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Acrra Imperiale Dichia

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Unification of the Accan States came in 1971. Before that, much of the nation resembled pre-unification Germany. Over 80 tiny states comprised the area that is now the Accra Imperiale Dichia.


A minor war in 1945 lead the state of ArnHeim to overtake and annex another nation in the shattered political landscape. After having realised ArnHeims ability to unite the region under it's banner, ArnHeim revolted against it's Senate which opposed the unification. After doing away with the Senate, an Emporer was instated and sworn in as head of State.


For the next 26 years, soldier by solderi, town by town, nation by nation, ArnHeim was imposing iron-fisted rule over the neighboring states. These 26 years saw some of the bloodiest fighting in the 20th centnury. Great, but small, armies were raised, only to be exhausted on the field of batte, and raised again the next year.


In 1970 the flames of war died out on all the reaches of the Emipre and in 1971 a National charter was drafted and adopted. Fearing annihilation by the Emporer, the conquered nations signed the Charter, ratifying the new nation.


The Accra Imperiale Dichia would spend the next 3 decades repairing the damage dealt by the wars. Only recently has enough of the infrastructure been strengthened enough to garuntee success.


Recently the Emporer has singed legislation similar to the Magna Carta, limiting his power and handing power back to the people. He has also sibmited request for mebership to the CIS, in an atempt to be reckonized on the world stage.


With all the pieces in place, the nation is ready to move foreward.

Edited by orioni (see edit history)
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Guess I'll just continue on:


Accran Government:


A) Executive Level


Executive power in Accra Imperiale Dichia is vested in the Federal Council. The Federal Council is composed of seven members who are elected to four-year terms by a joint session of the parliament. Federal Council members are elected from among members of the parliament and are responsible to that body. All major political parties are represented on the council, and no two members of the Federal Council may come from the same canton. The Federal Coucil enforces existing laws and drafts new legislation, conducts foreign affairs, and authorizes the mobilization of troops.


The legislature elects a president and a vice president from among the council members to a single one-year term. The president presides over meetings of the Federal Council, but otherwise holds a largely symbolic position. Each of the seven council members heads one of the federal ministries. These are the ministries of economy, foreign affairs, transportation and power, interior, finance, defense, and justice and police.


cool.gif Legislature


The Accran parliament, called the Federal Assembly, consists of two houses. The Council of States, the upper house, has 46 members. The National Council, the lower house, has 200 members elected for four-year terms under a system of proportional representation. Seats in the National Council are allocated to cantons in proportion to population size, with each canton receiving a minimum of one seat.


C) Judiciary


The Federal Tribunal is the highest court of appeal in the land. It has final jurisdiction in suits between the cantonal and federal governments, corporations and individuals, and between cantons. The court is composed of 30 judges who are appointed to six-year terms by the Federal Assembly. It has original jurisdiction only in cases involving offenses against the Empire, and?unlike the United States Supreme Court?it may not review the constitutionality of federal laws. There are no lower federal courts in Accra Imperiale.


Each canton has its own autonomous system of justice, including civil and criminal courts and a court of appeals. Cantonal courts are responsible for interpreting federal law as it pertains to local matters. The cantonal judiciary is composed of two or three levels of courts, depending on the size of the canton. A single national code for criminal, civil, and commercial law was introduced in 1982.


D) Policital Parties


Accra Imperiale has a multiparty system. The strongest political parties are the Radical Nationalist Party, standing for strong federal power; the Social Democratic Party, advocating wider participation of the state in economic matters; and the Christian Democratic People?s Party, promoting cantonal rights. Other political parties of note are the Accran People?s Party, the Independent Alliance, the Liberal Party, and the Greens, an environmentalist group.


E) Defense user posted image


The Accran military consists of an Army, Air Force, Navy, and Special Service Divisions that number about 750,000 in total. Service in the Accran military is compulsory for all males. Women are exempt but may volunteer for a variety of roles. A typical male inductee is called to service at the age of 20, undergoes a few months of basic training and a period of service, then returns to civilian life. For the next 20 years or more, however, inductees are periodically recalled by the military to take refresher courses designed to maintain and update military skills. In the meantime an inductee may be asked to serve at any time. Accra Imperiale?s citizen-soldiers keep weapons and ammunition, uniforms, and other equipment at home, and the country can fully mobilize for defensive purposes within about 48 hours. Given this overall structure, the Accran military is best described as a highly trained militia, rather than as a standing army. Only about 10 percent of military personnel serve full time, typically as members of the officer corps.

Edited by Accra Imperiale Dichia (see edit history)
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A Deeper View




The Government?s Role in the Economy


Accra Imperiale Dichia?s economy is a mixed one of public and private enterprises. Although the economy is based on free-market principles, the government exercises a considerable amount of supervision and control. The state owns the railroads and most of the public utilities. However, private industry is free to compete directly with state-owned enterprises in various fields, such as hydroelectricity. The government holds investments in some companies that are privately operated, including Accra Power & Mining Co., a leading producer of oil and metals. Other industries are entirely privately owned. All industries are subject to strict government regulations to protect the health and safety of workers and the environment.


The Accran government has actively supported the nation?s industrial development. After The Unification Period (1945-1971) the state took a lead role in promoting construction of power centers and industrial plants. Accra Imperiale?s rate of domestic investment remains one of the highest in the world. The state works with the banking sector to channel financial resources and loans to various industries. In addition, about 2 percent of the nation?s GDP is invested in research and development to promote new industries and industrial processes in the areas of biotechnology, communications, metallurgy, and other fields.





In 2006 Accra had a total employed labor force of 25.35 million. Labor was distributed among the various economic sectors as follows: services, 74 percent; industry, 22 percent; and agriculture, forestry, and fishing, 4 percent. Accran labor is well organized; about 7/8 of the labor force belongs to unions. The Accran Federation of Trade Unions comprises 28 national unions with a total of about 12 million members; the Co-operative Union and Wholesale Society represents 11 million members. Unemployment in Accra Imperiale is low compared to nations in Europa, in 2006 it's standing was only at 2.5%





Agriculture accounts for 2 percent of the annual GDP. Because of the cold climate and poor soils, only 3 percent of the total land area is cultivated. The most important agricultural regions are the eastern valleys north of ArnHeim, and the areas around Ghrond. Most farms are small and are worked by their owners and their families. Despite generally poor soils, farmers achieve high yields through mechanization and intensive use of fertilizers.


The most important agricultural products in Accra are dairy products and grains. More than half of the land under cultivation is meadow and pasture, most of which is planted with hay. Other important crops include oats, potatoes, barley, and corn. Accra must import about half of the grain needed to feed its livestock. The main livestock raised include cattle, hogs, sheep, and domestic fowl. Accra produces all of the meat and dairy products it needs and some of its vegetable and fruit requirements.





The Accran forestry industry accounts for a relatively small proportion of Accran annual GDP. One-fourth of The Imperium is forested, with the densest woodlands in the east, where most of the timber is felled. In 2001 annual timber production totaled 8.4 million cu m (296 million cu ft), most of which was spruce and pine.


Forestry work is seasonal and usually lasts from November to April. Two-thirds of the forests are privately owned, but all forests operate under close government supervision. The government subsidizes the planting of new trees.





An important source of wealth for Accra is its fishing industry. Accra is one of the Europa's leading fishing nations, accounting for about 3 percent of the it's total catch. The nation?s large fishing fleet has an expansive catch area that extends to the banks of Vanarambaion. Since the early 1980s, the government has helped finance the development of a fish-farming industry (particularly of salmon and sea trout). The total yearly marine catch in 1999 was about 6.1 million metric tons. Important species caught include capelin, herring, mackerel, cod, sand lance (sand eel), pollock, salmon, and prawns





Before offshore drilling for petroleum and natural gas began in the 1990s, mining was relatively unimportant in Accra Imperiale, and the country had to import most of its fossil fuels. This sector now accounts for about one-eighth of Accra?s GDP; the percentage in any given year depends on world petroleum and gas prices. Large petroleum and natural gas reserves were first discovered in Accran areas of the Kosscow Sea in the late 1960s, and petroleum production began on a trial basis in 1973. By 1975 Norway was producing enough petroleum to satisfy all of its domestic needs and also to export large quantities to Europa. By 2001 annual crude petroleum production was 1.25 billion barrels; natural-gas production was 54.6 billion cu m (1,928 billion cu ft). Natural gas is piped to both Vocenae and Adaptus.


Other mineral products of Accra include iron ore, lead concentrates, titanium, pyrite, coal, zinc, and copper. The largest iron mines are located at Sydvarni, near the border with Vocenae.





Manufacturing accounts for 11 percent of the annual GDP. The electrochemical and electrometallurgical industries form an important sector of manufacturing. These industries need an abundance of inexpensive electrical power, which Accra can supply. Although the raw materials for aluminum?one of the chief products of the country?s electrometallurgical industry?must be imported, Accra produces about 2 percent of the world?s supply of refined aluminum. It is also an important producer of ferroalloys. A major product of the electrochemical industry is nitrogenous fertilizer, produced from nitrogen that is extracted from the air using large amounts of electricity.


Other major manufactures include confections and processed fish, chemicals, paper, machinery, and electronic goods. The country has several petroleum refineries and a major integrated iron and steel plant.


About half of Accra's manufacturing occurs in the counties surrounding ArnHeim. However, manufacturing facilities are located in many parts of the country, especially along coastal areas. Factories are typically large, and many are owned by the Accra Imperiale Dichia Defense Systems Co, which now constitues about half od the nation's GDP.





Services contribute 25 percent of Accra?s annual GDP. Services encompass a broad economic sector that includes public administration, banking and financial services, wholesale and retail trade, and the hotel and restaurant business, among other activities.







Norway has the most developed waterpower of any country in Northern Europa. Its hydroelectricity is the least expensive and its per capita consumption among the highest in the world. Development of this resource began in the late 20th century, and by 2000 Accra was exporting hydroelectricity to Vocenea. Today, Accra obtains about three-quarters of its total energy requirements from electricity, virtually all of which is generated by waterpower. Electricity production in 2004 was 190 billion kilowatt-hours.


Most of Accra?s hydroelectric installations are built deep in the mountains adn in ravines. Tunnels, blasted through miles of rock, carry water from interior lakes to the mountain turbines. About one-quarter of this power is used for Accran homes, farms, and shops or is exported. The remaining three-quarters is used to power Accra?s major industries.





Building roads and railroads is difficult and expensive in Accra because of the roguh terrain, and in much of the country water traffic is still important. Accra is served by a road network of 91,454 km (56,827 mi), of which about one-third are national main roads. The road network is densest in the southwest. Railroads are state operated and have a total length of about 4,000 km (about 2,500 mi), more than half of which is electrified. Coastal transport, of both passengers and freight, is especially important in the west and north. The coastal towns of Bregen and Kirenes are linked by daily boat service. Bregen is the country?s principal port. The Norwegian merchant marine, with 1,650 vessels of 1,000 gross tons or more, is one of the largest in the world. It is an important source of foreign-exchange earnings. Domestic air service is also well developed. The country has dozens of airports.





Radio and television broadcasting in Accra are under government administration, but management is generally free of government intervention. Accra has a comparatively high rate of newspaper readership, with most households receiving more than one paper. The newspaper industry, which is heavily subsidized by the government, includes 71 daily newspapers, with a combined circulation of 2.5 million. In the past most major daily newspapers were associated with political parties; today, they are largely independent.


Until 1998 the Accran state maintained a monopoly on the telecommunications industry. The industry was later deregulated. The state still owns most of the telecommunications infrastructure, but private companies?from small local companies to international telecommunications giants?are now permitted to offer services in a competitive marketplace. Use of cellular telephones is widespread in Accra, with 790 subscribers per 1,000 people in 2005.

Edited by Accra Imperiale Dichia (see edit history)
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