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List of RL equipment claimed in our universe

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Came up with this, same as before: If people agree with the plan, I'm open to maintaining it.

Basically, this will be a list of equipment that our respective armaments companies claim as manufacturing/having manufactured. Overlap isn't as much an issue here as with people as it can be handled quite easily, either through selling the blueprints and tech, the later company (assuming one produced it from a later year on) reverse-engineering it, scientists defecting (either through ideological issues or simply bribery or something else), etc. Of course, this should be done/handled between the two parties and with an open mind towards compromise. To keep everything fair and simple, I suggest not 'having' equipment before their RL design dates (for example, I sell the Al-Zarrar and while I have pushed the production date back to the early 90's instead of the 00's, I've kept the design date at 1990 as in real life) as it would/could lead to nations spiraling into a routine of stating earlier dates, in order to try and 'up' their tech level, to ensure they're the original designer or some other reason.

Designs will be added when you can 'show' them in a factbook or catalog, so to say, to prevent claiming something while not having put any work in/claiming for the sake of claiming. Something that cannot really be enforced but what is important to keep in mind is this: Unless someone somewhere manufactures the AK-47, it would be strange for you to manufacture the AK-74/100/etc as an example. There'd be no real design base, so to say. In reality, you'd probably have to have the base design to work off of or have a significantly later research date to account for the lack of common ground to work off of, so I'd suggest contacting the person that IS manufacturing/has manufactured the previous gen or the base design that has been used for inspiration/parts design and working out the history between you two in that regard. This will also increase the general level of worldbuilding in the region, which I feel is always good.

Current concept of the list (will add in my own design list soon):

Name in RL - Name here - Year of Design (IC) - Type of Equipment - Status - Entity that made/makes it (optional) - Remarks (optional)

Edited by Variota (see edit history)
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Going to add some more... Navy for now!

Naval Equipment
Name (RL) Name (IC) Year of Design (IC) Type Status Manufacturer Remarks
N/A República Class  1975 Hybrid Aircraft Carrier (CVD) Active; Not in Production MCM [LINK]

Similar in appearance to the USA's Nimitz Class.

Currently Non-nuclear but compatible for future upgrades

Arleigh-Burke Class (Flight II & IIA) General Luna Class 1985 Guided Missile Destroyer (DDG) Active; In-production MCM TBA
Ticonderoga Class  Saragossa Class 1975 Guided Missile Cruiser (CG) Phasing-out; Not in Production MCM TBA
Wasp Class Veispa Class 1980 Amphibious Assault Ship (LHC) Active; Not in production MCM TBA
Freedom Class Redentor Class 2000 Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Active; In-production MCM also equipped for anti-mine and anti-submarine mission packages
San Antonio Class Sant Anton Class 2000 Amphibious Assault Dock/Command Ship (LSD [woot]) Active; Stalled production MCM TBA
Visby Class

Iverica: Súbic Class

Prymont: Class 04

2005 Corvette (K) Active; In-production MCM-Ostport Shipbuilding [Prymont] Joint-Venture TBA
Göteborg Class

Iverica: Andalé Class

Prymont: Class 03

1975 Corvette (K) Phasing-out; Not in Production MCM-Ostport Shipbuilding [Prymont] Joint-Venture TBA
Astute Class Sicario Class 2001 Fleet Submarine (SSN) Active; In-production MCM-Ostport Shipbuilding [Prymont] Joint-Venture

Currently non-nuclear

compatible with nuclear reactors

Vanguard Class


Iverica: Fantasma Class

Prymont: Class 10

2001 Ballistic Missile Submarine (SSBN) Active; Stalled production MCM-Ostport Shipbuilding [Prymont] Joint-Venture

Currently non-nuclear

compatible with nuclear reactors

Runnymede Class Punnymead Class 1980 Landing Craft Utility (LCU) Active; Stalled production MCM TBA
Lewis & Clark Class Gorrion Class 1975 Cargo Ship (T-AKE) Active; Stalled production MCM TBA
Supply Class Cigonya Class 1980 Replenishment Ship (T-AOE) Active; Not in production MCM TBA

forgot this one: Name IRL: Landing Craft Air Cushion|| Name IC: *same as IRL|| Year: 1985|| Type: landing craft, hovercraft (LCAC)|| Status: Active; in-production|| MCM|| TBA 

Edited by Iverica (see edit history)
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Name (RL) Name (IC) Year of Design (IC) Type Status Manufacturer Remarks
BAE Systems Spearfish Basking Heavy Torpedo 2001 Torpedo Active; In Production Menin Defence Underwater Systems NIL RMKS
BAE Systems Stingray Blacktip Light Torepdo 2001 Torpedo Active; In Production Menin Defence Underwater Systems NIL RMKS


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