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Ekainak expands

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The ekainak peoples press:


The Ekainako government announced november 22, that they now consider two islands of the southern coast of plot 82 to be part of Ekainak's sovereign territory.


During a press conference at the People's Regime HQ Chairman Joaquin was quoted as saying "This action should not be seen as military agression, our pupose is peaceful. we plan to settle this island for the cultivation of marijuana, because it's climate suits that plant much more than our islands. Also the territory now known as the Cenepa islands will be vital as a sea port for commerce with southern europa. And for a fee a port, which is yet to be constructed, will be open to other nations to use in the way that Danzig was after WW1 (exept that we are the ultimate authority there). But only the port, the rest of the islands will not hold this international status. we repeat that this action is not a move towords hostillities and we have been considering this action for numerous months."


Ekainak's government has sent a small detachment of marines, numbering 200, to secure the island a open the way for further emmigration.


reporting from Donostia, Ekainak; this is Juancarlo de Uchumayo y Mendoza with the EPP (Ekainak Peoples Press)

---edit/OOC: it took the world seven days before there was any international response---

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Juancarlo de Uchumayo y Mendoza with the EPP (Ekainak Peoples Press): I am here reporting on the bigger of the two cenepa islands, were i arrived with the last of our Naval Marines detachment. the first arrived in the wee hours of the morning and have secured key landing-zones on the island as well as high ground through out the island. Private Juan Herman suffered critical injuries and later died while landing on the island. it seems that he became afraid and was shot by an political commissar.


on another note, the cenepa islands are not uninhabited. There are armed "narcotraficantes" who cultivated illegal drugs (opium, mary jane) for exportation to other countries and upon encountering our military, began attacked "in self-defense" as one of them, who was taken prisioner, put it. we have taken 9 of these "farmers" prisioners and have killed more than 20. our own casualties are 3 dead, 7 wounded. The ekainak high command, not accounting for this type of opposition has ordered the dispaching of 300 more marines attached to the southern fleet. General Menshikov, commander of the Naval Marines, hopes to have the island under ekainako control within the month.

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The government of Tamurin is very concerned about this occupation. We are not very fond of invasions that close to us.


Since you pointed out that you would need a whole month to capture the island, we don't think that these are just some farmers defending there homes. You may walk into a longer lasting war or at least into a long-lasting partisan war.


Also, we believe that the cultivation of marijuana (which we consider an illegal drug) is not enough reason to occupy two large islands.


The government of Tamurin asks for answers to the following questions:


- Why did ekainak invade these two islands?


- How many troops are currently involved and how many more are about to be dispatched?


- What kind of resistance are your troops facing?


- What kind of military presence shall we expect when the invasion is over?


The answers to these question will influence the course of action the Republic of Tamurin will take in this manner.

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Just as Tamurin, Orioni is equally concerned about the motives of Ekeniak. We ask that the Chairman Joaquin provide us with the answers to the above questions. If not, we will mobilize a part of our nothern fleet as we have done before.


OOC: I put together some rules (see post #1) for claiming a new lot. I suggest we all live by these rules. However this does n?t mean you will be given a lot once you reach the required number, you will need to RP for expansion.

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The Orioni Government is willing to support Argenland if they are asked.


In the meanwhile we have sent three of our BGV N188 High Speed Crafts to Brashaven in Balitrow-woud. We wish to inform the government of Balitrow-woud that we have no hostile intentions towards them, we simply need to refuel and will of course pay hard cash.

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The Reformulated Supreme Jaihuian Council regrets that the actions of The Ekainako government has resulted in a moiblization of military forces in western Europa. The Holy Empire of Jaihu strongly encourages all the nations involved to remain calm and to establish the necessary dialogue to resolve this situation.


If requested the Supreme Jaihuian Council is willing to send in a force of 50,000 Jaihuian Peace Keepers to maintain the peace and security on the ground in these two islands while discussions between local tribesmen, Argenland, Ekainako and other interested parties are taking place.


We would like to assure you that the Holy Empire of Jaihu has no interests in these two islands, they are not part of the territorial desire of our people.

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If Ekainak really is interested in growing marajuana on these new islands, why do you not join the MMRTA, a link can be found in my signiture to the relevent forum page, and there are already islands set up specificly for the cultivation of this plant. Instead of proceding on this plan to invade two new islands, i suggest you look at what us at the MMRTA have to offer first.


Phil IV does not like militery action, and we only have a very small army, but we will be taking measures if somthing is not done about this uneeded invasion

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--- Official statement by the ministry of defense ---


The President of Tamurin ordered at 09:00 this morning to start with reconnaisance flights over the invaded islands. The President said that he wouldn't wait any more for ekainaks answer to his questions and that he would get the information he wanted by other means.


The Tamurin Luftwaffe will use several high-altitude reconnaissance aircrafts for optical reconnaissance and some medium-altitude aircrafts for radar-reconnaissance.


The reconnaissance aircrafts are not armed and won't engage in any combat situation. Since we don't accept the claim of ekainak on these islands we will ignore any protests you will file.

Any attack against our aircrafts by ekainak forces will be considered an act of war and we will respond accordingly.


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Tamurin high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft on its way to the invaded islands

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Battleship Mikael arrived in western ocean at sunset. It immediately took the course that left it making a large circle in the area where no landmasses were near (several hundred kilometers west of the coast of area 42). The huge ship catapult-launched also two fighter aircraft to patrol the area.


Ravenna, sunset: Two attack-submarines left the port and submerged almost immediately. Battleship Belisarius departed to the direction of Konstantinos Space Center.


Nikaia, sunset: Dromon -class Carrier Solon departed to the west accompanied by four Triton -cruisers. It arrived after several hours to the waters outside of Ravenna.


Konstantinopoli,sunset: Dromon -class Carrier Militiades departed to the west accompanied by two Nereid -destroyers. It also arrived to the waters outside of Ravenna almost at the same time as the fleet of Solon.

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Battleship Belisarius arrived in vicinity of Konstantinos Space Center and sent a transmission to Argenlandians. They did not mean to break the pact that had been made but were here to pick up some scientists that had been in the facility to conduct some tests after Belisarius had arrived in ocean.


After sending of the message two small boats approached the ship from the Center and dozen scientists boarded the ship. Belisarius then headed to west.

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The Emperor, after several strange weeks of silence, has restated his usual firm opposition to this invasion. He announced that he would be funnelling supplies to the resistance on the islands through any nation currently deployed in the area who would be willing to distribute the arms and supplies to the natives.

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+=Statement from the Department of Foriegn Relations=+

No nation should be able to simply proclaim themselves in command of any territory. However, niether should any nation be able to declare war so easily.


In putting our own past behind us we would offer to host Peace Accords in the city of Dew Point in an effort to contain the violence. We strongly advise all parties involved to support a peace process.


"Be ready weather or not"

Tropical Storm Justin, Secratary of Foriegn Relations

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To: Byzantium Nova

From: The Federation of Great Kings

Subject: Passage to the north


Greetings friend and fellow of the ECA, I wish to offer you safe passage through our nation's ingenious canal. This way you have faster access to the great northern ocean. Let me know how you feel and it will be done.


With honor,

the Great Kings

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--- Official announcement by the ministry of defense, navy department ---


The President of Tamurin, furious about ekainak not answering his questions, has ordered the navy to recall all submarines currently at sea and make them ready for war.


The submarines are preparing to attack supply vessels from ekainak heading to the invaded islands.


The first submarines will be ready in 24 hours, most of them will need three days. Tamurin gives ekainak 24 hours to answer our questions, otherwise the submarines will head for the invaded islands.


If we don't get any answers, Tamurin will have to assume that this invasion is only the first step in an ekainak expansion plan and the invaded islands will be a very powerful military base from which ekainak will expand into the zones 82, 37, 38, 39, 42 and/or 43.

This is a very serious threat to Tamurin and we will not remain silent and watch while ekainak expands like it wants.


Our first reconnaissance flights were not as clear as we expected. We are still analyzing the situation and will inform europa as soon as we have vital information.



A special note to the Emperor of Vanarambaion:


If this situation develops to war, we will begin dropping supply bombs over the invaded islands to supply the resistance until they've secured an air base. We offer to transport the weapons you are willing to send the resistance.



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Tamurin submarine U-7 heading home to Hlondeth. Will it have to leave soon?

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To: The Federation of Great Kings

From: The Byzantine Empire, Ministry Of Defence, Naval Command.

Subject: Passage to the north


Dear friens,


Our current fleets are not heading that way but we are preparing yet another battle fleet as the situation has escalated. With your permission we will be sending one battleship, one carrier, two cruisers and two destroyers soon. They will use your canal system to reach the northern sea.


Admiral Angelos, commander of the Navy.


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To: The Byzantine Empire, Ministry Of Defence, Naval Command.

From: The Federation of Great Kings

Subject: Passage to the north


We are glad that you trust our good will and have accepted our generous offer. We will welcome your battle fleet to our nation and guarantee it's safe passage.


Before you arrive at the great entrance, some information about the route might be advisable. The entrance can be recognised by giant statues of two of our greatest kings ever: Isildur and An?rion. A pilot will be be waiting for every one of your vessel, to help your ships get through. Once you have reached our great central lake with the capital Regno, you are welcome to refuel your ships and take in supplies.


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With honor,

the Great Kings

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