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Map v3: Updates


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user posted image


+ Format: PNG

+ Filesize: 363.21 KB (371925 bytes)

+ New feature(s): Flags, alliance colors, territorial waters, seas.


@ Cartographic Team: I'll upload the edited PSD-version of this map as soon as Google Pages is back online, together with the information regarding fonts, colors, etc. The current size of the file is just under 6 MB.
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user posted image


+ Format: PNG

+ Filesize: 687 kB (702.742 bytes)

+ New feature(s): Neutral nations are also colored; tried a little shading (can be removed on the next update.)


@ Cartographic Team: As said, here is the link to the PSD file (6.04 MB). I did not dare to create the lake and canal Akiiryu requested, since one would have to alter the geo-layer, pol-layer, and borders. DR, I hope you can create the lake so it fits with the rest of the geo-map. Also, should one of you want to edit a layer, make sure you have removed any layerstyle(s) before editing, or there will be trouble for the next update. (Layerstyles have been added to the 'Borders' and 'Flags'.)
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user posted image


+ Format: PNG

+ Filesize: 723 kB (739.558 bytes)

+ New feature(s): Akiiryu got his little lake because of previous map issues, but customizations of the geography should be left to our god Dr. Mezzos and not be requested again.


user posted image


+ Format: GIF

+ Filesize: 647 kB (662.510 bytes)

+ New feature(s): None; this map just serves as a reference to national geography. Btw, if you have any national maps, you are free to post them in the national map-thread.

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user posted image


ImageMonkey was down, so I used ImageShack again.

Sorry if that causes any problems for certain members.

I will re-upload the entire map when the coast is clear.


+ Format: PNG (Portable Network Graphics).

+ Filesize: 693 kB (709.304 bytes).

+ New feature(s): There now is a bay named in honour of our great founder! 10 arcade credits if you can spot it.

+ Removed: Bashovia and Erbery, Upper Strathyclyde, Blueport, Slavic Byzantium.

+ Download an editable version for yourself: PSD-file (6 MB).

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  • 4 weeks later...



POL - ImageShack

user posted image

POL - ImgMonkey

user posted image

POL - SUpload

user posted image


GEO - ImageShack

user posted image

GEO - ImgMonkey

user posted image

GEO - SUpload

user posted image


+ Format: PNG (Portable Network Graphics).

+ Filesize: about 750 average.

+ New feature(s): Uploaded the file to three different hosts. I hope at least one works for you guys. EOS is shown in orange, but I don't like the color yet so that may be subject to change in the future. If you look at the top-left, there is a little explanation of the colours.

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  • 3 weeks later...




user posted image



user posted image



+ Format: PNG (Portable Network Graphics).

+ Filesize: about 750 average.

+ New feature(s): None, but I have a few SMALL TEST images I want to show you guys. You can discuss them here.



+ http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/2643/bige...maptest1mn3.png

+ http://s2.supload.com/files/default/BigEuropaMap_TEST_1.png



+ http://img482.imageshack.us/img482/793/big...maptest2bi0.png

+ http://s2.supload.com/files/default/BigEuropaMap_TEST_2.png

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user posted image



user posted image





+ Format: PNG (Portable Network Graphics).

+ Filesize: 511.43 KB (523703 bytes).

+ New feature(s): Neutral nations who are affiliated with a certain alliance will receive a coloured edge of the alliance they are associated with. Example: Deltannia is affiliated with the EOS alliance, and has thus received a golden edge. This is possible for other nations as well, if they request it correctly.

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Ok Here is my map.


Click here for updated map!!!!!!


I know it is missing somethings and it may need some changes.


I didn't add the flags as it would take me longer and i got the sense everyone needed to see the map updated ASAP, but they will be on the next one. I tried to go through all the updated since august and i may have missed a few, please let me know. If any of the admins need me to correct something please let me know via pm. Some expansions were not added either because i missed them or the rp for there expansions have not finished being rped. I didn't put up the alliances because i dont know if they are still active and if they are still wanted. please let me know and they will magically reappear.



- Capitals: Ive included capitals as you can see from my spot. I will only add capitals not major cities. I offically have two capitals so that answers that question. If you want your capital added tell me where (and a picture would be nice) and its name and it will be done.

- Spots: I merged all the small spots into one large one. If you want it changed back let me know.

- Expansions: All expansions will be added once they are properly rped to the admins satisfaction. This will prevent the I want these spots. It will also encourage those still active here to rp even if it is with themselves for the extra spot.


Any questions about the map or your specific spot can be addressed to me and Ill try and answer them as fast as possible.

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  • 3 years later...
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