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Greetings to the people of Europa!


My name is Klopstock and I am the new Foreign Secretary in Great Britain and Ireland. I am registering on forums and doing tours of our embassies and all that jazz, so here I am! Hello! laugh.gif


Anyways, I have just checked in at our embassy and left an update on our non-agression pact there, but I wanted to introduce myself here as well. I should be coming around from time to time, and look forward to getting to know you all and your absolutley gorgeous forum. 2-thumbup.gif




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Hmmmm, I know a Dutch player who's called "Klopstokia"...

Actually I just saw the same player's name in some region or other in the past few days as well, though they had been inactive for well over a year there. However, I have no clue who they are, and we are not related. Are they still active Haken?


Anyways, thanks for the warm welcome everyone, and it is good to see you in GB&I Tagmatium cool.gif


P.S. Ohh also, I'm going to post something in our consulate right after this, so check it out. wink.gifbiggrin.gif


P.S.S. Ohh and I'm afraid I don't write Portuguese Pirilao, sorry! sad.gif


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