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Limited Economic Treaty


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FROM: Deltannia



It has recently been called to the attention of our government of the request that Deltannia join the Entente of Oriental States. Deltannia is open to any suggestions for a non-military alliance. While our nations individual trade with each other, the bond of an economic treaty can only strengthen our collective nations.


Deltannian Foregin Ministry




OOC: Since Orioni contacted me and I presumed he sent the last message to everyone, I decided to actually play this out. If you don't think this is appropriate, then I'll stop here and resume PMs.

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OOC: Orioni = she... cool.gif


TO: Deltannia


FROM: Tamurin


Tamurin proposes that we associate Deltannia into the economic ties of EOS and leave it out of the political and military EOS structures. That way Deltannia would (as an "associated member") benefit from the close economic bond between the EOS members and a new market would be open for EOS members.


OOC: Dang it, I did it again. dry.gif Sorry Orioni!


FROM: Deltannia

TO: Entente of Oriental States


Deltannia, after carefully examining your chater, proposs the following limited treaty:


MILITARY (See attached notes)

?. EOS members will undertake regional defense programs, such as, but not limited to, anti-ballistics systems.

?. EOS members will establish a joint-intelligence agency, so that members can compare/share intelligence and greater security/law and order can be enjoyed by all oriental states.



?. EOS citizens members will enjoy economic benefits, such as free trade.

?. EOS citizens shall only be subject to limited passport checking, in order to promote open borders.

?. EOS members are encouraged to perform joint-research, either benefitting military or civilians in nature.

?. EOS members will work to establish a joint space program, open to all of its members. Every member can use and contribute to the program, which shall expand upon existing facilities in Tamurin.


The non-military provisions are for the best economic ties. We hope that EOS members will also allow Deltannia to participate in scientific research, development, and endeavors for the good of humanity as a whole. All Deltannian-sponsored research will also be opeen for trade. We would also request that we be allowed to further your joint space program while we further ours, as SysTech will be able to provide many necessary components.


The military provisions were considered at length by the Senate and Council, and we have the following notes to the attached above. First, Deltannia will not be considered bound to aid another nation in times of military crisis, although we will stand on the side that we believe is justifiable in its actions. Therefore, should you come under attack, it is most likely that Deltannia will respond in your favor, rather than sit by idle. Secondly, Deltannia will agree to adds its defense program to the EOS one under the conditions stated previously. Lastly, Deltannia would like to exchange intelligence, even if limited, in order to rid our respective societies of both international crime and possibly even dangerous opponents.


We would also wish this to be a renewable treaty, so that at given intervals, either side may back out. Should nothing be said of the matter, it can then be assumed that the treaty will hold for the next given interval. Our last request in this limited treaty is that Deltannia not be referred to as an "associate member" but at most as an "affiliate"



Deltannian Foreign Ministry

Deltannian Senate

Deltannian Council

Deltannian High Naval Council


TO: Deltannia


FROM: Italgria


The Council of Italgria has discussed the issue carefully and generally does not see any reason why it should not agree on this "Limited Economic Treaty".


Still we got some open questions to Deltannia before agreeing on this treaty.


Your nation as it seems does not only want to join the NON-Military part of EOS but also wants to be involved to some extent in the MILITARY part of EOS. Will you take part when we start undertaking regional defense programs?


Will you want to take part of the joint-intelligence program by EOS?


Will EOS citizens be subject to limited passport control as your nation's citizen would?


We also discussed the issue about Deltannia wanting to join the joint-space program which will be build upon existing facilities in Tamurin and must say that Italgria wouldn't really want other nations except "full" EOS members to work on this joint-space program.


We understand that as an "afiliate" to EOS you will not take part in aiding a country that EOS is supporting and we have nothing to say against that point.


Further more we agree on the fact that this Treaty should be a renewable one.


Italgria would accept to see Deltannia in some of the scientific research and developments done by EOS but wont let Deltannia into Italgria's individual research programs.


You may now think that Itaglria has something against Deltannia or is not trusting this country but we feel that or you entirely join EOS or you should not be allowed to benefit from everything EOS benefits from and not be tied by our charter.



High Council of Italgria


OOC: I went over some of it, but I'm happy to reiterate.


FROM: Deltannia

TO: Italgria

CC: EOS nations


Deltannia understands the nature of your questions/demands and will comply with them accordingly.




Will you take part when we start undertaking regional defense programs?

-Deltannia will not include its defense program jointly. It will, however, supply its defense program should we find it justifiable (such as if you were to come under attack). This means that Deltannia will go against you should EOS ever be the aggressor and is not justified in doing so, but this also means that Deltannia will not sit by while EOS comes under attack.


Will you want to take part of the joint-intelligence program by EOS?

-Deltannia would like to exchange intelligence, even if limited, in order to rid our respective societies of both international crime and possibly even dangerous opponents.



Will EOS citizens be subject to limited passport control as your nation's citizen would?

-Yes. However, like with our citizens, should we find someone who is suspect, we will take similar actions to identify them, and if necessary, hold them.




Deltannia is in the middle of the revival of our space program. While you may not desire Deltannia in obtaining knowleedge from your space program, we know that we could supply you with specific knowledge, as well as materials and components. Because of the nature of SysTech, as well as our energism-based economy, our products would come to you for just over the price it would cost to construct them. There would not be any need for high-bidders in this scenario. Also, because of Deltannia's mutual relationship with SysTech, you can be sure that SysTech will agree to supply components for the EOS space program should you choose to accept. Because we want to help your program does not mean, however, that Deltannia may necessarily be using your space program at all. We will still maintain our own.


Please note from our previous transmission that we are not bound by your charter, but will adhere to the majority of it.


Deltannian Foreign Ministry



TO: Deltannia


FROM: Nan GorGwaith




After looking over both what you have proposed, and some of the other member states' questions and responses in EOS bulletins, I have authorized the Legislature to give support from Nan GorGwaith towards this measure. Of course, once Lord Gothmog returns, he will have final say and may instruct otherwise, but I am confident he will agree with me.


Marc Frachette

Acting Dictator


TO: Deltannia


FROM: Italgria


We are sorry to say that the Republic of Italgria will not be accepting your request to have a Limited Economic Treaty with Deltannia.


We surely would have some positive sides by having this Limited Economic Treaty but the Repbulic of Italgria thinks that you will have most (and therefore as an "afiliate" too many) privileges EOS has withouth having to be bound to the EOS charter and this is just the simple reason why we wont accept this offer except we can get a compromiss.


TO: Deltannia


FROM: Tamurin


Tamurin is not able to accept your proposed treaty. Although we would accept the non-military (economic) parts of the treaty, we feel that a nation should fully commit to the military cooperation of EOS rather than pick out the interesting parts and add some loopholes to get out if necessary.


If Deltannia is still interested in an economic association, Tamurin will try to persuade all other EOS members to sign it, but we won't accept a partial military commitment of Deltannia.


FROM: Deltannia

TO: EOS nations


It is apparent that all nations agree to the economic (non-military) sections of the proposed treaty. Deltannia would like it to be known that the proposed military sections of the treaty would benefit EOS more than Deltannia. Deltannia will not hold the EOS responsible for the defense of Deltannia should we come under attack, but Deltannia agrees to the defense of EOS under the circumstance that it is a justified defense (i.e. Deltannia will not defend you against a preemptive strike that is justified. This is, of course, hypothetical). Deltannia would also like to point out that it will lend its defense program under the reasons stated prior. The only thing that Deltannia would like in return is a joint-intelligence exchange for the better of humanity. It does not seem too much to ask considering the balance of this treaty.


FROM: Tamurin

TO: Deltannia



Tamurin agrees that a partial military cooperation between EOS and Deltannia would benefit both sides.


But we feel that it would be better to set up a new treaty and define the terms of cooperation than to pick out a few military paragraphs from the original EOS treaty. We hope that you understand that.


FROM: Deltannia

TO: Tamurin

CC: EOS nations


Deltannia only used terms from the original charter as an outline for the possible limited agreement. If Tamurin, or any other EOS nation, would care to suggest the possible outline to suit EOS liking, Deltannia would appreciate the effort.


TO: Deltannia

FROM: Tamurin



Regarding what Deltannia offered in the first place, Tamurin proposes this treaty:


? 1: Deltannia joins the anti-ballistic missile-program of EOS with all rights and commitments of a regular EOS member.


? 2: Deltannia and EOS intelligence services will exchange all information that are vital for the security of both parties.


? 3: Deltannia has the option to join more military structures of EOS, but only with full rights and full commitment.


(OOC: Something like this...)


OOC: To keep this consolidated, I did not want to post in the other thread, although I have looked over it. Since my limited membership is still under discussion, I will discuss part of what Deltannia might do here.


FROM: Deltannia

TO: EOS Nations


Deltannia would like to make the following amendments to the proposed treaty by Tamurin due to the fact that the wording implies that Deltannia is a full member.


First, Deltannia is willing to take part in the EOS anti-ballistic missile defense program. It will do so in the following ways:

-Deltannia will lend its own current system to your cause under previously stated reasons (OOC: The whole justifiable thing)

-Deltannia will fund the construction of EOS-owned stations throughout Europa, an amount that may be disclosed once this treaty has been settled.

-Deltannia will add additional funding for other EOS stations.


The second and third sections are agreeable, but know that the third one may never become an option. Please do not take this as an offense.


Because Deltannia has reluctantly agreed to play this military role in EOS in order to secure economic/social privileges, we would ask that, while Deltannia would not have a vote, that Deltannia would be given the chance to make strong suggestions. This would work to both hinder you from something Deltannia believes is unjustifiable, as well as aid you in strategic thinking.


As a side note, please see that because of military regulations, no Deltannian officer will be part in any EOS military for the obvious reasons. The only exception will be working in EOS anti-ballistic missile stations. Of course, we are sure that some Deltannians will choose to either join from civilian life or switch from the military to one of these positions, but this will remain separate.


We do hope that these terms are agreeable so that we may all finally benefit from this contract.


FROM: Tamurin

TO: Deltannia



While we obviously would welcome the additional funding, we have a serious problem with you lending us your missile defense system for "justifiable" reasons. In our opinion a defense system can never be used in an "unjustifiable" way.


Tamurin can only accept your three amendments, if your missile defense system will defend EOS without any condition.


As an associated member you would be granted the right to make suggestions. We would like to know what the difference between a suggestion and a strong suggestion might be in your opinion.


FROM: Deltannia

TO: Tamurin

CC: EOS Nations


Deltannia would like to mention that, in the hypothetical event that an EOS nation attacks another nation in the manner of war and conquest, for instance, and then uses its defense system for its protection, this is when Deltannia cannot lend its defense system cannot be used. Perhaps we should make clear in the treaty that Deltannia's defense system will be used in a manner of overall defense, implying that it will not be used for a defense from a counterattack should the circumstances not justify our entrance. Deltannia understands the tricky nature of the correct wording, and we know that, while we will uphold to this standard, that it should be correctly written in the treaty. We hope that Tamurin understands where Deltannia comes from in the extremely hypothetical nature of when we will not agree to give our defensive system over.


In terms of a "strong suggestion", Deltannia would hope that this means that EOS nations would seriously take this into account. While having no actual vote count, perhaps it should be thought of at least like a half vote, if you wish to gives it a numerical strength. Deltannia would just like to havbe our suggestions considered and not completely ignored.


TO: Deltannia

FROM: Tamurin



We accept your definition of a "strong proposal" as a 0.5-point vote.


We would like this definition (defense after an unprovoked first strike) written into the military part of our treaty as the only option that allows you not to defend EOS members against an attack.


If you accept that we have nothing else to complain about.


FROM: Deltannia

TO: Tamurin

CC: EOS nations


Deltannia accepts your proposal. However, the 0.5 number was only used to demonstrate theoretical value, not actual value. If you would like to give it this value for the purpose of actually having weight in matters, then Deltannia will accept. Either way, Deltannia will accept this agreement.


FROM: Deltannia

TO: EOS Nations


Deltannia would like to inquire about whether this agreement has been accepted by EOS nations. We would like to begin implementing the provisions as quickly as possible.




OOC: Wasn't sure if a vote was needed or anything like that.


When we were still against it other nations were already in favor for it and now that Tamurin and Italgria are in favor I guess this discussion is finished.


In case somebody wants to say something against this treaty I think we should do a fast final voting lasting two days.


+ Italgria

+ Tamurin

? Orioni

? Kant

? Nan Gorgwaith

? Miiros

? Emakera


+ Italgria

+ Tamurin

+ Nan Gorgwaith

+ Orioni

? Kant

? Miiros

? Emakera


(Statistically speaking this thing has already been decided.)


Miiros adds its support, wholeheartedly.


+ Italgria

+ Tamurin

+ Nan Gorgwaith

+ Orioni

+ Miiros

? Kant

? Emakera

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