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Posted (edited)

Hey guy, since my old topic got deleted (Newsroom topic) and my name (INN) is now taken by Vocanae (gash damn you ^^) i decided to reopen a new news topic and would like to ask for some of your help.


I have no real standard for it and would be happy with any good work presented.


The News is called Italgria National News Center and the only thing that i want to add is that it should look modern like really woah modern ^^


if somebody could help me out on this one I would owe them one wink.gif


Edit: Or maybe someone could just take the background of my first signature and in a similar style write the name of the news in (without the United we stand together we fall). That would also already look good but if someone thinks that it would look better in a different way and has the time and wants to do it i am all eyes wink.gif

Edited by orioni (see edit history)
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