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Conference for Security and Cooperation in Europa


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TO: All nations of Europa

FROM: President J?rgen Axmann, Tamurin

RE: Conference for Security and Cooperation in Europa (CSCE)


Dear esteemed colleagues, friends and allies!


In light of the recent wars and troubles that are shaking our region, it is time to start a new initiative to ensure peace and security in Europa. Peace and security - both aims with equal priority.


To achieve that I invite everyone of you to attend the conference for security and cooperation in Europa (CSCE) next monday here in Alaghon. I would like to discuss three issues with you:


Issue 1: A catalogue of principles: Acknowledgement of human rights, waiver of force/violence in politics, acknowledgement of the borders in Europa


Issue 2: Cooperation in economy, science, technology, environment, security and freedom of the oceans


Issue 3: Cooperation humanitarian crisises, exchange of information of regional importance, freedom of travel between the countries


It is important for me personally and for us as european nations to discuss these important issues and to try to reach common ground. Our region cannot survive many more wars like Tinian and Tarragat that are tearing our region apart and driving it to war.


I hope that many of you attend and that we can discuss these issues in a civilian and productive atmosphere.


Yours sincerly,

J?rgen Axmann




Conference begin: Monday, August 7th

Attending nations & representatives:


- The United Republic of Tamurin: President J?rgen Axmann, Foreign Minister Claudia Hartman

- Adaptus: Prime Minister Coleman

- The Sublime Principate of Akiiryu: Baron T'Rothric

- The Great Queendom of Suverina: Unnamed delegate

- Miiros: Executor Andrea deVries

- Deltannia: Senators, Military councillors, ambassador

- The Aristocratic Confederation: Foreign Minister Emilian Timotei

- The Greater Holy Empire of Tagmatium: High Chancellor Gregorius Ford

- Damak Var: Triumvir Alfred Dagmar

- Vocenae Imperial Council: Several unnamed council members

- The Union of Socialist Tribes of Europa: International Affairs Chieftain Sunry Ytturb

- Bainbridge Island: senior representatives from the international affairs department

- Nan GorGwaith: Lord Gothmog VIII

- Emakera: President Dictator Richard Haller

- Orioni: Mr. Borat Sagdiyev, Secretary of the Minister of Foreign Affairs





"I don't care what the parliament says", Axmann said enraged. "If they wanna stick their head in the sand - let 'em. But I am the President, the directly elected President, and I say what kind of foreign policy we're doing. And now - OUT!"


Christian Strobel was escorted out of the presidential palace. The discussion was over.

Edited by Tamurin (see edit history)
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To: President J?rgen Axmann, Tamurin

From: Prime Minister Coleman, Adaptus


Me and a few of my ministers would be deligted to join you on this confrence. This is how things should be in Europa, none of these alliance tensions. We need to work together.


However. Election are coming up soon in Adapus, and my support is failing, so I can not my presance at this confrence for the second part. I'm not sure if my sucsesor would be in the same mood as I am toward this.


Julia Coleman.




TO: President J?rgen Axmann, Tamurin

FROM: The Sublime Principate of Akiiryu

RE: Conference for Security and Cooperation in Europa (CSCE)


The Baron T'Rothric and his staff will attend.


To: President J?rgen Axmann, Tamurin

From: The Great Queendom of Suverina


Dear friends in Tamurin, ofcourse we'll send a delegate to attend to such an important conference.


To: President J?rgen Axmann, Tamurin

From: Executor Andrea deVries, Miiros


I will clear my schedule at once, so that I might attend the conference in your beautiful capital. Most nations here have the same ultimate goal: the happiness of their people. It seems silly that we all as leaders cannot try to bring our people together through peace and cooperation to make that goal easier to obtain.


Andrea deVries


FROM: Deltannia

TO: Tamurin, President J?rgen Axmann


Deltannia plans to send along several represenatives from its Senate, as well as from its Military Councils. The Ambassador would also like to attend. You have planned a noble effort, here, Deltannia congratulates you.


To: the United Republic of Tamurin

From: the Greater Holy Empire of Tagmatium

Re: Conference for Security and Cooperation in Europa


Dear honoured friends,


The Greater Holy Empire wishes to send as a delegate the High Chancellor of the Imperial Government, Gregorius Ford. Accompanying him will be a small staff, as befits the second most powerful man in Tagmatium.


TO: President J?rgen Axmann, Tamurin

FROM: Vocenae Imperial Council


While we are currently searching for a new foreign affairs adjutant, we will send several council members to attend.

Posted (edited)

To: President J?rgen Axmann, The United Republic of Tamurin

From: Sunry Ytturb, International Affairs Chieftain, The Union of Socialist Tribes of Europa

Subject: Re: Conference for Security and Cooperation in Europa (CSCE)


I will personally attend the conference, alone, and fully representing the will of the Tribelands. We are looking forward to tearing down the walls of isolation that have plagued this region for far too long.

Edited by Social Alliance of Mongol-Swedes (see edit history)

To: President J?rgen Axmann, The United Republic of Tamurin

From: Jonathan Kawaiahoa, Head of the Royal Bainbridge Island Transitional Government

Subject: Conference for Security and Cooperation in Europa (CSCE)


Dear Sirs,


The Kingdom of the Bainbridge Islands is looking forward to working with the other great states of Europa towards improving international cooperation and security. We will send senior representatives from our international affairs department to attend the summit.



Jonathan Kawaiahoa

Head of the Royal Bainbridge Island Transitional Government


TO: President J?rgen Axmann, Tamurin

FROM: Lord Gothmog VIII, Nan GorGwaith



I have recently received your invitation and would most like to attend. I will be bringing my personal staff and a few members of the government that have no reservations about me going.




To: President Jurgen Axmann of Tamurin

From: President Dictator Richard Haller of Emakera




I will personally attend the conference along with my minister for foreign affairs, Andr? Mattos, and a small delegation. I have to admit that my hopes aren't high for the said event, but I can't say anything if we don't do our part for peace in Europa.


TO: All attending delegations

FROM: President Axmann


Accomodations for you will be prepared and ready for your arrival. Thank you for your quick answers. Hopefully, this conference will help to improve the current war situation in Europa.


Your sincerely,

J?rgen Axmann


TO: J?rgen Axmann, Tamurin

FROM: Imperial Council, Orioni

SUBJECT: Conference for Security and Cooperation in Europa (CSCE)


Honourable President Axmann,


The program you have provided for the CSCE-conference looks very promesing. Deciding to join this conference did not take much consideration from our part. Our delegation is scheduled to leave the country tomorrow.


Sir Pipkin, our current Councillor of Foreign Affairs, apologises for not being able to come himself. (he is undergoing extensive surgery on his legs and needs a lot of time to recover.) But he has assured us that his secretary, mr. Borat Sagdiyev, is a fitting replacement and will certainly do his utmost best to serve our nation's interest.



The Imperial Council


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Mr. Sagdiyev (right) and several other important members of the CoFA.


"Jagshemash!", exclaimed mr. Sagdiyev, after stepping out of his government airplane. "And thank you for the nice red carpet. I like. It is honour for me to be in great kingdom of Tamurin. Dzienkuje."


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(@ Tamurin: My apologies for this stupid post. Just consider it a funny bump. Ooh, still 24 hours 'till the conference starts. coffee.gif)


Presidential palace, Tamurin


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All delegations were present when J?rgen Axmann entered the room. Apparently, more or less everything did work out. Only the delegation from Orioni had some minor problems at the airport because of the unusual airplane they used (OOC: wink.gif ). Otherwise everything was OK.


Axmann was nervous. This was his first really huge international conference. And perhaps one of the biggest in the history of Europa. He hoped that he wasn't going to screw this up. It was important to him. So many wars in the recent past and present. This had to end. He had secured Tamurin within EOS, but now he could maybe do more for Europa.


"Thank you all for coming here." He began calm and confident. "During these times of troubles it is difficult for some of us to sit and talk with others, but I hope we can create some common ground today.


The reason for this conference is clear: The many wars Europa had to endure in the recent past and present must end - end for all times. We cannot afford to let so many good people die in meaningless wars. These people could be productive members of society. Happy people with families.


The long line of dead force us to attend to this conference. After the civil war in Tamurin, President Hartman ordered to build a new building in the government sector of Alaghon, its walls filled with the names of those who died in the civil war. This is the biggest building in Alaghon. And it is a reminder: That those people died because the leaders were unable to prevent a war.


Let us make sure that nobody of us has to build something like this ever again.


I propose that we discuss three issues:


Issue 1: A catalogue of principles: Acknowledgement of human rights, waiver of force/violence in politics, acknowledgement of the borders in Europa


Issue 2: Cooperation in economy, science, technology, environment, security and freedom of the oceans


Issue 3: Cooperation humanitarian crisises, exchange of information of regional importance, freedom of travel between the countries


Is everyone OK with these issues or does someone feel that they're incomplete?"


He looked at the delegations...


Lord Gothmog cleared his throat.


"As a relative newcomer to the mainstream politics and policies of Europa, I would have to say that I think that is a good start."


"I have heard about these wars and troubles, but only through second or third hand knowledge. I am afraid they could spread. Nan GorGwaith has had internal strife in the past, but most of it has been brief and contained. I am concerned about some of the fallout I am creating by just being here. Perhaps we can make some progress and I can take it home with me and diffuse any situation."


"I have nothing to add for the moment. Anyone else?"


Mr. Sagdiyev was feeling a bit fuzzy. He was aware of his function as leader of the Orioni delegation, but he was also very painfully aware of his stomach. Why on earth did he take the wrong airplane when leaving his country? In stead of boarding government airplaine O-337, he mistakingly stepped into the small and privately owned O-331. He had wondered where the other members of the delegation were, but he soon forgot about that. In stead of a nice and easy flight he was in for a bumpy ride that seemed to last forever.


"Ah yes, the CSCE conference.", Borat said silently, and in a flash he returned to the real world. Borat looked at the three main issues again, of which he had received a short briefing by a member of the staff. Unfortunatly, they gave him a Tagmatine version, which he couldn't read. Borat looked around and noticed the person to his left, a local reporter, had a Tamurin version.


"Jagshemash. I can borrow text please, yes?", he asked the reporter in his usual fashion. The blonde woman looked at him with her big glasses. "Hello, my name Borat. I have wrong text. Can I borrow paper of you, yes?" The reporter smiled and handed handed Borat her version of the conference document. "Dzienkuje. I like you. Do you like me?", Borat asked, to which the reporter replied: "Sure, I guess. I've only just met you, but you seem to be a pretty decent chap." Borat was very happy to hear this. "Wa-wa-wee-wa! That is very wonderful. I like you do you like me? You like sexy time?"


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Mr. Sagdiyev (left) and the unknown female reporter, only moments before she fell from her chair.

Issue 1: A catalogue of principles: Acknowledgement of human rights, waiver of force/violence in politics, acknowledgement of the borders in Europa


Issue 2: Cooperation in economy, science, technology, environment, security and freedom of the oceans


Issue 3: Cooperation humanitarian crisises, exchange of information of regional importance, freedom of travel between the countries

Let me start by thanking you for organising and inviting us to this conference. We have thoroughly examined the conference draft document but would like to add the following extentions:


Issue 1: A serieus discussion about weapons of mass destruction should be in order. We would like to talk about the use of chemical and biological weapons, and perhaps even about the nucleair devices some nations are developing or may already have.


Issue 2: Environmental discussions are very near to our heart. We would therefore like to see economy and environment linked closely together when any decisions are to be made.


Issue 3: Perhaps some form of coordination between existing alliances can form a good starting point? We are aware that the are still many un-allied nations in Europa -- of which some are attending this conference with us -- and would like it very much of there could be greater cooperation and interaction.


These are our remarks, for now. We thank you for your attention.


The Baron T'Rothric stood and spoke:


"Honoured hosts, thank you for inviting us. The Sublime Principate finds these points of issue acceptable, if rather broad and undefined. As such it would ask our honoured hosts for further clarification of as to their depth and breath. Relatedly, I agree with my honoured counterpart from Suverina, this is not the time to voice outright opposition to the issues placed on the table by our honoured hosts. Indeed, I would also request," He shot a quick but noticable glance at the the delegation from the Aristocratic Confederation, "that delegations refrain from condemning these points of debate until they ARE sure they understand what they mean. The points our honoured host has raised for debate, are just that: points for debate. Nothing more. As such these issues should not be swept from the table on the basis of uninformed knee jerk reactions. If an issue is unclear, by all means ask for further details, do not simply reject them out of hand."

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