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New Government in Place - High Chancellor declared

August 3, 2006


At approximately 5:00 AM local time this morning, the history of our proud young republic began with the toppling of the ruling dynasty which has held power for nearly three centuries. A revolutionary council has declared its unanimous support for well known right-wing political voice Gabriel Byrne as sole candidate for the new position of High Chancellor. No transitional measures have been discussed or shared with MMC as of yet, although viewers will be kept informed of details as they arrive.


The coup, while not entirely bloodless, was accomplished with relative stealth. Although details remain sketchy, reports from the revolutionaries indicate that as many as nineteen palace guards of the king's detail were killed during the seizure of the capital. The royal family is apparently in custody, their fate unknown.


Nevertheless, the unknown factors did not stop citizens from celebrating the collapse of the old government by dancing in the streets, setting off fireworks, and singing patriotic songs. This king's decadent lifestyle contrasted sharply with the prevailing poverty amongst nearly three quarters of Marsitrania's population, and early polling indicates that nine out of ten citizens surveyed approve of the regime change. Analysts say that the first steps any new Marsitranian government will take will likely focus on domestic problems plaguing the country, including low education standards, the high unemployment and percentage of people living below the poverty line, governmental corruption and severe foreign debts.

Posted (edited)

High Chancellor Byrne Issues Statement - New National Flag Raised over Vilamar

August 3, 2006


The revolutionary government has been consolidated with startling speed, evidently the product of longstanding plans by the coup plotters. This afternoon Gabriel Byrne, the government representative acting in the new office of High Chancellor, addressed a crowd gathered in the capital's Novinha Plaza. "Thank you for your support and your confidence," he said to the dozens of revelers. "I ask now for your continuing loyalty and devotion, not for my own sake but for the nation. God willing, we shall build ourselves a new future and restore this country to the greatness it so richly deserves. Thank you." It was reported by some that the Chancellor blinked back tears during this emotional spectacle.


Tears which would be well understood by any Marsitranian, given our shared history under the oppression of the monarchy. However, to the anger of some, Chancellor Byrne insisted that the royal family, now in protective custody, would come to no harm. He went on record stating that "Any family blessed enough to sit on the throne of Marsitania answers to a higher judgment than my own." Regardless of whatever crimes of neglect or corruption the royals are responsible for, they have been spared a public humiliation or trial by the mob.


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Left: onlookers stare as the new flag is raised.

Right: Soldiers stand guard around the new Marsitranian national symbol


The national anthem of Marsitrania was played by a brass band in Novinha Plaza before and after the High Chancellor's speech. Afterward the new national flag was raised. A revolutionary spokesman explained that the new flag kept the Royal Condor to retain the unique Marsitranian identity, but the field color had been changed from the royal white to a revolutionary red "to remember the blood spilt on Independence Day, and the price of freedom."


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The revolutionary National Flag is raised in Novinha Plaza, Vilamar


New Political Order?


Some analysts are questioning the current status of the government. The national Senate is in a state of turmoil at the prospective return of the Revolutionary Party, which was outlawed fourteen years ago but has maintained a vocal minority opposition in civil life regardless. The swell of recent revolutionary fervor, say some, may disrupt the careful balance in the Senate currently maintained between the Conservatives, the Radicals and Liberals. Indications are that the center-left Liberals may split and much of their core defect to the Revolutionary Party, should it return. This would seriously disrupt the already thin consensus between the Liberals the Radicals, leading to a return to complete Conservative dominance. Even without a Liberal fracturing, the Nationalist party is likely to leave the weak coalition and realign itself according to the national ideological shift.


In the meantime, the High Chancellor has also issued an executive order lending the government emergency powers. Nothing has yet been said about the holding of open elections.


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The new red national flag flutters over the capital


The Political Parties


Conservatives: The dominant political party in Marsitrania, they enjoy control of 40% of the legislature, or 80 of the Senate's 200 seats. Already the biggest party, a fracturing of its opponents would restore it to the pre-eminence it enjoyed before the civil unrest which lead up to the revolution.


Liberals: The center-left party, it fiercely opposes a re-integration of the Revolutionary Party back into Senatorial politics. Much of its core came from defected Revolutionaries after the party was outlawed in 1992. It holds 60 seats in the national Senate, a 30% control. A fragile coalition with the Radicals has allowed a relatively progressive agenda to pass through the Senate in the past few years.


Radicals: The Radical Party is a far-left party, the smallest to hold a Senatorial position. It holds only 18 seats, or 9% of the Senate. It is part of a fragile, Liberal-led coalition.


Nationalists: The Nationalist Party has been allied with the Liberals and the Radicals intermittenly for the past fifteen years, after it broke with the Conservatives for being too supportive of the ruling monarchy. Although the party consists of a wide ideological range of views, it always supports the good of the nation above individuals, embracing a form of corporatism. With the ongoing friction, it is extremely likely that the Nationalists will break away from the Liberal-Radical coalition and attempt to carve out its own niche. It holds 42 Senatorial seats, or 21% control. The current High Chancellor belongs to this party.


Revolutionaries: The Revolutionary Party was created purely as an opposition group in 1979. It served as an umbrella under which any opposition to the monarchy would swell its ranks, and it became a national symbol of democracy and republican spirit. In 1990 it achieved for the first time a Senatorial majority, as faith in the monarchy began to erode following a wave of scandals. For two years it vetoed and stonewalled the king's governance, until finally it was outlawed by royal decree. Since that time it went underground, and became a somewhat radicalized group. Still a powerful symbol, its return to Senatorial politics would seriously disrupt the prevailing balance of power, splitting the Liberal and Radical blocs. Ironically, its return could potentially weaken overall opposition to a Conservative agenda, rather than strengthen it.

Edited by Marsitrania (see edit history)

Senatorial Referendum to be Held, Chancellor Byrne Urges Caution during Transition

August 5, 2006


Late last night High Chancellor Byrne addressed all of Marsitrania via live televised broadcast, during which he announced that there would be a referendum on the Senate to be held "immediately." Citing the lack of representation during the monarchial rule, the Chancellor presented the people of Marsitrania with a "gift" in the referendum, however he also urged a cautious pace of transition. "In change lies risk," said Chancellor Byrne, "but also opportunity. I emplore the people of Marsitrania to express in this referendum a desire for a more just, more secure, more capable government."


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Revelers celebrate the announcement of the referendum throughout late night and early morning


The referendum marks the first truly democratic election in all of Marsitranian history. The Senate, reformed to be representative in 1957, is still comprised entirely of party appointees, and party influence has always been granted by favor of the monarchy. Individual Senators are always appointed by their party to serve. Even after the 1957 reforms, influence has always flown from families of great wealth and political standing, never from the people themselves.


As a result of the announcement Chancellor Byrne is being praised as a hero and a savior, to the notable chagrin of some high ranking members of the Liberal and Radical parties. Nevertheless, the celebratory atmosphere is tangible throughout Vilamar, where crowds of revelers gathered again throughout the night and early morning. Chants of "God save the High Chancellor!" and "Marsitrania triumphs!" could be heard in every quarter of the capital.


Although Chancellor Byrne did not mention the Revolutionary Party in his address, Revolutionary representatives have stated openly that they intend to appear on the ballot next Wednesday. The political effect of the referendum could seriously upset the balance of power. "The Conservatives are really sweating," commented an anonymous official from the National Party. "They know they haven't been true to the people of this country for years now, and they're dreaded the results of the Chancellor's initiative. What a happy day for our country!"


While the High Chancellor did mention that the majority party represented by the Senatorial referendum would be allowed to choose a notable representative from its ranks to be the Consul (the highest Senatorial office and the speaker of the body politic), no mention has been made of Byrne's own office or any election to represent the head of state. However, the few voices of dissent and protest on this matter have been drowned out by the swell of thankful celebration from the overall populace.

Posted (edited)

Senatorial Referendum Results Announced

August 9, 2006


Early this morning the results to the national Senatorial Referendum were announced, heralding Marsitrania's first steps in the republican process in the post-monarchial era. The results indicate that the initial predictions of backlash against the Conservatives were well founded, with the party losing most of their seats. They now hold just 15 seats, a large fall from their previous 80. The longtime Conservative support for the King was largely to blame.


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Before: The Conservative Party dominated Senatorial politics prior to the revolution


The Liberal party made significant gains, defying predictions that the party would split as a result of the re-introduction of the Revolutionary party into national politics. The Liberals gained 15 seats in the Senate, putting their holdings at a total of 75 seats. The much-anticipated Revolutionary campaign fell relatively flat by comparison and the party earned a bare 5 seats. Analysts attribute the Liberal success in part to a steady and substantial flow of funds from sources outside of the country, which provided the necessary media access for their campaign to flourish. They are expected to announce their candidate for Senatorial Consul soon.


The Nationalist Party held almost even, despite their vocal support for High Chancellor Byrne. They gained three seats and some popularity, but their voter-base is virtually unchanged. Many analysts have expressed some suprise that the Nationalists did not do better considering that their favored candidate currently holds executive office, but in retrospect they recieved only a small amount of outside aid and made only a token effort to attract new voters, instead focusing on rallying their own militant base.


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After: Both the Liberal and Radical parties made significant gains while the Nationalists and Revolutionaries enjoyed minor gains, at the massive expense of the Conservatives


The biggest upset came in the form of the Radical party, which enjoyed massive success and captured 42 seats. As a result the Radicals now hold 60 seats and control nearly a third of the Senate. The party employed a somewhat non-conventional "guerilla" campaign which has earned much criticism from international observers and the politically inclined on both right and left within Marsitrania. Despite this, none of the Senate's parties were willing to jepordize their current positions by challenging the results of the referendum except a few prominent Conservatives, who have vowed to fight a protracted legal battle with the Byrne administration if necessary in order to reverse the outcome.

Edited by Marsitrania (see edit history)
  • 3 weeks later...

Chancellor and Senate reach agreements on budget and policy

August 24, 2006


High Chancellor Byrne came together over the past two weeks with members of the Senate in both public and private meetings, attempting to reach a consensus on the hotly debated new government budget. Fiscal policy was wrapped around a number of volatile social issues, creating a delicate situation for the High Chancellor. Despite the wide range of ideologies present in the Senate, a new budget was approved this morning covering the remainder of the 2006 fiscal year. More permanent agreements are in the works.


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A representation of the new national budget


The new budget leans heavily on the departments of Law and Order, Defense, Administration and Religion, at the sacrifice of other departments which have received only minimal funding by comparison. High Chancellor Byrne outlined the commitments of the government to defend Marsitrania and ensure a stable environment for transition into a more modern industrialized state. The budget was also highly responsive to tax reform ballots mass mailed to Marsitrania's citizenry, which remains highly devout and supportive of the Catholic Chuch.


The Conservatives and Nationalists rallied behind the new budget as necessary to the expansion of Marsitranian power and security, and a new more modern air force was put on the design tables and could be battle-ready as early as 2009. The Liberal and Revolutionary parties concurred with the current budget as a temporary measure, since the retainment of ongoing government service programs is less expensive and more feasible in the short-term than the startup of new programs, especially considering the massive debts and lack of government funds. A high flat-tax of around 50% was approved in order to replenish the government's coffers, which are technically empty.


The Radical party as a bloc opposed the new budget, calling it "militaristic and atavistic." They demanded more social services and the complete nationalization of key strategic industries such as Arms Manufacturing. Despite their unified support, they failed to achieve the necessary 75 votes against the budget to stop its passing. Chancellor Byrne said of the Radicals, "they are pure obstructionists and will do everything in their power to oppose the reconstruction of a unified Marsitrania," and also that he was glad the budget initiative passed. Polling of citizens said that seven out of ten surveyed were happy with the new budget plans.


Chancellor orders deployment of Marsitranian troops to Reichland

August 27, 2006


Last night High Chancellor Byrne stunned the Senate when he announced that Marsitrania would be deploying troops to police the growing violence in neighboring Reichland, previously Hosgovinia. The proclamation entailed the immediate deployment of some 40,000 soldiers from Marsitrania to select locations in Reichland, along with supporting vehicles, aircraft and artillery.


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Truckloads of Liberty Fighter rebels approach their destinations in Reichland's cities


The Radical faction in the Senate was vocal in its opposition, and the Liberal party representatives insisted that Byrne required Senatorial deployment in order to mobilize and deploy troops. However Jeffery Newell, Nationalist party Chairman, insisted on a strict reading of the constitution, which only requires the Senate to approve a declaration of war. In an embarassing moment for the Liberals, Consul Miles Stark was forced to inform his own party that on this point the Nationalists were correct in their interpretation because the High Chancellor had not declared war.


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A typical Reichland soldier, in Urban camo fatigues


High Chancellor Byrne addressed not only the Senate but the people, saying: "The purpose of this military expedition is not conquest but the reliance on the threat of force in order to prevent the escalation of a civil war which could spill over into our own country. Behind our might is right, and with both we shall triumph and restore order to chaos. God willing, Maristrania triumphs."


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A line of rebels advance behind a tank


Prior to the rise of the Nazi regime, Hosagovinia was linked to Marsitrania via strong cultural and historic ties. Since that time in 1999, there has been very little contact with the renamed nation of Reichland. The alleged suppression of civil liberties and the racial dogma embraced by the Nazis has sparked a far-reaching grassroots rebellion. The escalation of the conflict last week was marked by an incident which left 200 government soldiers dead and served to rally the opposition rebels, who have christened themselves the "Liberty Fighters."


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Elite Nazi units reinforce the military and civil police in Reichland's cities


The conflict took another turn yesterday when rebel forces began a push south, presumably to link up with a pocket of territory there and cut the Reichland in half. The rebels rolled into cities with trucks and light tanks apparently on loan, indicating major international sponsorship and a strong degree of preparation. Government forces hit back, halting the drive and an unknown number of casualties.


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Reichland soldiers storm buildings and retake rebel held areas


The fighting yesterday served only to highlight Chancellor Byrne's arguement, and the decision was taken to begin the mobilization and deployments with all due speed over the objections of a majority of the Senators. Popular opinion of the decision is thus far mixed, but at least five in ten Marsitranians believe that the High Chancellor is doing the right thing. When asked, most supported the military regardless of the morality of the undertaking.


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Dismayed Liberty Fighters idle as rebel offensive stalls

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

As Peacekeeping Stalls, Crash Military Program Moves Forward

October 28, 2006


The military situation remains murky in Hosagovinia, with Tagmantine and Marsitranian troops strung out along their newly established line of fortified bases. Little reporting has come out of the war zone, with the brash declarations of the Liberty Fighters and the Reichland government almost entirely silenced. Whether the lull is due to the intense pacification efforts of the multinational force or something else is impossible to determine. High Chancellor Byrne has said that he considers the mission a success and may be seeking to draw down troop levels gradually over the next 9 to 18 months if the calm persists past Christmas.


In the meantime, official sources in the administration have advised MMC that the Byrne administration may be casting its eye towards Assurym, where a general uprising in late September was joined by a student-led Communist movement in the Dakush region. While the Radical party has thus far endorsed "any shape or form of socialism in Assurym" it has yet to formally contact or offer substantive aid, said party chairman Leander Saxton.


Chancellor Byrne announced on Friday a crash program to rebuild and modernize Marsitrania's military. Although such a program has been underway since the monarchy, its completion (including the building of two state of the art aircraft carriers and a complete overhaul of weaponry and equipment for all the branches of the armed services) was not anticipated until mid-2009. Byrne's timetable has moved up the activation of about 70% of the force upgrades to the summer of 2007. The High Chancellor's goal was "to create a world class military for Marsitrania and thus ensure the security and strength of our great nation for the ages." Critics say that the significant outstanding foreign debts and the extreme deficit generated by the crash program could threaten to bankrupt Marsitrania within four years unless new international loans can be secured.

Edited by Marsitrania (see edit history)
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