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NationStates: World Census Betas

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The World Census is a secretive organization. That's because when you rank nations, someone's always going to be unhappy about where you put them. That can be an issue when that someone leads a large, warmongering nation.

Sure, there are also rumors about their involvement in paranormal rituals. But personally I don't believe there's any direct evidence connecting that to the rise of the undead every year. Those are just wild conspiracy theories.

Anyway, what I'm getting at is that only a privileged few get a peek inside the World Census at the inner workings. But that's changing! There is now a way to preview of forthcoming World Census model changes and provide feedback. The idea is to help the World Census road-test changes before they actually go live, if you're interested in that kind of thing.

This page will also serve as a historical record of model changes.

So if you're particularly wonky when it comes to World Census rankings, and don't believe that nonsense about secret rites, take a look and share your thoughts!

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Hey now I seem to have access to this thingy. But it doesn't do much right now. You can test and see how the recalculated rankings will affect your nation.

For myself, I am seeing a large drop in welfare, caused by the new ranking: Average Disposable Incomes. This is the income your population is left with after taxes. I knew this 95% tax rate would come back to bite me in the ass.

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