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Willkommen nach Europa! Wir wollen viele spass haben.

Yes, 'cos I can perfectly speak German.... 1-no.gif

Did you say something like "Welcome to Europa! We have lots of fun"?


Ah, I never go on there, that's why I did not not know, then

So do you just use this forum and that's it?

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Yes, 'cos I can perfectly speak German.... 1-no.gif

Did you say something like "Welcome to Europa! We have lots of fun"?

If you greet us in German you should be expected to be greeted in German. tongue.gif


"Welcome to Europa, we will have lots of fun!"


Or do you want to be greeted in Swedish? wink.gif

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Quem fala duas l?nguas ? bil?ngue.

Quem fala mais de duas, poliglota.

E quem fala s? uma, gringo tongue.gif


De qualquer jeito, seja bem vindo a Europa! Onde metade da popula??o cospe fogo e a outra metade fala l?nguas esquisitas.


And don't worry, I can't speak a single word of german or swedish, only english and portuguese.

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