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[HELP] Demonym for Orioni

Which demonym sounds best for Orioni?  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. Which demonym sounds best for Orioni?

    • Orinese
    • Orinite / Orionite
    • Orian / Orionian
    • Orinic / Orionic
    • Olander
    • Orios
    • Orionii / Orii / Oriian

This poll is closed to new votes

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Based on examples found on Wikipedia.



  • Suverina: Suverin people
  • Tagmatium: Tagmatine or Tagmatese people
  • Adaptus: Adapton people
  • Europa: Europan people
  • Havenbergen: Havenese people
  • Vetok: Vetokian or Vetokite people


Edit: Damned, I wanted to make these multple choice. Well in that case you can just post a comment and let me know.


Why isn't 'Orion' a choice?


I've gotten used to Orionii, so I'm voting for that. But I think Orinese is a decent option. Should you go with Orinian, I'd rather prefer Orinean.


One should be able to edit that, it's easy to forget when creating a poll. Next time make sure you choose multipile choice. smile.gif

  • 1 month later...

My first choice is definitely Orionii, my second choice is tied between Orinese and Orinean.


In the old days I used Suverinian, I don't remember if it was Voc or Aki that always used Suverinese. Which was a conscious choice on his part, I didn't mind, other nations other customs. I'm guessing he thought Ch(ina) - Chinese and Suver(ina) Suverinese.

But Argent(ina) - Argentin-ian/ean (even though Argentine is more common), someone from Carol(ina) is Carolinian. Demonym for Burk(ina) Faso is Burkinabe.


BUT since the dawn of time, (I think), I did use "Suverin Rubel", but didn't really give it much thought.


Now since a few years back I'm using Suverin, in the same way Czech is used. I've used Suverin people, but I am considering if I should stick with that only or if to start using Suverins as well. (But Suverins makes me think of coins, sounds similar to sovereigns.) Guess I'm sticking with Suverin people for now. (Don't want an EuropaBall making fun of "Can you spare a few gold Suverins, good sir?") tongue.gifwink.gif

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