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British National Party

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It was said today, and yesterday in the British media that more and more of the working class people in Britain were prepared to swing there votes in the way of the BNP in the up and coming May general election.


Now some would say this is a good thing, but many debate this. According to the BNP website, they seem quite confident of there sudden popularity, and have said that British voters have "awoken to the fact that the gulf between elected and electors is growing". Which a could are with in some respects, and I must say, voting for the BNP at this point in time would seem a good one to many voter, what with may working class people feeling let down and frustrated by the main parties and by poor housing, lack of job opportunities, anti-social behaviour, and run down communities, not to mention growing hate for the current what could be called by some as immigration problems.


However, some may argue this, saying the BNP currently is getting to much publicity. I mean, in the resent survey which was done to find this information, only 25% of people said the "might vote" for the BNP, and many suggest that the BNP will not get near the 25% which is stated. Another thing in the "against camp" is the fact the BNP have no MP's, and only have representative in a handful of local councils.


So, with the next local election in May, will we see the beginning of the rise of the BNP? Have the British voters woken up? Or is this just hype over a small survey, giving the BNP some over-rated publicity. Well with the gap between government and governed in British growing every bigger, could we really be seeing a change. I mean, I must say, in current situations, the BNP do seem a fairly good vote, however, are they really just a laughing stock as a political force? We may have to wait and see.

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In The Secret Agent, a BBC documentary broadcast on July 15, 2004, filmmaker Jason Gwynne went undercover and joined the BNP for six months. His secret filming recorded party leader Nick Griffin calling Islam a "wicked, vicious faith"; party member Steve Barkham confessing to assaulting an Asian man in the 2001 Bradford Riots; party member Stewart Williams stating that he wanted to "blow up" Bradford's mosques with a rocket launcher; and council candidate Dave Midgley confessing to pushing dog faeces through the letterbox of an Asian takeaway.



At its founding, the BNP was explicitly racist. In October 1990, the BNP was described by the European Parliament's committee on racism and xenophobia as an "openly Nazi party... whose leadership have serious criminal convictions". When asked in 1993 if the BNP was racist, its deputy leader Richard Edmonds said, "We are 100 per cent racist, yes".




user posted image

Posted (edited)

Heck, I like this party more and more...


I have nationalist tendancies, but I am not an openly hating rascist. I hate the Black Culture, and if you look around, the Muslim Religion over in the Mid East, is Viscious. Women are beaten, Children are taught to hate White, Western American/European Males. I mean, you can't say Islam is peaceful, because we wouldn't be in the situation we're in now. the only muslims that are peaceful, are the ones suffering under the jackboot of the Mullah's controlling the Middle Eastern Nations, and the ones that aren't raised up brainwashed. Just take a look around people, and disengage your heart, and engage your mind. Think Objectively.


Europe needs more neo Conservatives. Not less.

Edited by Upper Strathyclyde (see edit history)

Are looking to stir sh*te or what? Such comments are not welcome here whether or not they're made in jest. Oh, and your hate, if real, is pretty open. I might also add you're in breach of forum rules as at least one of the comments you've made is racist.





Ok, there are violent people everywere. your media tells you Islam is dangerous and extreme that we are occupying two countries because of their hate. What makes you think Mullahs rule the middle east, look at eygept and turkey, and pakistan had elected female heads of state. Maybe they are taught to hate white caucasians, but who are we being told to hate? Who does Savage Nation bash? why do my news programs tell me dark people are dangerous on planes..? When the Cristians came to the middle east as Crusaders, they killed Moslems, Jews and Cristians alike, and when the Moslems were in Jerusalem they let all faiths practice toguether in peace. there are extreamists everywere, your being told moslems are dangerous. YOUR brainwashed, dude. Been watching to much Fox news and Micheal Savage.



I agree that if there is someone to hate in this world it's those rich white caucasian capitalists who own so much of our worlds wealth.

Posted (edited)

Heck, I like this party more and more...


I have nationalist tendancies, but I am not an openly hating rascist. I hate the Black Culture, and if you look around, the Muslim Religion over in the Mid East, is Viscious. Women are beaten, Children are taught to hate White, Western American/European Males. I mean, you can't say Islam is peaceful, because we wouldn't be in the situation we're in now. the only muslims that are peaceful, are the ones suffering under the jackboot of the Mullah's controlling the Middle Eastern Nations, and the ones that aren't raised up brainwashed. Just take a look around people, and disengage your heart, and engage your mind. Think Objectively.


Europe needs more neo Conservatives. Not less.

You have got to be high or something because that is utterly ridiculous! Islam is quite peaceful when you're not looking at a bunch of radical psychopaths over in the Middle East! I haven't seen any violent muslims in Dearborn, MI; I have seen a lot of peaceful ones going to classes, talking with friends, and otherwise enjoying life. No violent fanatics. As for the ones who are brainwashed, that has nothing to do with their religion and everything to do with their oppressive governments. I bet those Koreans are all violent and evil... oh, that'd just be Kimmy brainwashing them. And what situation are we in? The War in Iraq? Gee, I thought that had nothing to do with any sort of religion or muslims. I thought America was disarming a totalitarian madman, but it would seem there was nothing to disarm.


Neo Conservatives. BAH! BAH! BAH I say three times! They just give fuel to the fire; we need calm heads. Rational heads! Too many people are out for blood and being led by bigots will not help any situation anywhere. If this BNP is racist, I say to hell with them. No good can come of racism in power.

Edited by Miiros (see edit history)

Okay. Stop it. No more flame baiting comments, no more replies. No hating of anybody. No insults, implied or real. Nothing.


Okay then. I quit. See y'all later. Part of being in a democracy people, is putting up with opinions. Not just the ones you want to hear. As a human being, I retain the right, however I see fit, unless its totally cursing out an individual, to speak my opinions and mind. If this forum will not recognise it, I will go to one that does. Good day.




Ok, there are violent people everywere. your media tells you Islam is dangerous and extreme that we are occupying two countries because of their hate. What makes you think Mullahs rule the middle east, look at eygept and turkey, and pakistan had elected female heads of state. Maybe they are taught to hate white caucasians, but who are we being told to hate? Who does Savage Nation bash? why do my news programs tell me dark people are dangerous on planes..? When the Cristians came to the middle east as Crusaders, they killed Moslems, Jews and Cristians alike, and when the Moslems were in Jerusalem they let all faiths practice toguether in peace. there are extreamists everywere, your being told moslems are dangerous. YOUR brainwashed, dude. Been watching to much Fox news and Micheal Savage.



I agree that if there is someone to hate in this world it's those rich white caucasian capitalists who own so much of our worlds wealth.

Get out, get a f*cking job, and don't have 3 kids at 19 and live off taxpayers like me.

Posted (edited)

And no thank you, I listen to Rush and G. gordon Liddy, and Hannity. thanks for asking though! biggrin.gif



And there is a difference between hating the Black CULTURE, and the black person. I hate the culture, not the person. I don't judge people on what thier skin colour is. I judge via actions, and from What I see, Alot of blacks, but no a majority, are influencing my country, in a horrible way. 1/16th of the country, is turning our morals inside out with Gang violence, Sex, Drugs and Alchohol. Its the same reason why Idon't like Country Music.

Edited by Upper Strathyclyde (see edit history)

US there are certian rules in this forum which were made clear in the introductory forums. Including one that specifically states that racist comments are not accepted. I know you've read those so you have no excuse.


Right of freedom of speech comes with an obligation to use that right in a responsible manner. Western democracies, including the United States of America, generally agree that making racist comments is not meeting this obligation.


Finally, you're welcome to your opinions and your political view points. You're also welcome to express them. You're not, however, welcome, as the forum rules indicate, to make racist comments or generalisations. Appeals to democracy/free of speech doesn't give one the right, in my book, to say the hate a people/culture.

Posted (edited)

Okay, I didn't read the rules to be honest. I generally accept people to understand who I am. Okay, then I will take my RP's elsewhere.



Edit: Western Democracies allow free speech. You guys in Europe are straying less and less towards democracy. You ban the Nazi Flag, you arrest people for putting make up on at an intersection in england, and you don't allow concealed carry? Look at canada, thier Violent crime rate has gone through the Roof thanks to banning guns. America is the Last vestige of true, Democratic and Conservative freedom, where you can say N1gg3r without being called a rascist. If Black People call themselves that, it must not be that bad.

Edited by Upper Strathyclyde (see edit history)

Have the british voters woken up? Or is this just hype over a small survey, giving the BNP some over-rated publisity


I do not know what their issues are, but it seems about the right time for something like this to happen.


example - Existing government has problems both domesticaly and internationaly (Blair, Iraq, immigrant/unrest, terroism, etc), existing parties are considered polar opposites and are old and tired, media (usually biased, with an agenda) runs with something new and more along their views (or different of existing views of the government) Much like in the US, except our media would never go crazy over a new politcal party.


Sounds more like overhype to me and something "new" to gain readers or their interest.


Personally, I find the British National Party offensive. If the British voters had truly "woken up", especially the working classes, they'd probably be voting for the SWP, rather than the neo-Nazis-in-denial of the BNP.


Oh, the BNP claim they are not racist, pointing to the fact that they have several black and Asian councillors and candidates, but everyone knows, including themselves, that they are just lying. It's like the NSDAP playing down their anti-Semitic ideas when they wanted to get more support from amongst big business. As soon as they get into power (hopefully something that will never happen), it'd be like the 1930s Germany all over again. No good would ever come of the BNP breaking into the mainstream politics.


But... politics is taking a shift to the right. These days, instead of the centre parties taking a truly centre position; they just accept the more right-wing policy option, like the immigration "problem". The truth of the matter is that Britain needs immigrant labour, whether to do the jobs that other people wouldn't touch with a barge pole, and also to provide a younger population, as the native population of this nation is aging rapidly. So, if the government were to halt immigration, the nation would starve to death, due to lack of labour and taxes. Although someone could probably ream off some facts to prove otherwise. tongue.gif


Another thing Adaptus, don't trust what the BNP website says. In fact, don't trust what any political party's website says. The chances are they'll just be interpreting the facts for their own benefit, showing that the British working class voter is now voting for them. I imagine the British Communist Party is doing the same, as is the Green Party (rolleyes.gif). Surveys are typically interpreted for by the makers for their own gain.


As well, I doubt the BNP have any really progressive policies in the fields of anti-social behaviour, job opportunities and run down communities. Other than locking up the offenders and opening some sort of Nick Griffin Youth Organisation, I think that's probably where it ends. Admittedly, I must claim ignorance over their policies, as in my city, thank God, we don't have any BNP candidates. Just your usual, run of the mill Labour, Liberal Democrats and Conservative. Plus the Greens, Socialists, Communists etc.


Job opportunities are definitely a problem. It's probably down to the nationalisation of the heavy industries in the 1980s, as well as the constant shipping of jobs overseas by companies looking for cheaper labour. The only way to stop this would be some sort of re-nationalisation and making sure companies kept all manufacturing and such inside of the UK, something, although I'd like as a Socialist, ain't going to happen.


The same goes to run-down communities and anti-social behaviour. Ideally, taxes, especially for the rich, would be whacked up, as they are already artificially low. But, although I'd like that, it ain't going to happen, as the Government (and most governments, irrespective of party) rely on the rich to give them donations. Are you going to vote for a party that takes away your hard-earned cash? No, of course not. But this is the money that needs to be spent on schools, hospitals, local communities, etc. It was taken away by Thatcher, and never put back, not by Tory Blair and his New "Labour" Party.


So, to sum my rather rambling post up, don't vote for the BNP, unless you'd really want a Nazi Germany-style state. The British Union of Fascists was regarded as traitors in the 1940s, and they should be now, although they go by a different name.


I hear they did quite well in Torquay. Another thing I've noticed is that they seem to target 'Chavvy' (for lack of a better word) areas. Posters have been put up around Crawley, which is near to where I live, it can also be considered scum capital of the southeast. I get the feeling their politics appeal to the kind of people that live there.


1. Western Democracies allow free speech. You guys in Europe are straying less and less towards democracy. You ban the Nazi Flag, you arrest people for putting make up on at an intersection in england, and you don't allow concealed carry?


2. America is the Last vestige of true, Democratic and Conservative freedom, where you can say N1gg3r without being called a rascist.


3. If Black People call themselves that, it must not be that bad.

1. I say "no tolerance for the intolerant". True, there are some holes in the democratic aparatus which allow for extremists to creep in, but I feel the judicial branch of any government already has the necesary tools to counter those. Btw: I'm so very very glad guns are not allwod in my (European) country. The only places I know where people carry guns are the US and the third world countries the Bush administration hates so much. Funny.(I think it's all male macho thinking: our guns are bigger then yours. Oh yeah? we'll see about that! *bang bang bang*)


2. Patriot Act?


3. I've thought about that point often enough myself, but it's not because some rapper refers to himself like that, that it's okay to call an entire race like that. Please go and see the movie 'Crash'.


Probably the more extreme sorts of politics, yes.


Just because they can be seen to be "doing something", whilst the more mainstream parties just postulate about stuff.

There is an extremist party in Belgium, which I'll refer to as VB. They complain about everything, but never come up with a solution. It's easy to win votes that way, but I really don't think they would form a good government.


They tend to support everyone who complains. For example:

    The people around our national airport complain about noise. VB says they support these locals, and that the government has to do something about it.


    People around the national airport also complain that they are losing their jobs due to the noise regulations, which divert airplanes to other airports. VB supports these workers and says the government should promote the airport and create more jobs.

Now I don't have the solution to this particular problem (if I did, I'd be prime minister already), but it seems like there is a way to get a lot of votes. I'd like to see what they'd do once elected, but on the other hand I fear that day. Poe on them!

Quite simply i think that the BNP are simply profiting from a disolusioned voting population and the general ill feeling for those 'illegal immigrants' that are blamed for all the ills of modern day society. Put simply they are a reactionary party looking to profit from the apathy towards the main three parties Labour, Conservatives and the Lib Dems and to build upon the ill concieved and poorly educated views of many about immigration and in a broader sense 'minorites', for similar look at the Nazi persecution of the Jews in 30's Germany, blaming the abject poverty of the Germans on a jewish elite conspiracy. By using strong inflamatory retoric they often give the impression of empowering people and promising a better life for those who have 'a right to be here'. Whereas much of the evidence shows that where the BNP have gained power in council seats they have been truely incompetent at running anything.


3. I've thought about that point often enough myself, but it's not because some rapper refers to himself like that, that it's okay to call an entire race like that. Please go and see the movie 'Crash'.




Please live in America, in Cincinatti, where I hear it from the man on the street. Its the black culture.

Alot of blacks, but no a majority, are influencing my country, in a horrible way. 1/16th of the country, is turning our morals inside out with Gang violence, Sex, Drugs and Alchohol. Its the same reason why Idon't like Country Music.

Those basterds! ohmy.gif

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