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Warning: Nationstates Forum Issues

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As you may know, Max Barry, creator of Nationstates, recently removed hosting of the site from OMAC Industries/Jolt, with whom he has had an increasingly rocky business relationship for reasons I won't delve into here. However, the official Nationstates forums are still hosted by Jolt, despite the severing of the relationship otherwise.


With the severing of ties with Jolt, there is now the risk that the folks who run Jolt may purge or delete the official NS forums. NS has always made up the vast majority of their forum usage, and apparently Jolt are looking to cut back on that. NS forum users are advised to back up any threads they want to save.


But don't take it from me. Here's a link where NS game moderator Sirocco explains the whole story, plus instructions on how to back up your threads:



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