and life, being an inspiration for the entire world with her winning attitude, long-running reality TV show and killer body and her voice, which some deem the equivalent of what actual angels sent by Jesus and God would sound like, we are sure that she will be an inspiration for the Queen in regards to what to aim for in her life and with her influence within the Morheiman nation. We are sure that the Queen acknowledges the great honor and glory that comes from receiving the opportunity of a state visit with Foorste Frauwe fan'es Ferantwortelik fan'es Folke Dina Diva.

Of course, the Variotan markets buying and selling cultural and other artifacts remain open to any and all members of the Treaty for Cultural and Historical Exchange, as they have and always will remain open to all individuals from all nations that have the monetary means and required visas to in-and-export previously named artifacts.


We hope to have informed you enough,

Reemy Lopentlant,
Minister of Diplomatic Affairs,
Het Huisselant Variota

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OOC- Still happy for people to join even if they've not RSVP'd


It was a crisp but bright morning in Thale and preparations had been underway since just after sunrise at the the royal Palace where the Queen had commanded the conference to be prepared, she hadn't slept well the night before and the sound of groups of soldiers outside her bedroom window sweeping the plaza for what must have been the tenth time meant she was now unlikely to catch anymore sleep. She swung her feet down onto the soft shaggy carpet, letting her feet sink into it before sitting up and yawning, she slipped on her dressing gown and crossed to the window, having a sneaky look out the window she saw about 20 members of the Household Cavalry armed with brooms systematically giving the white stone paving a good scrub. One of the NCO's clearly spotted the Queen at the window and his voice could be heard, "Lads, keep the noise down, Her Maj doesn't want to hear you lot." by the time he glanced back up Julia had gone to her bedside table and looked at her eyes, there were clear signs she'd not slept well, but she guessed a quick shower, a good breakfast and some make up would sort all that out. There was a knock on the door and Julia noticed it was now 7:30am the time she'd requested her Lady in Waiting, a girl called Matilda, the daughter of some important nobleman she'd got the job purely because of her father's friendship with the former Queen. She was a nice enough girl and Julia believed the two of them could become friends. 

"It's open" the Queen shouted as she twisted in her seat to see Matilda walk in with a silver tray containing breakfast, and most importantly a flask of coffee. "Morning Matilda" the Queen slid aside to allow her to place the tray on the usual table. 

"Good Morning Your Majesty" she gave a small bow now her hands were free, "I thought I'd take the liberty of picking out some outfits while your eating breakfast....if thats ok" the pair were still forming the foundations of their relationship, while Julia was used to having servants and staff doing things for her she wasn't used to having her own human at her call 24 hours a day. It was clear what the Lady in Waiting's duties were though do everything for the Queen that wasn't important to think about leaving her free to focus on the big issues. 

"No, I know what I'm wearing, its hanging up in the bathroom" the Queen had picked it the night before conscious that the decision would set some tone for her rule ahead, she knew the nations media would be watching her, after all this was the first time Morheim had hosted any significant visitors for as long as anyone could remember, and if Julia played it right this meeting would see a new multi-national agency birthed, quiet an achievement for her first full week as a full time Queen. She took a few bites of toast, even smeared in jam it felt dry and tasteless and so she headed for a shower. She was going over the various welcomes she'd be expected to give and trying to recall the faces and names of the dignitaries and representatives, she knew they'd be several aides hovering around to make sure she made no mistakes but it didn't stop the butterflies doing loop the loops in her stomach. It took her about half an hour to shower, do her make up and essentially in her mind "make herself presentable" before she went and retrieved her outfit, as she emerged from the bathroom she held up two ties, "The blue or the red?" She asked Matilda who looked puzzled.

"You're wearing a suit?" Matilda looked her up and down, a smart black pin stripe suit, complete with waistcoat and white shirt, where the Lady in Waiting had expected to see a pretty dress. 

"Yes, I'm wearing a suit and tie, so red or blue." Matilda instead spent the next twenty minutes trying to politely dissuade the Monarch who simply waited for Matilda to head to the giant walk in wardrobe before simply walking off having selected the blue tie. Several of the Palace staff bowed as she passed, and she smiled and nodded her acknowledgement back. She was supposed to be heading for the briefing room where Prime Minister  Martin Dries was waiting for her, instead she swung left at the door and out onto the Plaza, some rather unexpected guardsman quickly snapped to attention as the Queen walked between them, at first they didn't recognise her, the usually long flowing blonde hair pulled back into a bun behind her head. She made her way down the steps towards the Sergeant Major, "Good Morning Sergeant Major" she called from a few paces away, he turned smartly and saluted his unexpected visitor. "I just wanted to let you and your men know they've done a fantastic job, please pass on my thanks, but I think the plaza is now as clean as it need be, if there are no more duties please stand them down." Without waiting for a response she turned and headed back inside. 

"Nice touch" the Prime Minister had noticed her little diversion and come to see what was happening, "Such little touches always go down well with people Your Majesty" he said proudly, when she'd unexpectedly taken the throne she had been a shy nervous little girl, and while some of that remained she was blossoming into her new role and seemed to have a common touch unseen in a few generations. The pair walked together into the briefing room where the Queen was taken through the days proceedings step by step. She nodded that she was satisfied and then elected to spend the time between now and guests arriving watching the rest of the preparations from her Royal sitting room, one of her Huskies had padded in as she watched rows of stalls being set up along the far edges of the Plaza and groups of school children arriving. A large open space still remained but she could see some children racing around playing games, meanwhile the general public where being kept well back, unlike most days when the Plaza was open to the general public. Rupert was curled up at her feet as she sat on the window seat, her hand gently reaching down rubbing the back of his neck. It was only his reaction that meant she noticed the door open, she was so lost in her thoughts. "Well Your Majesty I am off to the airport to meet our guests, I hear the first are arriving in a few moments, I just wanted to wish you the best of luck." Prime Minister Dries said giving Rupert a playful belly rub before leaving. Julia watched the PM's car enter the plaza and come to a stop at the foot of the steps, just as the guests would when they arrived, the only difference would be the honour guard of the 1st Queen's Colour Guard who would be resplendent on parade. Julia watched the car leave and then clicked her tongue making Rupert follow her as she once more went outside. The stalls were filling up quick now, schools from across Thale had been preparing for weeks, each of them learning about another nation attending, after all Julia wanted to show the world that despite Morheim staying out of the worlds various international incidents it wasn't as though they'd been hiding in a cave, the youth of Morheim where plugged into world affairs probably more than their parents had ever been and Julia hoped to capitalise on that. She stood talking to some children who had prepared a stall showing of some work they'd done on Fleur de Lys, the Queen asking them to teach her some basic phrases and playing at being bad with the 8 year old students, despite already knowing such a basic thing, she had after all been studying herself since everyone had replied. The younger school children however seemed more interested in Rudolph who was happy being a Husky prostitute and open to being stroked and petted by anyone as he followed Julia from stand to stand. It was only when a tall Army Captain approached that the Queen recalled why they were really here, the PM had made first contact. 

The airport in Thale had been prepared specially for today, flags of various nations hung from the windows of the main terminal where its VIP section had been turned into a kind of informal diplomatic lounge, Prime Minister Dries, a man in his mid fifties with balding hair and thin rimmed glasses sat reading his paper until a member of the Air Force arrived and informed him the first aircraft was approaching. "Excellent" he said as he carefully folded the paper and then returned it to the centre of the coffee table between low black leather sofa's, his OCD kicked in as he placed the paper and he had to return to ensure it was straight and parrallel with the edges of the table before heading outside. It was his attention to details that had made him such a useful mentor to Julia alongside her own Mother, who sadly wasn't able to be the pillar of support she would have liked. Outside members of the Air Force band began the opening strains of the national anthem of their guests, the PM not really sure who was who based just on the tune, it became some kind of game with the bands master of how quickly he could work them out. As each nation arrived he greated them in a similar fashion, "Good Morning, my Queen is looking forward to meeting you, now if you need anything during your stay just let us know, we would love it if you had a pleasant stay.....as well as a productive one." and with that each guest was ushered into a black SUV from the Royal Protection branch, a pair of motorbike outriders escorting them first down to the coastal road where the lush green fields gave way to a beachside road that headed towards the imposing glass fronted skyscrapers that loomed above Thale. The city was effectively two in one, a river seperating the old historic part of the city where the Palace was located, and the vibrant modern business centre on the other. Julia had purposely asked that the drive to the Palace take in both parts of the city and traffic was stopped as each delegate passed by the huge newly finished National Archive, a museum and research centre that had opened just a year ago, it housed documents going back nearly 1000 years in special atmosphere controlled conditions, it also was home to collection of the nations most treasured possessions and it occupied a position next to the bridge that separated old and new. As cars wound their way towards the Palace they passed down a narrow street, the houses either side dating from the 17th Century  The smooth modern road giving way to well trod cobbles that the SUV glided over between white wooden buildings that housed some of the cities more upmarket businesses. The road climbed for a while before the Palace came into view, eight horseman stood guard at the gate forming the first of two guards of honour the dignitaries would pass by before meeting the Queen. As each SUV arrived the children who had been experiencing their own little cultural festival hurried over to the makeshift roadway down the centre of the Plaza to wave hello and energetically brandish their flags to welcome the visitors. As the first SUV pulled up the Queen took a deep breath from her position in the Palace's reception hall, with perfect timing the 30 members of the Colour Guard made their way outside so that they had turned into line at the exact moment their commanding officer opened the SUV door for their guest to receive a royal welcome. The Queen watched as Matilda kept an eye of the proceedings outside and only once the visitor was exiting the SUV did Julia make her way outside. She did her best to stand as tall as she could, she was a rather tall woman anyway, most of the family where and her long stride ate up the ground between the Palace door and the new arrival. Matilda had whispered who she was meeting to her just as she exited the door. "I'm thrilled to meet you" Julia extended a hand as she approached, "Queen Julia, welcome to the Palace, I trust you had a pleasant trip?" she enquired, "Now I don't know which you'd prefer but we're having a small Cultural Festival here today, what I hope is the first of many for TCHE, we have some time before everyone arrives, if you would like to explore out here that is fine, but I understand you've had a long trip, if you prefer we've some coffee and cake waiting inside. The decision is yours." she waited for her guest to make their decision. 

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As the plane landed, a man with a black suit and blue tie with black hair combed straight back had started making his way to exit the plane, with his 3 colleagues following closely behind. One was wearing a black and white pin on his suit’s left lapel, seemingly picturing something similar to an eye. Another had short white hair with a thin beard, this time with a red tie.  The one furthest back with short black hair was adjusting a pin on his lapel with the letters GPU. As the 4 men exited the plane, the sun was fairly low in the sky, but still gave off a sense of a new dawn. Not just of a new day, but of new opportunities for Qardanian involvement in international matters. As the 4 men lead by the man with the blue tie were exiting the plane and walking towards their motorcade, what appeared to be members of a military band were playing the Qardanian national anthem. Then they were greeted by a man with glasses and balding hair. The 2 men shook hands. “Welcome to Thale Mr. Gennaro, hope your flight was pleasant.” the man greeted. “Thank you Prime Minister, and thanks for hosting us.” responded Amadeus Gennaro, Qardania’s Foreign Minister. The Prime Minister continues, “My Queen is looking forward to meeting you, now if you need anything during your stay just let us know, we would love it if you had a pleasant stay.....as well as a productive one." The Foreign Minister responds, “Thank you again Prime Minister, I do believe that we shall achieve something great during this visit.” The Prime Minister continued to shake the hands of the other 3 men before they followed Mr. Gennaro to their designated motorcade.


The city itself was impressive, not just because of the architecture or the sites, but it’s people as well. As their motorcade was driving around the city, many people could be seen waving to their motorcade, while waving the flags of the various nations attending this invitation by the Queen, including various Qardanian flags. “Her majesty sure does know how to greet foreign dignitaries. Inspiring her people to put on such a welcoming display.”, stated Dr. Qell, a cultural professor at Grazza Provincial University (GPU).

It wasn’t much longer until their motorcade came upon the palace gate where more children were waving towards their motorcade. As they pulled up to the steps of the palace, the colour guard made their way to properly welcome the dignitaries from Qardania. As the Foreign Minister exited the motorcade along with his 3 colleagues, he had spotted Queen Julia making her way to greet them. “I'm thrilled to meet you" , she said as she extended her hand. “Greetings your majesty.” said the Foreign Minister as he shook the Queens hand. “Queen Julia, welcome to the Palace, I trust you had a pleasant trip?" the Queen enquired. “The city was beautiful your majesty, we had a very pleasant and welcoming trip.” The Foreign Minister answered genuinely. “Excellent!” She responded. “Now I don't know which you'd prefer but we're having a small Cultural Festival here today, what I hope is the first of many for TCHE, we have some time before everyone arrives, if you would like to explore out here that is fine, but I understand you've had a long trip, if you prefer we've some coffee and cake waiting inside. The decision is yours." The Queen was patiently awaiting her guests choice. “If you don’t mind your majesty, I think we will head inside and await the arrival of the other dignitaries. After our long flight, a few of us could enjoy some coffee.”

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It was a difficult balancing act being the Reverened Mother, to maintain control over the Sisterhood and its vibrant ever changing set of staff. Some of the women working for them would head off around the globe on various tasks, be it the Missionara Protectiva to visit some archive or site of interest, the Truthsayers off on some "team building adventure" or the like, or even the Mothers seeking to tend to the faithful living abroad. As such it was easy enough for someone to be away when you needed them, but flexibility and adaptation where two things the Sisterhood admired. Even if you did know who was around it was a delicate balancing act, not favouring one Holy House over the other three, and to add to that problem Reverened Mother McKey was still in hospital following her recent fall this meant as a result it had taken nearly two hours of discussion and heated debate to determine who they would send, after all the name of whichever represenative was sent could potentially go on a document of great historical importance.

As a result it was the Minister of Culture, Conor Braden who was choosen, not only did this make most sense in terms of the government involvement but the man had fairly decent standings with all four of the Holy Houses. Accompanying him, and this had been something McKey had insisted on even before her fall was a member of the Missionara Protectiva the scholarly branch of the Sisterhood. It was there role to preserve and protect the past, they kept meticulous historical records and journeyed the world looking to add to that, be it voulenteering on archaeology sites or writing academic articles. This decision had seen Lidia, the wife of one of the Duke of Fremen's son's, she had worked as a Missionara for over twenty years, starting off as a research assistant, then a "wandering scholar" responsible for tracking down items and texts of interest across the globe, before finally being part of the Board of Scholars that ran the Missionara, she was however unused to diplomatic concerns.

As the aircraft landed it was Braden who took the lead, returning the greetings of the Prime Minister, the pair of Kaitainites left some of the traditional Kaitaine mannerisms to one side, they often took time to explain, by which point first impressions would have been created and so instead they settled on a handshake. Lidia rather enjoyed the ride through the city, a chance to look at some of the buildings made her think about spending some time exploring once the conference was done, she hadn't travelled really for a few years now and missed her old "Wandering Scholar" days. As they approached the Palace she noticed the stalls of children and spotted a Kaitaine flag among them.

"Good morning Your Majesty" Braden greeted the Queen as he and Lidia gave small bows, "Thank you for the warm welcome, our journey was uneventful" the tubby middle aged minister replied, "If it's agreeable I'd like to grab a coffee, maybe catch up on things" he began to follow her inside.

"Actually Your Majesty" Lidia began, "I might go and explore a little of this festival if that's ok" and with that she made a beeline for the stall where she had seen the Kaitaine flag, she wondered if the children would recognise her Missionara uniform, the blue tunic and trousers piped in red, and in Lidia's case gold to show she was on the Board of Scholars, she smiled as she approached them, "Good Morning, so what you got going on this morning." she asked one of the children.

Inside Braden thanked the Queen once more for her hospitality and accepted a coffee, he noticed a man already in with his entourage, "A good start it seems" the Cultural Minister said having introduced himself, "If I remember rightly your from Qardania?" Braden took a seat, "Not meet many people from your nation, but todays a good chance to change that right?" he smiled as he gently tapped a spoon against his cup before placing it delicately on the saucer beneath it. "I did have a compatriot, a member of our Bene Gesserit sisterhood, but she's gone walk about" he explained as he gently blew on the coffee before taking a sip.

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To: Queen Julia III of Morheim

From: Secretary General Greggor Ivanof on the behalf of the Socialist Government of the Socialist Federation of Ahrana

Level Classification: Level 4

Your Majesty, Queen Julia III of @Morheim,

It is with great excitement that I announce to you that the Socialist Federation has decided to join with your great nation and many others in creating the Treaty for Cultural and Historical Exchange. We would consider it an honor if we could join you and the others on this great spectacle of Union and Friendship, if it is allowed I would like nothing more than to send an Ambassador and our Ministry of Culture to Your Country to join these talks. 


With great Gratitude and Respect,

Secretary General Greggor Ivanof, Field Marshal of the People's Armed Forces of the Socialist Federation of Ahrana

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Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth


To: Queen Julia III of Morheimm



The government of the Kingdom of Cristina, on behalf of its people, congratulates the Morheim government for its initiative to open up to the world. Today we live in an age of almost complete social, political and economic interdependence between the nations and no longer one can remain in isolation without suffering the consequent negative impacts on its society.

In view of this same interdependence, so that it does not become something harmful to the nations, we also understand that the acceptance of the various cultural differences becomes necessary. Now, one can not easily accept or understand something that is not known and here lies the importance of initiatives such as the TCHE suggested by Your Majesty Queen Julia III.

The Kingdom of Cristina has always placed great value on the cultural traditions of its people, traditions dating back to the Middle Ages and beyond, through the cultural heritage from the Eternal Empire and Mantella. Traditionally we are a people that respects the various foreign cultures and that have always sought to absorb their essences and intermingle them with our own roots, enriching us and not diluting us.

"Protecting the Past, Securing the Future" has always been the Cristinese way. It is not by chance that the Kingdom of Christina is among the most cultured and most technologically advanced nations. Therefore, it is of our extreme interest, and it will be a great honor for me to meet with Your Majesty in Thale to discuss the possibilities of the TCHE and / or similar ideas worldwide.


Sincerely yours,

Minister of Culture, Community and Youth Romana Francini

Edited by Cristina (see edit history)
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Julia was a little taken a back, she had never really thought the world would be so willing to accept an invitation from a nation that had ignored so many it had received over the year. Of course they'd sent people to state events in other nations, funerals, coronations, the odd memorial and the like but they'd ignored conferences and multi national organisations. Julia was simply relieved that the rest of the world seemingly didn't hold a grudge against them for doing so.

First to arrive was the delegates from Qardania, she felt slightly sorry for the children outside who had clearly put a lot of effort into learning about the lands that would be visiting them but she guessed it was hard to be positive around strange children after a long flight. She escorted them through the Palaces marble lined corridor, carved images of mythical beasts decorated the doors and archways, between them hung portraits of various members of the royal family throughout history. As they walked towards the lounge which was adjacent to the conference room that was now having last minute checks for its layout they passed a small circular hall, an area you could often find Palace staff gossiping or relaxing. Today though Julia's younger sister, the 15 year old Beatrix was sat on the ground throwing a sponge ball that the families second husky, Kimbo happily chased after. Seeing the group the dog trotted over to Julia and nuzzled at her leg as she tried to ignore him but soon he was looking for attention from Amadeus Gennaro, Julia pulled him away and he was once more distracted by the ball. "Sorry, Kimbo is very inquisitive, he can be a nightmare at times" she added, "Please come inside." she pushed open a heavy oak door to reveal a room that was a little out of place from the old architecture. It was a series of modern black leather sofa's and a solid wood floor polished to a bright shine with a series of patterned rugs strewn. A low coffee table sat in a horseshoe of the sofa's with various coffee pots and the like already out. "We have regular coffee, freshly brewed, if you prefer we can find some other blends if you want anything special, a drop of whiskey even maybe?" she suggested. Before she could settle down herself she was told the Kaitainites had arrived and so she made her way back, stopping briefly to tell Beatrix to take Kimbo somewhere else before making her way to the Palace entrance.

Julia was aware of this nations control by this Bene Gesserit faith, the religion itself was a mystery to her but she knew enough to know that the group had its own scholars, one of whom was already here. Julia felt pleased that at least one visitor would go and visit the children, and while Lidia went exploring she lead Conor Braden to the lounge. "Mr.Braden, Kaitaine Minister of Culture, this is Mr.Gennaro, foreign Minister of Qardania." she made the introductions, poured herself a coffee and prepared to take a seat and engage in her first foreign conversation in an official capacity. "I'm delighted both of you picked to come here, I was frightened my request would fall on deaf ears, I mean we've ignored enough of the world for a while, but that will change. I hope that we can become a bit more of an active force for good. This could be our start, so thank you for the opportunity" Julia tried to appear relaxed but she was unsure what the world would say about them literally ignoring crisis after crisis or conference after conference.

Outside the children who had been studying the Kaitaine culture knew what the uniform Lidia wore was and had so many questions, especially the girls, "Had she fired a rifle? Did she ever ride a Sandworm? What did spice taste of?" they had so many questions about a faith that seemed so bizarre. They were also keen to show her the posters they'd made of the country and the model of a mythical sandworm they'd made. They looked around at the other stalls and felt proud that theirs was the only one being visited by a VIP.

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It was 1100 in Moskovo while it was 1300 in Thale, Minister Celia Jansen, The Minister of Culture, was to be going on her first ever trip away from home, she'd never left her Country ever and today was to be the time she had done so. As she left the Secretary Generals Offices in the People's Palace she went to her Office to pack a few things and got dressed in her Uniform. Like the other Ministers appointed by the Secretary General she was an Officer from the People's Army, in fact she was the only Lieutenant Commander in any Government Office. She looked on her desk for her Passport for International Use and gathered the other ID's that she held. She would be taking a State Plane to @Morheim with a few Secretaries that she would need. She had been given the authority by the Secretary General to sign her name on any treaty or paper in the name of the Socialist Federation and her Government. 

As she put her Knee High boots on and tucked her Trousers into the boots a phone call from the SG had came in,

"Aye Sir?"

"Jansen, don't be so up tight over there I know you are super formal about everything so just relax and learn and communicate with the people over there. If they come at you with harsh words or what not just brush them off and do what I taught you okay?"

"Aye Sir"

"Great and good luck"

Phone line goes dead

She turned to the Military Jacket that held all of her accomplishments and such orders she was in-doctored in and she turned to the mirror and said to herself, "In the name of the Federation and her People Jansen, you will represent us in the Culture Exchange with dignity." She then turned around grabbed her cover and brief case and walked out in uniform and proceeded to the state car.

It was about a five minute drive from the People's Palace to the Air Port so it was a short drive for her as the motorcade drove pass all of the cars while under Escort from the Police. It wasn't before long that she saw the State Plane and got herself ready for a long flight. She arrived at the plan eat the correct time it was 1115 and Plane STP-0091m was ready for takeoff. She walked up the stairs and looked to the pilots and nodded to them and they begun last checks and she sat down ready to leave. At 1125 the plane would take off and she would be on her way to the Culture Exchange in @Morheim the first ever for the Socialist Federation to take part of.


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Another semi-autonomous Lysian Concorde, another stairway, another hallway full of international flags. Only about six weeks after Prime Minister Theresa Tumbleweed flew to @Iverica to celebrate the foundation of ATARA she found herself again in a foreign airport being greeted by a Morhemian diplomat, @Morheim's Prime Minister. A Morhemian military orchestra started playing the Sunset Sea Islandian national anthem the moment she left the plane and the music grew louder the moment the two Prime Ministers shook hands. “Welcome to Thale Mrs Tumbleweed, I hope that your flight was pleasant.” the man greeted. “Thank you, Prime Minister. It's a pleasure to meet you” responded Prime Minister Tumbleweed. The Morhemian Prime Minister continued: “My Queen is looking forward to meeting you, now if you need anything during your stay just let us know, we would love it if you had a pleasant stay.....as well as a productive one." "We will take you up on that offer should the need arise." Mrs Tumbleweed replied.

She was escorted to an armoured car. The longer Theresa Tumbleweed observed Morheim, the more she was reminded of the way the Sunset Sea Islands were just a few years ago. A population celebrating their royal family, enthusiasm on one hand, crime and uncertainty on the other. The low number of surveillance cameras in the airport and the sheer lack of them throughout the streets of Thale made Theresa uncomfortable. Nevertheless, the ride through Thale was almost nostalgic as the city reminded her of the capital of the Sunset Sea Islands, just with fewer palm trees. The city split between the old royal buildings and the modern skyscrapers by a river was extremely reminiscent of Sunset City, where the royal district was surrounded by towers of glass and concrete reaching far into the skies. Morheim had to catch up on some fronts. The car she was sitting in had a physical chauffeur instead of an autopilot. The facades of the buildings to her sides weren't illuminated by fluorescent advertisements of all imaginable colours. The portable devices the Morhemians used were clunky and outdated. "Years of isolation take their toll." Theresa thought. But if the goals of the TCHE were fulfilled Morheim would certainly benefit from the equalising technological levels of nations worldwide. A golden age was awaiting Morheim, just as the Sunset Sea Islands were thrown into a new age by force not long ago.

Even the cold and calculating Prime Minister of the Sunset Sea Islands felt a little touched when she saw children waving Sunset Sea Islandian flags in the streets of Thale. Theresa smirked slightly, that minimal sign of human emotion was surely obstructed from the tinted windows of the car. She was sure that Lydia Mauve would have shown a bright smile and waved to the children, but she represented a different age for the Sunset Sea Islands. Yes, Lydia Mauve would have been a better person to send to Morheim, a nation reminiscent of the old Sunset Sea Islands, just where Mauve belongs. But Theresa was different and so was her nation. Both the colourful flag of the Sunset Sea Islands and the tranquil anthem seemed more like remnants of a dream long forgotten, a dream which Morheim was still dreaming. "May they never wake up to the harsh nature of reality." Theresa thought.

When the car stopped and Theresa Tumbleweed left the car, she didn't say goodbye to the driver as she had already forgotten about the lack of an autopilot, she saw Queen Julia the Third come towards her in fast, youthful steps. Once more the strict and probably twice as old leader of the Sunset Sea Islands thought that Lydia Mauve would have probably gotten along with the Morhemian queen better. Maybe the former Prime Minister could be sent to Morheim on a diplomatic mission? She'd be out of sight and out of her nation then. Meanwhile Queen Julia the Third and Prime Minister Theresa Tumbleweed had walked towards each other close enough to shake hands, which they did. "I'm thrilled to meet you" Julia extended a hand as she approached, "Queen Julia, welcome to the Palace, I trust you had a pleasant trip?" she enquired, "Now I don't know which you'd prefer but we're having a small Cultural Festival here today, what I hope is the first of many for TCHE, we have some time before everyone arrives, if you would like to explore out here that is fine, but I understand you've had a long trip, if you prefer we've some coffee and cake waiting inside."

After exchanging greetings and showing the necessary respect to a royal leader of a foreign nation she reluctantly chose to visit the booth Morheimian children set up for the Sunset Sea Islands. Tumbleweed never had children nor did she intend to have some, so she was not used to dealing with children. She pretended to show interest as the children recited facts about her home country every Sunset Sea Islandian citizen knew since birth. Nevertheless, she didn't want to appear cold and mean, she was sure the children were thinking of her as an old, grumpy hag, so she congratulated the children on their booth. Even though she appeared cold, Theresa Tumbleweed could at least appreciate the work and the effort the Morhemian children put into their booth. "This nation really is like the children's dream the Sunset Sea Islands woke up from when the tower collapsed."

She made her way into the hall and took up the offer of drinking coffee to her heart's content. She wasn't a cake person but she consumed enough coffee to make up for the declined cake. Nine hours of time difference really did make a difference. She booted up her sleek, elegant Elegy Corporation tablet computer and sat in a big, leather chair and enjoyed the warmth it emitted whilst she sank into the soft piece of furniture and the warm beverage replenishing her energy.

Edited by Sunset Sea Islands (see edit history)
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To Her Majesty Queen Julia of Morheim,

Until recently, Synturia too has remained on the sidelines of international affairs, having most of the Synturian executive board focus on supervising research and development projects and reorganizing the structure of Syndustries. On behalf of the Synturian executive board and of all of Synturians, we express our sympathies and applaud the people of @Morheim and their most honorable queen for venturing forth into the world to engage in the noble pursuit of knowledge. 

The ideology of Synturia rests primarily on the pillars of science, engineering, and technology. Synturia strives to advance technology, expand human knowledge and to build a better future. We believe that science is the universal language that the future will be written in and it is what brings nations together to towards that bright future. Again, on behalf of Synturia and the principles it is built upon, we extend our arms in friendship and cooperation as we accept your invitation to Thale for the Treaty for Cultural and Historical Exchange.

I am pleased to inform you that the Chief Executive Minister of Synturia, Noel Skum, and myself will gladly attend the state visit posthaste to inform your archaeology student of a peculiar find from Salda Turina Salt Mine Amusement Park. 

Best regards,

Nataline Percosset, Minister of External Affairs

Edited by Synturia
formatting (see edit history)
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Queen Julia was pleased to welcome the next few delegations, things were going far better than she had hoped, and letters from various others indicated that more were to follow. She settled down on a sofa in the lounge having introduced the delegates from Fleur de Lys and the Sunset Sea Islands to those already arrived she poured herself a coffee and took a seat. She was unsure how to proceed, for some reason she'd imagined that they'd all just somehow magically arrive at the conference table next door and things would begin, she hadn't realised the arrivals would be so spread out. She took a sip of her coffee, it was far too warm and her tongue was burnt by the dark liquid, she wished she'd added some milk now to at least take away the burning edge of the coffee. She did her best to not react and calmly placed the cup and saucer back on the coffee table that sat between the horseshoe of sofas , "I must say I'm excited to begin these talks, not only is it a first for our nation to host such an event, but its my first real royal event, I figure if your going to do it, then better go big yes?" she asked rhetorically realising she may sound a little unsure of herself. That wasn't the case at all, it was just that she knew so much rested on this, the first impression of her nation for one. 


She sat for a moment or two thinking what she should do and praying to the four Gods that someone would come and tell her that everyone was here and they could begin, her mind had been over and over her opening remarks for an hour or so by now and she just wanted to get it out of her. "I'm hopeful today will be positive, I know my people here are looking forward to meeting many of the worlds folk and sharing with them our history, and likewise visiting many interesting new places. If i was to visit what should be the first thing to see in your homelands?" She figured getting them to talk about their homes would be a good way of passing the time. 

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(OOC: College has started back up, so sorry for taking so long to write.)

The Minister was sat at a table drinking coffee, patiently waiting for other delegates whilst Dr. Qell and Dr. Press were speaking in the background, discussing the many opportunities that present themselves as a result of this newfound cooperation. "An international body focused on the attainment and preservation of history and knowledge is surely revolutionary, this could lead to a new level of global cooperation and understanding, stated Dr. Press. "Indeed, this organization is new and revolutionary. I just hope that the other delegates here will see it the same way." Dr. Qell said. The man with the eye shaped pin on his collar known as Qalos Red had quickly finished his coffee, then told the Foreign Minister. "If you don't mind Minister, I will head outside and check out some of the stalls. Should be interesting seeing what the youth here have learned of our nation and our faith." Mr. Gennaro responds "Go on ahead, I will wait here to great the other delegates when they arrive." As Qalos Red had walked outside, a new delagatin had arrived shortly afterwards. 

"Indeed, we are the delegation from Qardania. And from your mention of the siterhood, I am willing to guess your the delegation from kaitaine." "I've heard quite about about your nation, and I see our nations having a great future ahead of us." Mr. Gennaro then gestures to the two men behind him. "Dr. Qell and Dr. Press, this is Kaitaine's Minister of Culture Mr. Braden." The two men then came over to greet the delegate from Kaitaine, shaking his hand.

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"I look forward to exploring that future Mr.Gennaro" Minister of Culture, Conor Braden replied as he sat enjoying his coffee. He next turned to their host, after all it was her home and she should be respected as such, "If you were going to visit Kaitaine there are two places you should see above anything else, but be careful the time of year." He placed his cup down on the table, "The first is Chapterhouse School, it is a hub for our nations culture, it promotes learning, tradition and is the centre of our Bene Gesserit faith. From it all our nations desires to learn and grow come. The second is the Red Palace in Seitch, it's an old desert fort belonging to the Corrino family, one of the most Holy in our nations history. The sandstone city of Seitch is a vital centre for our faith harvesting the spice Melange that is part of our ceremonies and rituals, it is even believed by some that a Bene Gesserit Mother talking the Melange is capable of seeing the future. Personally I think it takes a little like cinnamon and is nice in cakes." He reached inside his jacket pocket. "That reminds me" he produced a small black ox carved out of onyx and inlaid with Gold. "The Reverend Mother asked me to present you with this with her compliments." he lifted the lid to reveal a fine red powder enough for maybe a teaspoon full. "A gift of some of Seitch's exquisite craftsmanship and the spice.....who knows maybe you could see how these talks will end and be able to turn events to your advantage" he chuckled as he handed the box over.

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It had been a long flight to @Morheim for Minister Celia Jansen, her first air plane flight to another country and it was a smooth one beside the ever so often turbulence . The Plane landed at 0900 this morning and Celia was getting ready to leave the plane to arrive to the Monarchs Palace. She wasn't sure to expect from the other delegates given recent events but she was hopeful.

Minister Jansen, the vehicle to transport you to the Palace of @Morheims Monarch is here and waiting for you.

Aye, Please keep the plane ready to leave when I arrive back Mr. Saar.

Aye Madam Minister.

As she walked out of the plane and descended down the stairs she took in the fresh air and the somewhat limited view of her surroundings. She proceeded to the vehicle and got in and hence forth she was on her way to the Palace. She still didn't understand the reasoning of the Secretary General sending her instead of someone else with more experience abroad and such. Still it was an honor for her to be able to represent her Nation and her People.

It wasn't long before the car arrived at the Palace Gates and she was very impressed with the Archutecture of the Palace. It reminded her of the ones back home before the Civil War that demolished most of the Palaces in her Homeland of Tatani. She waited as the car pulled around to the front and stopped to let her out, she put on her Cover and grabbed her Brief Case and stepped out of the Car and begun to walk to meet the Queen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OOC - I'm assuming anyone who is interested has actually arrived.


Queen Julia glanced around the large hollow square of tables that had been arranged, each nation had been provided with seats for their representatives, each had been provided with a black leather folder, their own flag embossed on the front, inside a copy of the draft treaty that Julia had written along with a few advisers. She gripped the edge of the table and stood up, keeping her self focused by the tight grip on the table, she could feel her legs wobble a little as it was the first time she'd spoke to dignatries outside of her nation. 


"Good morning" She began clearing her throat first with a cough. "I'd like to thank you all for agreeing to come, I know in the past Morheim has been a mere passenger in global affairs, content to watch events from the sidelines, refusing to take sides and happy to keep ourselves to ourselves. These things can not be allowed to continue, we are not a people with Imperialist dreams, nor do we wish to seek to control the world, what we wish is to be partners in greatness, we are a nation that values education, science, culture and loves our traditions. That is not to say we do not appreciate the culture and traditions of others, just we need to open ourselves to it. With that in mind I hope others will share our vision and join with us to create this new global organisation. I know many of you will have read the draft treaty, and I wish to reassure you that it is exactly that, a draft, I therefore open the floor to suggestions." She sat down breathing a sigh of relief as she did so. 



Treaty for Cultural and Historical Exchange


The Purpose of this Treaty is as follows

1. To promote international co-operation in all aspects of cultural research and education.

2. To allow all citizens  to take ownership of their own culture and traditions.

3. To allow all citizens to experience and appreciate the culture and traditions of their neighbours.

4. To promote greater respect and understanding between the nations of the World

To these ends the signatories of this treaty agree to the following 

1. The remains of any human found must be returned to the nation of origin if that nation requests it. The repatriation should be carried out with 12 months and costs will be meet by the nation requesting it. Any disputes will be handled using Appendix 1

2. A standardised regional method of cataloguing artefacts will be drawn up and all attempts should be made to digitalise this allowing access to scholars of all levels across the region.

3. Any artefacts discovered which are thought to be non-native are to be catalogued as in Article 2. These artefacts should then be made available to the native nation on the same conditions as Article 1 after approval has been given by the panel of scholars. The panel of scholars shall follow the guidelines as set out in Appendix 1.

4. Scholars of all nations should not be prevented from accessing sites of interest in other nations as long as the following conditions are meet.
i ) The study does not interfere with research already being undertaken at the site.
ii) Non destructive techniques are used.
iii) Scholars undertaking the study comply with all local customs and laws
iv) If an area is considered "off limits" by the government of the nation then alternative methods of study must be contemplated.
v)A nation may reserve the right to refuse entry if the nation has evidence of actions, speech or beliefs that contradict those customs and or laws of the host nation.

5. Each nation will establish a faculty at a University which is devoted to the study of non-native history and cultures. 

6. Each nation is to make available for loan a series of artefacts they believe represent a overview of their nations history. These are to be made available for loan to any Treaty nation for a period of 6 months. It is the financial responsibility of the nation loaning the artefacts to cover safe transport costs and to compensate the home nation should any loss or damage occur.

7. The establishment of a multi-national working group which will oversee the administration of the following.
i ) A register of sites which are of interest to more than one nation. The process for admission onto this register shall be as follows. Applications will be made by the government of the nation in which the site is located. Applications to be on this register will be submitted to the panel described in Article 8. A simple 3/4 majority of scholars from treaty signatory nations will enrol sites onto the register. 
ii) A quarterly Historical and Cultural Journal which will contain peer reviewed articles by scholars from across the region. This will be open to all citizens of the Independent Order.
iii) An annual conference to take place where the aims of this Treaty can be discussed and promoted.

8.Should any disputes arise between nations over the issues of repatriation of artefacts or remains an international panel of scholars will be created that will arbitrate such matters. The panel will consist of one scholar from each nation, the scholars of the nations in dispute will be excluded from passing judgement on the matter disputed. The panel of scholars will use an independent set of guidelines (Appendix 1) to judge disputes.

9. Any nation wishing to join at a latter date may do so as long as they meet the following criteria

i) Agree to uphold the Articles of this Treaty
ii) Obtain the backing of at least two other Treaty nations

Signed by_______________

APPENDIX 1 - Guidelines for Scholars

1. The panel will be made up of one scholar per nation.
2. The chair of the panel will be held by one nation for one calendar year, this will then rotate. We suggest this work alphabetically to avoid disputes.
3. Upon any dispute arising between nations the chair will convene a meeting of the panel. If the chair's nation is involved then they will be disqualified from the meeting and the next country alphabetically will take over the lead of the meeting, that is obviously unless they too are involved in the dispute, in which case it simply rotates to the next.
4. The first role of the chair during the meeting will be to negotiate a mutually acceptable agreement between nations.
5. Should this negotiation fail the chair will instigate an investigation into the dispute.
6. Once the investigation is complete the chair will call for a meeting between the nations involved and the panel. During this meeting all sides may present their case.
7. The panel will retire and discuss their decision, they have the option of awarding artefacts to either nation or awarding "Shared custody" (this will be defined as 6 months in each)
8. In the events of a split vote the Chair will have the casting vote.
9. Should any nation fail to comply with the decision of the panel they will forfit the right to remain part of this treaty.
10. All nations signed to this treaty agree that military threats or use of force will not be used to solve disputes or influence the panel. 
11. Disputes must be brought to the attention of the panel with 24 months of an artefact being catalogued. 


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  • 3 weeks later...



To: Her Majesty, Queen Julia III of Morheim

From: Agios Basilikon Kounsistorion of the Megas Agios Basileia Arhomanion

The Agios Basilikon Kounsistorion salutes the noble venture that you are starting upon.

Europa is blessed to be the home of many and varied cultures and a wide range of historical sites and artefacts. To endeavour to protect them is to not just preserve what has gone before, but also to enlighten those who will follow on afterwards. It is an aim that will help bridge any chasms that may spring up between the nations of our great region and the sharing of knowledge, culture and history can only help with that.

Tagmatium has many archaeological and historical sites famous across the region and it is that it is felt that many across Europa would be edified to see and experience. From the glorious sites of the Queen of Cities, Tagmatika, to the rock-cut churches in the northern foothills, Tagmatine culture shines out, glorifying Christ and the region of Europa. . However, in recent years, it seems that the world has, perversely, become larger. Fewer people seem to be travelling than before, and so many miss viewing sights across the region. It is said that travel broadens the mind and anything that helps to stimulate this would go a long way to making the region a more peaceful and cultured place.

The aim to reduce the barriers to scholarly cooperation is a worthy project, as education is key to building our future together. Without such understanding, the region may slip once again into ignorance and from there it would only be a matter of time before we see the sort of strife that blighted the region in the not so distant past.

To this end, the Greater Holy Empire will dispatch a delegation in order to discuss this treaty with yourself and the representatives from other nations that will be attending. Undoubtedly, it will be a fruitful occasion for all of those present.

May God favour the work that your majesty is undertaking.

Surprisingly for a member of the Logothesion (Ministry) for Foreign Affairs, Konstaninian Makarios hated travel, especially on diplomatic missions. He liked it well enough for holidays, but he knew that as soon as he was out of the Greater Holy Empire, then the rivals within his Logothesion would be plotting against him, just as surely as he would have been plotting against them. His aim was to one day replace the Megas Logothetes and in order to do that, he had to make sure that his name was out there. And not being undermined at home within the Logothesion. Whilst the Greater Holy Empire expected cooperation within its various governmental bodies, there was always a level of infighting, as the ambitions of many of those within them was to rise to the top. Makarios was no different in that regard – indeed, he had built up something of a reputation for being a schemer. But to be an under-minister in a foreign affairs ministry meant that some travel to other lands had to take place, especially if one's title was Logothetes for Wider World Affairs, and this almost certainly constituted that.

So, here he was, sat on an aircraft taxiing along the runway of some God-forsaken barbaroi realm. He scratched at his scalp and stretched his arms. Although he thought of himself as handsome, few others would have agreed. Those that didn't agree would have described the Logothetes as having “rat-like” features. He had a short, neatly-trimmed beard in the Tagmatine style, although his blond hair and blue eyes made him stand out from the rest of the delegation. Those blue eyes swept around the cabin of the airliner that had taken the Tagmatine delegation to Morheim. For a moment, they rested on the other two leading members, Kalixta Palama and Tribonianos Khalkokondyles, the representatives from the Logothesia for Culture and for Education respectively. Makarios shuddered. They had spent most of the trip gushing effusively about the opportunities that this treaty might afford the Greater Holy Empire – far beyond just educating foreigners about the beacon of light and culture that was Tagmatium. He shook his head. He had read through the treaty, but it didn't particularly interest him. It sounded far too academic and wishy-washy, something that he felt that he had left behind when he finished his masters' degree well over a decade ago.

The blue eyes then travelled out of the window to his left. It looked like the aeroplane was coming to a standstill. He picked up the sheaf of material on Morheim that the Logothesion had furnished him with. It wasn't all that much, which the professional side of Makarios found somewhat disconcerting. The nation had been quite isolationist until very recently, escaping the notice of the Greater Holy Empire. It seemed to be a constitutional monarchy, with a Prime Minister, but it seemed that the new queen, Julia, was the driving force behind this treaty. Cynical and somewhat bitter though he was, Makarios was prepared to admit that it was quite impressive. Most constitutional monarchs were merely figureheads. Presumably she was trying to put her stamp on the world and the treaty was an extension of that. And, as she had said herself, that she was a student of archaeology.

And she liked her dogs, especially huskies.

It had been suggested that, as a diplomatic gift, the Tagmatine delegation present her majesty with a typical Tagmatine dog breed. That had been quashed by Makarios. Whilst he liked dogs, he could just see an incident flaring up if Julia's current dogs took a dislike to the new arrival. And he just thought it a bit cruel to keep a dog cooped up for the length of the flight. It was bad enough for a human.

Instead, several mosaics involving dogs, hunting scenes and the like, had been loaded onto the plane. They were copies of genuine examples, as the Logothetes for Culture had pointed out that sending a real one might be somewhat against what the treaty was about. Still, Makarios imagined that these barbaroi would have lots of fun trying to put them together again, although under the direction of the mosaic specialists that had accompanied the delegation.

The Tagmatine airliner, coloured in the blue-grey of the Tagmatine Air Force, with a red stripe painted along the fuselage and the tail painted with the Greater Holy Empire's flag, drew to a halt. The delegation stood and began to shuffle off the aeroplane. Leading the way were two guards of the Ikanatoi, in red armour and cream robes. They stood either side of the gangway whilst the Logothetai left the aircraft and a pair of guards from the Athanatoi, wearing green robes and blue armour. All carried shields showing the Chi-Rho and Leopard of Tagmatium. They weren't there because the Agios Basilikon Kounsistorion distrusted the security arrangements of Morheim, but to emphasise the dignity of the Tagmatine delegation. And to try to dazzle the barbarians with the splendour of the Greater Holy Empire.

“It is a shame that courtly dress was decided against,” said Khalkokondyles with a sigh as he climbed down the stairs towards the tarmac behind Makarios. “It would have certainly made an impact on the people of Morheim.”

We would have looked like complete fools thought the Logothetes for Wider World Affairs. Instead, they were dressed in sober business suits with small badges on their lapels showing the flag of the Greater Holy Empire.

“It certainly would have, Logothetes,” was what Makarios actually said. “However, it was feared that it would have detracted from the mood of this meeting.”

“Still, that they have got the anthem right is a good sign,” continued Khalkokondyles. “Although I imagine that they would have worked long and hard at that. It wouldn't look too good if they messed one up.”

Makarios just nodded, not quite trusting himself not to say anything that wouldn't be mean spirited.

At the bottom of the stairs, they were greeted by Prime Minister Martin Dries. After the prime minister finished speaking, the three Tagmatine ministers gave him a half bow, the traditional greeting. However, before they could really say anything more, they were whisked away to their allotted vehicles.

The drive towards the palace was clearly designed to show off the capital. Thale was pretty, Makarios thought, although it wasn't really a patch on any of the cities of Tagmatium. The other two were making appreciative noises. The new National Archive demonstrated that Morheim was trying to build up the idea of it being some sort of cultural centre of the world and it occurred to Makarios that this treaty put forward by Queen Julia was the logical extension of this. The contrast between the modern buildings and the old part of the city was quite marked. Shining steel and glass gave way to white painted wood and the almost unnoticeable noise of tarmac under the vehicle's wheels was replaced with the rumble of the tyres over cobbled streets.

The vehicle wound up towards the palace, passing an honour guard of cavalry, which seemingly gave way to an honour guard of children with stalls once they were in the plaza in front of the palace. They seemed to be having their own cultural festival.

“I wonder what those children make of all of this, Logothetes,” Khalkokondyles said to Palama, perhaps sensing that the Logothetes for Wider World Affairs wasn't the person to say it to. “I can imagine that all of this must be very exciting for them. It also presents a very good view of Morheim to all the visiting delegates.”

“It does,” replied Palama. “I hope that if the Greater Holy Empire can put on a similar show if we ever host a meeting of the Treaty.”

I don't doubt that we'll put these savages to shame thought Makarios.

But before he could actually say anything, the vehicle stopped and the door was opened by a smartly-uniformed soldier. Makarios exited the vehicle first, followed by the others. The Queen herself strode forwards and offered a hand to the Logothetes for Wider World Affairs. He almost failed to return the gesture, as it wasn't the way of greeting that he was most familiar with.. The hesitation was imperceptible and he took the offered hand.

“The pleasure is ours, your majesty,” said Makarios, a smile breaking through his beard. “The trip was pleasant and it was delightful to see your beautiful capital, short though our drive was. Perhaps we can see some of your city's interesting sights later on.”

The Tagmatine stepped back from the handshake and all three of them gave a half-bow at the same time. “I am Logothetes Konstaninian Makarios of the Logothesion of Foreign Affairs, and these are my colleagues, Logothetes Kalixta Palama from the Logothesion of Culture and Logothetes Tribonianos Khalkokondyles Logothesion of Education.”

He gestured to the other two in turn.

“If you don't mind, some refreshment would be appreciated.”

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  • 4 weeks later...

To: The Rebel Queen Julia III of Morheim
From: The Imperial Ministry of Colonial Affairs

Greetings traitors,

We accept your invitation to your capital, but know this; we do so only to bring you back from your wayward path and to give you a chance at reconciliation and the embrace of the Emperor's light. This world is filled with foreign enemies, and as such even the descendants of traitors should be given a chance to prove themselves as friends and brethren once more.

We will be dispatching a mission to your capital within the next month.

Thought for the day:

Listen not to the alien, look not upon the alien, speak not unto the alien!

OOC: I am told that this should be treated as if it arrived at the beginning by Morheim. Sorry for any confusion.

Edited by Derthalen (see edit history)
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The Representative of the Derthaler Mission stands up to address the gathering.

'I call forth your attention please. We would wish to speak.

We have reviewed this planned organisation, and have found little objectionable. That said, we do have concerns over the following two lines.


2. To allow all citizens  to take ownership of their own culture and traditions.

3. To allow all citizens to experience and appreciate the culture and traditions of their neighbours.

To begin with, how could it be decided which culture belongs to a person and how would they take ownership of it? I do feel that this is an ill-defined mission purpose, as it is too open to interpretation.

As for the second part, we could only agree to this if the hosting nation was given the ability to screen and censor the content being presented. There are customs which we find objectionable, which some of our fellow nations such as @Arstotzka do not. Their drug fuelled parties could never be allowed to be shown in a public context.'

The Representative sits down again to receive and relay the response.

Edited by Derthalen (see edit history)
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Conor Braden, the Kaitaine Minister for Culture stood following the @Derthalen response. "If I may make a observation, the parts that you object to I understand, however they sit in the Purpose section of the treaty, it is my belief that the issues you bring up are controlled with the Articles themselves. If I may give an example, should a Derthalen scholar believe an object found in say Kaitaine is of your culture he may bring a case before a panel of scholars in Article 8, this would be a neutral panel of experts who could make that interpretation on a case by case basis. Even that not withstanding their are cultural differences between nations, aren't there Lidia" He turned to teh Missionara Protectiva Scholar sat next to him.


Lidia stood a pulled her short tunic down straight as she stood next to her Minister, "Indeed, for example in Kaitaine my family, the Fremen, we live in an area close to the coast, compare our traditions to those of the Corrino family who live on the edge of our nations deep desert and you'll see many differences. If you'll indulge me a moment, us Fremen we see water as an abundent object living by the sea so many of our rituals involve sacred washing and the like, meanwhile up in Corrino country spilling water is seen as a sin. I suspect there are similar regional differences between parts of each nation here." She sat back down.

"So perhaps we can simply keep this purpose knowing that the articles outlined in the main body of the treaty protect us from further issues. Alternatively we would have no issue the Purpose section being removed and replaced with a Preamble or removed completly if it is a stumbling block." Conor explained, "Furthermore as for the second issue, that of Purpose 3, The treaty meets these aims in two ways, one is Universities establishing a facilty or curriculum to teach about other cultures, this will obviously need to fit in with local educational laws. The second way is by allowing nations to borrow artefacts from other nations as part of a series of artefact loans, if there are objects you believe your nation would find.....how shall I put this....morally unacceptable, then you simply do not loan the artefacts. I believe this should safeguard the probelms @Derthalen have. As for our part I'm excited about this treaty and find no major issues. One thing I would like to see is that at the same time as the annual conference we have a Cultural Festival, such things as a traditional sporting championship, we teach you Shinty, you teach us some Morheim game and the like, musical concerts, art exhibitions, a bidding process could be established in a similar way to many major sporting events."

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The Derthaler Mission exchanged a few whispered words amongst themselves for a few minutes before their representative stood up. 'I believe then that we have no further issue with this, and will assent to the signing of this treaty.'

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Queen Julia was running a mixture of feelings, it seemed that her treaty had largely meet with approval of those who attended, but that was the problem, what Julia had hoped would become a beacon for international co-operation was a little light on the ground, all that could be hoped for now was more nations would join later down the line. The young Queen shuffled her papers as she though for a moment, "Having taken on board the comments of those around the table I think we have an agreement." She tapped a button and on the projector screen a new copy of the treaty appeared. "If people are happy with that then we can arrange a signing ceremony of sorts later this evening."



Treaty for Cultural and Historical Exchange


The Purpose of this Treaty is as follows

1. To promote international co-operation in all aspects of cultural research and education.

2. To allow all citizens to experience and appreciate the culture and traditions of their neighbours.

3. To promote greater respect and understanding between the nations of the World

To these ends the signatories of this treaty agree to the following 

1. The remains of any human found must be returned to the nation of origin if that nation requests it. The repatriation should be carried out with 12 months and costs will be meet by the nation requesting it. Any disputes will be handled using Appendix 1

2. A standardised regional method of cataloguing artefacts will be drawn up and all attempts should be made to digitalise this allowing access to scholars of all levels across the region.

3. Any artefacts discovered which are thought to be non-native are to be catalogued as in Article 2. These artefacts should then be made available to the native nation on the same conditions as Article 1 after approval has been given by the panel of scholars. The panel of scholars shall follow the guidelines as set out in Appendix 1.

4. Scholars of all nations should not be prevented from accessing sites of interest in other nations as long as the following conditions are meet.
i ) The study does not interfere with research already being undertaken at the site.
ii) Non destructive techniques are used.
iii) Scholars undertaking the study comply with all local customs and laws
iv) If an area is considered "off limits" by the government of the nation then alternative methods of study must be contemplated.
v)A nation may reserve the right to refuse entry if the nation has evidence of actions, speech or beliefs that contradict those customs and or laws of the host nation.

5. Each nation will establish a faculty at a University which is devoted to the study of non-native history and cultures. 

6. Each nation is to make available for loan a series of artefacts they believe represent a overview of their nations history. These are to be made available for loan to any Treaty nation for a period of 6 months. It is the financial responsibility of the nation loaning the artefacts to cover safe transport costs and to compensate the home nation should any loss or damage occur.

7. The establishment of a multi-national working group which will oversee the administration of the following.
i ) A register of sites which are of interest to more than one nation. The process for admission onto this register shall be as follows. Applications will be made by the government of the nation in which the site is located. Applications to be on this register will be submitted to the panel described in Article 8. A simple 3/4 majority of scholars from treaty signatory nations will enrol sites onto the register. 
ii) A quarterly Historical and Cultural Journal which will contain peer reviewed articles by scholars from across the region. This will be open to all citizens of the Independent Order.
iii) An annual conference to take place where the aims of this Treaty can be discussed and promoted.

8.Should any disputes arise between nations over the issues of repatriation of artefacts or remains an international panel of scholars will be created that will arbitrate such matters. The panel will consist of one scholar from each nation, the scholars of the nations in dispute will be excluded from passing judgement on the matter disputed. The panel of scholars will use an independent set of guidelines (Appendix 1) to judge disputes.

9. Any nation wishing to join at a latter date may do so as long as they meet the following criteria

i) Agree to uphold the Articles of this Treaty
ii) Obtain the backing of at least two other Treaty nations

Signed by_______________

APPENDIX 1 - Guidelines for Scholars

1. The panel will be made up of one scholar per nation.
2. The chair of the panel will be held by one nation for one calendar year as defined by the Gregorian calender, this will then rotate. This shall work alphabetically to avoid disputes.
3. Upon any dispute arising between nations the chair will convene a meeting of the panel. If the chair's nation is involved then they will be disqualified from the meeting and the next country alphabetically will take over the lead of the meeting, that is obviously unless they too are involved in the dispute, in which case it simply rotates to the next.
4. The first role of the chair during the meeting will be to negotiate a mutually acceptable agreement between nations.
5. Should this negotiation fail the chair will instigate an investigation into the dispute.
6. Once the investigation is complete the chair will call for a meeting between the nations involved and the panel. During this meeting all sides may present their case.
7. The panel will retire and discuss their decision, they have the option of awarding artefacts to either nation or awarding "Shared custody" (this will be defined as 6 months in each)
8. In the events of a split vote the Chair will have the casting vote.
9. Should any nation fail to comply with the decision of the panel they will forfit the right to remain part of this treaty.
10. All nations signed to this treaty agree that military threats or use of force will not be used to solve disputes or influence the panel. 
11. Disputes must be brought to the attention of the panel with 24 months of an artefact being catalogued. 

OOC- Unless stated otherwise I'll set up a signing ceremony Monday or Tuesday

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