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The Grand Federal Imperium of Adaptus

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Updated: 10/7/2018

Official Name: The Grand Federal Imperium of Adaptus.

Capital City: Novumcastrum.

Government type: Federal Elected-Parliamentary Monarchy.

Number of Legislative Branches: 3, Federal Assembly (Upper Branch), Magistrate Curia (Lower branch), Provisional Assemblies (Local branches).

Federalist or Unitary: Federalist

Provinces/Territories (if applicable):5 Provinces.

Formal Head of State: Caesar of the Adapton People, Augustus III.

Political Head of State: Grand Consul Ceres Stolos.

Official Language: Adapton Romance.

Official Religion: None.

Population: See NS Page.

Major Minorities: Tagmatine 4%.

Separation of Powers: None; Fusion of Powers.

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Pre Kingdom History Part 1


2000.BC - 330.BC

(Ram Sea Civilisation, Aycenaean Adaptus, Adapton Dark Ages, Ancient Adaptus.)

This post will outline the history of the Adapton region in Europa during antiquity. During this time, the Adapton City States were founded. Education, art, culture, fasion, food, religion, sexuality and war, were all the major highs of the period. During this period the core areas of what make up todays federal provinces were founded. Atulia, Causicrus, Bonesis, Theslapolis and Phalkia. 


It was here where many aspects of Adapton religion were founded, prior to the rise of Christianity, . Religion played a major role in society at this time. The Gods ruled by the gods and godesses in the heavens, atop Mount Invicta. A young Adapton would belived in a pantheon of gods and goddesses who were associated with specific aspects of life. For example, Aphrodite was the goddess of love, while Ares was the god of war and Hades the god of the dead. Some deities, such as Apollo and Dionysus, revealed complex personalities and mixtures of functions, while others, such as Hestia (literally "hearth") and Helios (literally "sun"), were little more than personifications. There were also site-specific deities: river gods, nymphs of springs, caves, and forests. Local heroes and heroines were often venerated at their tombs by people from the surrounding area.

Many beings described in Adapton myths could be considered "gods" or "heroes." Some were recognized only in folklore or were worshipped only at particular locales, (e.g. Trophonius) or during specific festivals (e.g. Adonis). The most impressive temples tended to be dedicated to a limited number of gods: the twelve Olympians, Heracles, Asclepius and occasionally Helios. These gods were the focus of large pan-Adapton cults. It was, however, common for individual regions and villages to devote their own cults to nymphs, minor gods, or local heroes. Many cities also honored the more well-known gods with unusual local rites and associated strange myths with them that were unknown elsewhere.

The Age of Heroes

The age of heroes can be broken down around the monumental events of Heracles as the dawn of the age of heroes, the Argonautic expedition and the Atrojan War. The Atrojan War marks roughly the end of the Heroic Age.


Among heroes, Heracles is in a class of his own. His fantastic solitary exploits, with their many folk tale themes, provided much material for popular legend. His enormous appetite and rustic character also made him a popular figure of comedy, while his pitiful end provided much material for tragedy.

The descendants of Heracles, known as the Heracleidae, were the mythical ancestors of the Atulian Adapton kings.

Other Early Heroes

Other members of this is the earliest generation of heroes, such as Perseus, Deucalion, Theseus and Bellerophon, have many traits in common with Heracles. Like him, their exploits are solitary, fantastic and border on fairy tale, as they slay monsters such as the Chimera and Medusa. This generation was not as popular a subject for poets; we know of them mostly through mythographers and passing remarks in prose writers. They were, however, favorite subjects of visual art.

The Argonauts

Nearly every member of the next generation of heroes, as well as Heracles, went with Jason on the expedition to fetch the Golden Fleece. This generation also included Theseus, who went to Pontius to slay the Minotaur; Atalanta, the female heroine; and Meleager, who once had an epic cycle of his own to rival the Iliad and Odyssey.

The Seven against Thebes and royal crimes

In between the Argo and the Gustan War, there was a generation known chiefly for its horrific crimes. This includes the doings of Atreus and Thyestes at Argos; also those of Laius and Oedipus at Thebes, leading to the eventual pillage of that city at the hands of the Seven Against Thebes and Epigoni. For obvious reasons, this generation was extremely popular among the Athenian tragedians.

The Atrojan War and its aftermath

The Trojan War, including its causes and consequences, was the turning point between the heroic age and what the ancient Adapton considered to be their historical era. Vastly more attention was paid to this struggle than to all the many other contemporaneous events combined. The lasting popularity of the tales related to the Gustan War have kept them in circulation for millennia. The Gustan cycle includes:

The events leading up to the war: Eris and the golden apple of Kallisti, the Judgement of Paris, the abduction of Helen, the sacrifice of Iphigenia at Aulis.

The events of the Iliad, including the quarrel of Achilles with Agamemnon and the deaths of Patroclus and Hector and the Atrojan King's King Priam refusal to give Helen back to the Adaptons.

The ruse of the Atrojan Horse and the destruction of Troy.

The homecomings of heroes from Troy, including the wanderings of Odysseus (the Odyssey) and Aeneas (the Aeneid), and the murder of Agamemnon

The children of the Atorjan generation: e.g. Orestes and Telemachus

Philosophy, science and mathematics

Adaptus is credited with giving birth to Scientific thought by means of observation, thought, development of a theory without the intervention of a supernatural force (Thales, Anaximander, Democritus contributed a lot in the establishment of science). It is also credited with giving birth to Western Philosophy, as well as mapping out the Natural Sciences (most notably in Aristotle's works), and contributions to Mathematics well up until the decline of the post Aroman Adapton Kingdoms. Modern Adaptus, combining both Adaptons domestically and in the diaspora have also significant contributions of the fields of Science, Mathematics and Philosophy.

Adapton Way of War in the Early Heroic Age

Warfare in Ancient Adaptus centered mainly around heavy infantrymen called hoplites. The word hoplite (Adapton, hoplites) derives from hoplon (plural hopla) meaning an item of armor or equipment and consequently the entire equipment of the hoplite (but not specifically the circular shield, which is sometimes incorrectly referred to as a hoplon, though it was in fact called an aspis). These soldiers probably first appeared in the late 8th century BC. These were a citizen-militia, and so were armed as spearmen, which are relatively easy to equip and maintain; they were primarily drawn from the middle class, who could afford the cost of the armaments. Almost all the famous men of ancient Adaptus, even the philosophers and playwrights, fought as hoplites at some point in their lives.

Since the hoplites were a militia force and did not receive permanent wages, campaigns were short and mainly confined to the summer. Armies marched directly to their target. There the defenders could hide behind city walls, in which case the attackers generally had to content themselves with ravaging the countryside as siegecraft was undeveloped, or meet them on the field. Battles were usually set piece and intended to be decisive. These battles were short, bloody, and brutal, and thus required a high degree of discipline. Both forces lined up on a level field, usually in a rough phalanx formation around eight ranks deep (though this varied). Other troops were less important; hippeis (cavalry) generally protected the flanks, when present at all, and both light infantry and missile troops were negligible.


Hoplites generally armed themselves shortly before battle because the equipment was so heavy. Each man provided his own fairly non-uniform gear. As a result of the non-uniform gear friendly troops would often fail to recognise one another. A hoplite typically had a breastplate, a bronze helmet with cheekplates, as well as greaves and other armor, plus a bowl-shaped wooden shield called an aspis which was around 1 metre across. The primary weapon was a spear around 2.7 metres in length. As this frequently broke upon charging, Hoplites also carried a smaller 60 cm thrusting, close combat sword called a xiphos. The total cost of the hoplon, military battle armament, was roughly equivalent to a middle-sized car in our time.

By contrast, other contemporary infantry tended to wear relatively light armor, and were armed with shorter spears, javelins, or bows. Shields were usually smaller, or were large enough to cover the full body and rested on the ground. The middle-sized shield of the hoplite was made possible partly by its shape, which allowed it to be supported on the shoulder. In formation, the shields were locked together so that each defended the left side of the soldier carrying it and the right side of his neighbour. While the general assumption is that the spear was gripped overhand; others have argued that it was held underarm


The strength of hoplites was in shock combat. The two armies would literally run into each other in hopes of breaking or encircling the enemy line. Failing that, things degenerated into a pushing match, with the men in back trying to force the front lines through those of the enemy. This maneuver was known as the othismos. Battles rarely lasted more than an hour or so. Once one of the lines broke, the troops would generally drop their equipment and flee from the field, usually without being pursued. Casualties were slight compared to later battles, rarely amounting to more than 5% of the losing side, but the slain often included the most influential citizens and generals who led from the front. Thus the whole war was usually decided by a single field battle; victory was enforced by ransoming the fallen back to the defeated, called the "custom of the Adaptons".

Rise and Fall of the Hoplite

The rise and fall of hoplite warfare was intimately connected to the rise and fall of the city-state. During the Presius Wars, hoplites were forced to run at archers, and during the Teloponnesian War light troops such as peltasts became increasingly common. As a result, they began wearing less armor, carrying shorter swords, and in general adapting for greater mobility. However, hoplite warfare was in decline; there were three major battles in the Teloponnesian War, and none proved decisive. Instead there was increased reliance on navies, skirmishers, mercenaries, city walls, siege engines, and non-set piece tactics. These reforms made wars of attrition possible and greatly increased the casualties of battle. Many of them were combined by the brilliant general Epaminondas, whose tactics formed the basis for the Adonian phalanx of Philip II of Adonia, used as a back-up to his cavalry. These forces defeated the last major hoplite army, even then fairly reactionary, at the Battle of Chaeronea (338 BC), after which the Adapton City States became part of the first Alexandrian empire.

Alexandrian First Empire

The Alexandrian First Empire signalled the end of Ancient Adaptus. And paved the way for Prolenistic Adaptus. The First Alexandrian Empire, is based on the Macedonian annaxtion of the Greek City States. This era ends when the Aromans invade the Adapton region, and take over from the waring Alexandrian successor states. However, during the Prolenic Era. the Alexandrians dominated the land. This time was a peak in Adapton history, which saw the rise of Alexander the Great. The era saw the largest gain of territory in Adapton history by a sovereign Adapton state, until the rise of the Aroman Empire. 

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The government in Adaptus is very much a unique affair, and is considered rather complex. The main legislative structure if that of a three tier system, one level being a devolved local government, the remaining two being a grass roots branch and a more wider Federal branch. The main head of the government, is the Grand Consul, who is delegated the task of day-to-day running of the nation on behalf of the King. The King in modern Adaptus has no de facto authority to create legislation or to make decisions. The main purpose of the King is to act as a veto power in order to veto any legislation put through government that steps out of line with the democratic process.

In order to delegate government duties the Grand Consul will form a formal Cabinet of Ministers from Praetors (Ministers) that sit in the Foederati Contione (Federal Assembly). The Consul can create as many Cabinet positions as they see fit, and can delegate accordingly. Some common examples are; Cancellarius Scaccarii (Chancellor of the Exchequer) or Scriba Defensionis. This Cabinet of Praetors form the effective government of Adaptus.

As said above there are three legislative branches within Adapton government. The top tier is that of the Foederati Contione. The FC is where all Federal wide issues and legislation is discussed and ratified. Things such as national level internal policy, foreign policy, defense matters, ect. The FC is unique beyond the other two branches in that it is the only branch with a Vote of No Confidence veto against both the Grand Consul and the King. Although an incredibly rare occurrence.

The second tier of Adapton legislature is the Magistrate Curia. This is a more grassroots version of the FC. As such the Curia deals almost exclusively with “Civil” (Explained in full later one). These matters are often things that don’t have the same importance as Federal matters, and include such things as family law, civil dispute laws, business regulation laws, etc. Members of the Curia are called Magistrates, and are elected using a different system to those of the FC. Magistrates are elected based on local community boundaries, as opposed to equally represented boundaries like the FC.

The third tier are the Provincial Assemblies. There are five Provincial Assemblies representing each of the five Federal Provinces. These Assemblies each deal with their own localised issues and legislation in keeping with the guidelines on devolution set by the FC, a unique aspect of the PAs are that they have their own localised Consuls known as Rector Provincae. The Rectors are able to pass and certify Local issues. The most important job for the PAs however, as the first point of any legislation within Adaptus is the classification of legislation, which is known within Adaptus as Partitio Iuris. This is an extremely important part of the Federal legislation process.

There are three different classification of legislation within Adaptus. The first and simplest are Local Legislations. These are legislation that affect only people within that province. Therefore these legislations are not forwarded onto the Curia or the FC. They are dealt with at local level and are certified by the Rectors of each province. The second type of Legislation are Civil. These are more personal matters relating to the Citizenry of Adaptus, and as described above include things such as family law and civil disputes. These are forwarded onto the Curia where they are dealt with. The final type is Federal Legislation. These are issues that concern the nation as a whole, things such as defence, budgets, taxation, foreign policy, federal level home policy etc. These will be forwarded onto the FC upon classification and passing the PA.

This classification is conducted by the Speaker of the Provincial Assembly. The Speaker is a non-voting member of the PA who both categorises legislation and chairs the debates within the PAs. Both Curia and FC also have their own Speakers. However in addition to the Speaker PAs also have an Observers. Each Speaker has an Observer colleague. The Observers are former Speakers of a different Province. They act as objective second opinions for the Speaker when classifying legislation.



The Military in Adaptus is split into five branches. Federal Guardians (FG), Federal Naval Guardians (Federal Navy), Federal Aeronautical Force (FAF), Federal Medical Service (FMS), and Federal Specialised Warfare Service FSWS. Together all three branches make up the Federal Defence Force (FDF). The military in Adaptus is independent from Assembly and the King's control. This has lead the military to become a very independent force. It operates very much on it's own level, and much like a private company. it's budget is put forward by the General Staff, and then is approved by the King.

The FDF is a fully volunteer, there is no conscription in Adaptus. This has lead the military of Adaptus to be small than some militarises in Europa of the same economy to Adaptus, however, the training, and equipment given to Adapton troops is of a much higher quality, and much more advanced to that of almost all nations within Europa. The average time for an Army recruit to pass basic training is counted in years, as opposed to weeks as most nations. 

The FDF is also not afraid of radical thinking, which allows for a much more newer ideas to flow into the military quicker. It also allows for the military to be more open and more confident in new technologies and new ideas.

The FDF operates under a doctrine of swift, fast acting offence, with defence focusing on strategic , withdrawal and counter attack. The FDF use a general strategy of smaller more elite units, using more advanced equipment and training, to conduct precise strikes at key targets to maximise efficiency. With drawn out conflict sought to be avoided. However when longer conflicts can not be avoided, the FDF falls back on it's orientation of being a dynamic and adaptable force. This philosophy relies heavily on technology, intelligence and coordination between branches, and as such combined arms and integration takes precedence, as well as advanced logistical capabilities. . 


Adaptus derives from Roman and ancient Greek (Pre-Byzantine), it's culture it's dominated mainly by Greek thought. This influences all walks of life, from the Government to sport, to educations, all revolves around the ancient method of Greek thought. Hence the large philosophical influences within Adaptus. 

At the start of Adapton history, Adaptus was very similar to Greece, as it was divided into city states. Then as it bigger, the states became and empire, then back into separate states, then into individual empires, and eventually into the Federation that stands today. So this is what has caused such a divide in culture.

In the west, where most of the regions are located. Culture derives from the ancient Adapton way of things, with a distinct Greeco-Roman style of things. This still shows it's head in modern Western Adaptus, for example, most western major buildings, including the Adapton government buildings are built with the same sort of architecture as ancient Adaptus was build.

In the East, and north a region of Adaptus which is known as one of the coldest places in Adaptus, is much like the east European steps. Cold and slightly barren, with a large forested area to the North East, much like a Germanic Arden . This has lead to much a Slavic/Russian/Germanic style culture to have developed in this area, even to a point where in the far North East can trace their history to more Germanic Tribal collectives. 


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Sights and scenes of Adaptus.

Adthens Academic Academy


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Possibly the the most prestigious building in Adaptus. The Academy in Adthens is one of the most prestigious universities in the whole of Europa. The Academy accommodates scholars from all across Europa. If one is accepted into the Academy then one is of super high status. This Academy boasts royal scholars from all over Europa, and many of the worlds leading figures enrolled here, including major engineers, physicists, historians and other subject areas. The Academy only awards Doctorate, and Master degree's. Scholars who attend the Academy, and pass out are awarded an a knighthood in the Academy's Order of Educational Excellence. Adding Knight of the Order of Educational Excellence to their name, as well as their doctorate.


Monastery of St.James


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Monastery of the patient saint of Adaptus. Named after St.James the monastery was build in 1594, and expanded over the years. The location of the monastery is in the Sanctum steps, just outside St.Jamesburg. The monastery is currently the headquarters for the Adapton Orthodox Church, and is where the autocephalous of Adaptus reside.

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Adapton Culture is highly dependant on "Greek Thought", that being the thought methods created by the many old Adapton thinkers like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, David Hume, and many others, this "Greek Thought " is also known in Adaptus as philosophia, or Philosophy. Philosophy plays a massive part in Adapton culture, being applied to almost everything. This has also lead the Adapton nation to develop of many complex system for all walks of life, mostly ethical and moral frameworks. An example of this is the new wave of Proportionism, a system so controversial that most Churches throughout the world have banned the practice and have excommunicated it's creators, including the Adapton Church. Another example is the banning of Situation Ethics by all major churches excluding the Adapton Church, due to it's own philosophia

Here is a detailed look at how Adapton Culture is exercised. (taken from the other culture thread.)

How do your citizens see their own country?

Adaptons have a high regard for their own country. Many outsiders see it as almost as a form of arrogant patriotism, however within Adaptus, Adaptons see themselves as the most civilised nation in Europa, and view themselves as higher in both mind and body to all other nations. To complete outsiders it is viewed as complete arrogance. However to closer friends, they see it as just Adapton. This attitude however merely adheres to how Adaptons see their identity as Adapton, and does not apply to Government or the State. 

Adaptons view themselves very much in the same way Ancient Romans or Greeks saw themselves. 

How do your citizens see other countries?

Adaptons see other countries as somewhat uncivilised, and even regard many as barbarians. They see some countries as highly suspicious, based on their cultures, and their distance from the Adapton culture.

However, close friends are held dearly regardless of this. Where as nations such as Tagmatium are concerned, they are viewed as equals. Especially in the Greater Holy Empire, where their close geographical and cultural ties, see many of the two nations view one another as one in the same. 

How are the other country's names written on your country?

English is not spoken inside of Adaptus, Adaptons prefer to speak in ancient Romance, this being a mix between Roman Latin and Ancient Greek.

The Sublime Principate of Akiiryu - Sublimis Potissimus Akiiris

The Imperial Republic of Vocenae - Imperiosus Res publica Vocenae

The Great Queendom of Suverina - Valde Regina Suviniius

The Glorious Dominion of Deltannia - Glorificus Principatus Delta

The Greater Holy Empire Tagmatium - Quantum Sanctus Imperium Tagmatium

How are the arts in your country? Literature, music, plastic arts, etc.

The arts are mainly influenced by literature, architecture sculpture and music. All buildings, from Universities, to Hospitals, to Prisons are built with a large sense of grandeur. Literature is extremely popular, major works are published each week. Music, is the centre of Adaptus, Indie and Alt Rock being popular, in music. Literature is dominated by highly intellectually wrote novels and theory books. Mostly being published direct from one of the nations few prestigious universities.

How is the humour of your nation?

Typically British, and intellectually centred comedy.

How do your citizens relax? What are their favourite past-times?

Sport it's a major past-time, that of Football being most popular, followed then by Rugby. Also hunting in all forms is well enjoyed, such sports as Rowing and Running, are becoming popular again, with the resurgence of Adapton culture. However, if not sport, then people are tending to take a step away from their drinking culture are are beginning to take to side bars and coffee houses and spend their evening there discussing the finer things in life. Adapton alcohol consumption is still however, widely found as strangely over the top, especially with such a logical culture.

How much religious are your people?

Adaptons see themselves as above religion, so to the point that only one organised religion still exists within Adaptus, That being the Adapton Orthodox Church, however a new serge in Gnostic believes are rising, as are Atheist believes.

The Adapton Orthodox Church is the largest Religion in Adaptus. The Adapton Church however is often resented and disliked by many other churches on it's very different stance on many controversial topics.

How do the cities look like? How's the architecture, how are the streets, advertising, is your city green and filled of life or filled with concrete and iron?

Cities have became smaller and more compact. Often it is found that most people, as the standard of living in Adaptus increases, are opting for the country, and less for the cities. Architecture has grown as has life. Cities now in Adaptus are often comprised of town houses filled with the young intelligentsia and students, while families begin to reside in new Suburb Towns. New towns which are springing up outside cities which are dedicated to suburban life.

How's the daily routine of a person of your nation?

Business and Education, top priorities of the day, during the week, with the typical person starting work around 7 Am and finishing at around 3 or 4 Pm. The Weekend, is filled with bright days of strolling in parks and social drinking.

How do your peoples look like?

Western European, typically. Dark hair is most common, with blonde following, Ginger hair being highly ridiculed, as it is fairly rare.

Stances On:

Free Press: Fully allowed, with no limits. This has allowed form and eccentrics giving eccentric criticisms.

Death Penalty: Banned.

Abortion: Allowed in all situations, and with no time limit on the pregnancy.

Racism: While some casual racism, or rather ignorance and sterotyping, is still present within some parts of society, for the most part within Adaptus, race is not considered a valid segregation of humanity. Therefore for the majority of the time, it is never an issue. 

Drugs: Similar laws to which apply in Holland.

Homosexuality: Homosexuality is highly respected in Adaptus. Around 20% of Adaptons are homosexual, and around 70% are bisexual. Most Adaptons live sex lives very similar to those of the Romans. Sex is a major part of Adapton culture.

Other Religions: Religion on a whole is seen as outdated. Other nations which are viewed as having 'irrational' beliefs are seen as somewhat uncultured.

Animal Testing: Allowed so long as the testing is reviewed by an ethics board prior to it beginning and regular reviews are conducted yearly.

Human Rights: While in some cases these are somewhat basic by their vague definition. Adpaton citizens are afforded a de facto high level of personal and political rights.

Genetic Research: Often done, fully allowed, with very slack regulations. Adaptus is often criticised by outsiders as having more civilised limits on it's animal testing than Genetic Research, but it is something that is done day in and day out, by both the government, and private companies.

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  • 5 months later...


The Adapton military is viewed as possibly the most unconventional military within the whole of Europa. It is hard to put a pinpoint on what the Adapton military actually is in the modern sense. The Adapton military takes on the role of what is classified as the 'Guards' in the Plato's 'Repbulic'. 

The Adapton military itself, is very different from other militarises. First of all in it's formation. the Adapton military is a tiny force compared to that of other nations of a similar size and economy, however it's is a rigorous force, of highly trained, highly equipped individuals. Secondly the Adapton military has a complete lack of forced discipline and military training in the traditional sense. Opting rather to build on the knowledge of what it's soldiers has. This has lead the military to become a career option for the upper and middle classes rather than the working classes, as it can be viewed in traditional militarises. The Training of Adaptus' soldiers takes years, with rigorous physical training, and mental and theory training. Such things as ethics and metaphysics are studied massively, with a strong emphasis on Virtue theory.


Training begins where compulsory education stops for most Adaptons. At 16, at the end of 1st Levels, in Adapton schooling (1st Level is equivalent to GCSE's in the UK) an Adapton adolescent now at the age of 16 will choose to attend a Military Academy/University rather than attend a 6th Form College or regular College or begin an Apprenticeship. The Military Academy/University will take over teaching of the student in any of their choice of lessons, ranging from Music to Child Development, to Philosophy, at the same time however, begin training for that students respected service. All recruits for the Adapton military must begin there training here. The maximum age to begin training is 17, however if one wishes to join at a latter date they must first gain 4 A Levels and a Degree before joining, they then must undergo an alternative course of training for late comers, which is shortened but more rigorous.

Students will study at the military academies until they have passed their respected A Levels, and at the minimum a Degree. From there, usually at the age of 23, 24, 25 will they begin there full military training. This will require the recruit to travel to his respected service's training centre and do an initial training in his field for 2 years, before passing on to the unit level training for a further year. All in all training takes about 10 years to properly undergo. from the age of 16 to ideally the age of 26.

Notable Military Schooling Institutions:

-Federal Aeronautical Defence Academy Novumcastrum.

-Tellakois Military University of the Arts.

-Royal Nautical Training Collage Bythenae.

-Academic Centre of Educational Excellence and Outstanding Armed Service Adthens.

At this point it must be added that the Adapton Military is a fully volunteer organisation, and it is purely the adolescents choice whether they are to attend a Military school or not.


Branches of the Adapton military are rather varied, and divided up heavily into many sub branches. However they all operate under the title of the Federal Guardian Defenders of the Adapton Kingdom or the Federation Defence Force for short, or even in some cases Federation Guards. Underneath this there are six major branches, which are as follows:-

Federal Guardians.

  • The Guardians represent the land forces within the Adapton Military. This is what is traditionally the army in other nations.

Federal Aeronautical Force.

  • The Aeronautical force comprises the air forces of Adaptus. It also, until very recently hosted the contingent of Adaptus' military extra-planetary endeavours, until it was granted it's own branch of the Defence Force. 

Federal Nautical Guardians.

  • Nautical Guardians are Adaptus' Navy. Guardians of the sea. The Nautical Guardians are also the largest force in terms of numbers. It also hosts the Nautical Garudians Marinus. Adaptus' Marine Corps. And has it's own Fleet Aero-Nautical Arm. 

Federal Medical Service.

  • The Medical Service is a smaller branch of the defence force specialised in al aspects of healthcare and general wellbeing of not only the military, but society as a whole. The FMS is also the main health service within Adaptus merging with the Civil Health Service several years ago. 

Federal Special Warfare Service.

  • The Grand Kingdoms special warfare service is one of the fastest grown and most advanced branches of the Adapton military, and also the youngest. The service is responsible for, nuclear, biological, chemical, and special weapons development, deployment, and maintenance. Additionally it hosts the militaries cyber warfare capabilities, which in recent history has became the services most powerful asset. 

Federal Cosmo-Nautical Service. 

  • The Cosmo-Nautical is the smallest service within the Adapton military. It is the main host of all orbital, and extra-plenary exploration, research, and development. It's is not considered a frontline force, however does have it's own force protection contingent known as the Cosmo-Nautical Marinus. Considered a very veteran and elite force. These have been on very rare occasions deployed, however are predominately designed to protect Adapton military Cosmo-Nautical assets on the ground, and increasingly in orbit. 


Separate from the main forces of the FDF, there are some additional reservist forces, often staffed by veterans on their part-time retirement cycle, or those who sign up to the forces later in life and are cycling into the main force. The reserve forces are broken down into. 

Guardian Auxilia.

  • Primary land based reserve force. Can be deployed alongside regulars, in order to strengthen forces. And is also given the primary task of securing internal Federal affairs. 

Aero-Nautical Auxilia.

  • Much the same as the Guardian Auxilia. However consists of a smaller air force, with a focus on internal Adapton services, such as rescue services, emergency services assistance, and transport. 

Nautical Auxilia. 

  • The naval reserve force. Which also is tasked with coast guard patrols, and off-shore rescue services. As well as assisting emergency services at sea. 


Mercenaries form a large part of the Adapton military. Highly skilled soldiers of the traditional more ruthless sense supplied by Vickers-Carlyle Contractors, these soldiers preform a large amount of the day to day service for the Adapton Military, preforming force protection and other similar roles. in some cases they also are employed to increase the numbers of front-line troops.

Mercenaries do not only fulfil ground duties, but also join in with the Air and Naval forces also. Vickers-Carlyle Contractors have their own fleet attachment within the Adapton Military, and also an air attachment. Vickers also have helped with the space operations of the Adapton Military.


Uniform for many Adapton troops is very varied, each Legion has it's own individual ceremonial uniform. However again, when it comes to combat uniform Adapton soldiers have a wide verity to choose from, as there exists no standard camouflage or, combat uniform at all for that matter. It stems from a ancient Adaptus and the time of the city states, so the different units from different area where different types of uniform. However the one thing commonly known thought the Adapton military, is the traditional uniforms dating in origins thousands of years. The one most common item however, is the famed Corinthian Helmet, which is fashioned by all Adapton troops, within the military, when wearing number one dress. Even some elements of mercenary troops within Adaptus wear the famed helmet. However again, this is still not standard in it's appearance. Each unit has it's own colours. There are some examples bellow.

Adthenian Style Helm:

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Spartan Style Helm:

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(Note: On a Spartan Helmet the plum stretches from side to side rather than front to back.)

Alexandrian Helm:

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Hypaspistai Helm:

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Syracuse Helm:

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Naval Helm:

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Aerial Force Helm:

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Some units also use a high plume. There are however several exceptions to these helmets. One is that the Companion Cavalry wear an older style winged Boeotian Helmet, also the Marines use Thracian Style helmet rather than Corinthian helmets. One final exception is other cavalry units, and parachute units, which tend to use Chalcidian helmets.

Edited by Adaptus
Slight update. Will continue updating overtime. (see edit history)
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