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[OOC] Liberation of the Occidental

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Haru Land Plot Occupation zones are as follows: 173, 171, 170, 169, 172, 156

Current activity as of the Liberation is taking place in 173, 171, 170 with others as the movement progresses.


Plot 137 has been a Haru colonial holding for the last few years RP and OOC wise. However as it's never been identified on any map, it will be on the list of land plots as well.


Just asking: 174 is the only plot that actually should be coloured yours on the map? It is possible to mark it somewhat differently so that your occupation zones are also visible on the Europa Map.


174, and 137 should be identified as already owned portions of the map. As far occupied territory, perhaps a lighter shade of the colour mayhaps?


We should at least go by the old rules, and they do say five. So making plots 173, 171 and 170 also Haru gives M H a total of 5. And they have as we all know been RPed properly.


And btw I have the right to trade with the Haru colony in 137. cool.gif

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