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I just started playing rugby here in the States. Yes, I know, rugby is not as great here. Canada is actually better than we are but I don't know where they rank in the world. Anyways, I am really starting to like this sport more than I do my beloved American Football. First, I am better at it. Second, it is more fun.


American Football players are usually stronger and faster but rugby players are  way tougher.


I think somebody on this forum said this but I totally agree with this statement now that I've actually played the sport. Well I made this thread for me to ask you more knowledgeable rugby people questions. Also to discuss all things rugby.


My first question, how do the leagues go? I know with American football you play with a club when you are a kid, then there's middle school, highschool, college, and then pro football. Schools do not have rugby teams here, you have to join a club. Well, atleast my school doesn't.


Right now I am just watching rugby games on youtube because they do not really televise the sport here in the states. Well, I've never seen it on tv.


Six Nations-2007-Ireland vs England, that's the title of the game I'm watching. The only 3 pro teams I know of is Ireland, England, and New Zeland (All Blacks is it?).


More questions comming about about the game itself smile.gif

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Ah, where to start?


Try and watch some Super 14 (5 club teams from NZL, 5 from SA and 4 from Aus - see here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_14). This year the first half of the competion is weakened as the NZL team's All Blacks (the All Blacks is the national team) are being rested for the world cup.

You can read all about my beloved Canterbury Crusaders here:http://www.crfu.co.nz/main/index.cfm/1,111,html and here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crusaders_(rugby)


Rugby is on TV here in North America, but you'd generally be paying big bucks to see it. I guess you're underage (no insult intended) so finding the right bar is currently out of the question.


I started playing rugby when I was about 6 or 7, and then played all the way through school and into university for my club (not my school). Many schools do have teams. My high school, Christchurch Boys' High, is current NZL champions and Sanix World Rugby Youth champions (see here: http://www.cbhsrugby.co.nz/ and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanix_World_R...uth_Tournament). I was never of the caliber of these players.


Those teams you list are NATIONAL teams, while they are generally (depending on the nation) made of professional players, they are not professional teams in and of themselves.


While structures vary from country to country, professional teams are the next step down - in NZL, AUS, and SA they are the Super 14 franchises (see references above). In England they are the traditional club teams.


To give you the NZL example (in general terms):


All Blacks (National team)

5 Super 14 Franchises - Professionalism really starts here (although pros can, and sometimes do, play for their provincial teams and club teams when they're off duty).

Provincial Teams

Club Team


I don't play now, most because my body iscan't handle it any more. I'll spare you the list of injuries.

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I hear you there Aki, today is sunday and I had a game saturday morning and sunday night. My legs hurt, its hard to walk, everything aches, and I can't bend my fingers well. I did get penalized all the time for diving into the ruck, which probably is not good for my health. This is my team right here if you are interested, we are also called "The Crusaders".


Kent Crusaders


We aren't that good, but everybody there loves the sport. Most of us are American Football players that discovered rugby and like it more. We have traveled out of the country to South Africa, Canada, and others. I just wasn't on the team when that happened.


I'll look into the information you gave me, thanks. But I am underaged (17) so going to a rugby bar could be a problem. Are you from New Zeland and now live in North America? Canada, US, or Mexico (if you do)?


Which National teams do you root for? Most of the rugby fans that I know at my school are all into the All Blacks. The Haka is cool, but to me it just seems an excess in cockiness and arrogance (unless all teams do a ceremonial dance/chant before games). Since I'm new to this sport, I'm thinking about picking a national team out of the blue to root for. Most likely England for the hell of it.

Edited by BlackJackEmperor (see edit history)
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Oh buddy, never speak disrespectfully about the haka. NEVER. Such comments would get you in A LOT of trouble with many New Zealanders.


Read here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haka_of_the_All_Blacks


The haka comes from NZL's native people, the Maori.


The Fijians, Cook Islanders and the Western Samoans do similar challenges before games start.


Frankly, if you're from the States, shouldn't you support the Eagles (US national team)?


I now live in Canada.

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Oh buddy, never speak disrespectfully about the haka. NEVER. Such comments would get you in A LOT of trouble with many New Zealanders


Yes, I figured. But I think it's only fair if all the teams they play can do their own thing as well.


Frankly, if you're from the States, shouldn't you support the Eagles (US national team)


Perhaps I should, but this is the first time I even heard of them. Are they good?

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Alright, this was on Friday the 2nd. I scored my first Try ever that day, I have a clip of that but not on youtube yet. This is just me getting 1 and a half tackles, and doing a ruck. You can hear my friends cheering me on perhaps a bit too enthusiastically because they know me from American football and I've never gotten this physical, ever. It was a decent tackle too. Also this is the second string of my team. I got put on it because this is only my second rugby game ever. My parents taped it and focused on me mostly but if you have trouble finding me I'm number 8.


Me Playing Rugby


EDIT: Oh yeah, forgot to mention that my team is NOT the one in the German looking colors.

Edited by BlackJackEmperor (see edit history)
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