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Map v3: Plot Limits?

What should be the plot limit?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the plot limit?

    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7
    • 8
    • Unlimited
    • No opinion

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This is a poll.


The question ofcourse is: What is the maximum amount of plots a nation may have on the new map?

(Note: the amount of plots permitted by a particular nation will still be limited by it's population, as on the previous map.)


You may vote.

The outcome is advisory and not necessarily binding.

Edited by orioni (see edit history)
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I voted for eight, but I propose these population requirements. That way a nation as populated as the Earth is not stuck with four plots...


1 Plot:

Minimum pop - 20 million and 5 posts


2 Plots:

Miminum pop - 500 million


3 Plots:

Minimum pop - 1 billion


4 Plots:

Minimum pop - 2 billion


5 Plots:

Minimum pop - 3 billion


6 Plots:

Minimum pop - 5 billion


7 Plots:

Minimum pop - 7 billion


8 Plots:

Minimum pop - 10 billion


I don't think any nation state exists with ten billion people, so I think it's safe. I also staggered it with every two annexions. Two 500 million increases, two one billion increases and two two billion increases and the final three billion increase for population. This way we probably won't see many nations exceeding four or five plots except for ancient nations that would actually need all of that land.


Also, some nations may not even choose to expand very much. The bigger you are, the harder you fall. Defending all that territory is bound to be a pain in the ass come wartime. biggrin.gif

Edited by Miiros (see edit history)
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I chose 5, although I think 4-5 depending on how big they are on the map. If the numbers were like Miiros', then it wouldn't be too bad then. I also think that perhaps there should be some room for RPing, as in takeovers and such, so maybe a 4 limit, but if you gain something from war, for instance, then it can work out like that (Although I doubt anyone would agree to losing land).

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I voted four. Simple reason being that one never knows how many people will eventually want to come in and join and get a plot... limitation just makes it more likely that there will be space for future joiners. I might be naive in saying this, everyone on here probably knows better than I the likelihood that the map will get filled up, but not knowing myself, that was the rationale I used...


And, further, does it really affect your functioning in the game THAT much if you have a big ass section of land? Sure 10 Billion people would realistically not probably fit in 4 plots, but in a game like this there are some limitations on reality. N'est ce pas?

Edited by Rekamgil (see edit history)
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Personally, four is the best way.


It's big enough to allow people to expand, plus it limits enough to allow new nations a place.


Unlimited is unrealistic, no offence meant, as is anywhere above five, as it does mean larger nations tend to gobble up the prime bits of land.


By the way, I'm going to close this thread a week today, and the poll option with the highest amount of votes is the new limit.

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And, further, does it really affect your functioning in the game THAT much if you have a big ass section of land? Sure 10 Billion people would realistically not probably fit in 4 plots, but in a game like this there are some limitations on reality. N'est ce pas?

C'est vrai.

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I voted five. I guess most people can agree on that. I like the list Miiros posted, but I would add some more posting requirements to it, I know I myself and many other really really hate to see big areas being wasted by inactive members.


1 Plot:

Minimum pop - 20 million + 20 posts (Anyone can do this without breaking a sweat. Introduce yourself, spam a bit, and you're there. NationStates will take care of the rest within a week or so.)


2 Plots:

Miminum pop - 500 million + 100 posts (Aha, a little more difficult. Be active in RP for example, and a second lot awaits.)


3 Plots:

Minimum pop - 1 billion + 250 posts (Same story.)


4 Plots:

Minimum pop - 2 billion + 500 posts (2 billion takes about 1 year if I'm not mistaken. 500 posts only a month or so.)


5 Plots:

Minimum pop - 3 billion + 1000 posts (A reward for the senior members. You've got to be rewarded in some way for sticking around this long.)


I feel this list holds the best of both worlds, as one can still expands. The catch is: you've got to be an active members as well. If not, then you won't care and we won't be bothered.

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I beleive in this concept of "population = territory" but do we have to have it set up so that only large population nations get lots of territory?


I think that if we can go to war, we should be able to win territoy plots that way to. I think that your population should play a role in starting plots on the new map, but we should be able to buy or take more from others.


I know its an imperialist point of view, but in real life, isn't that how it works? Imperialism is alive today and we need to simulate it if we want to be realistic.

Edited by Liberallandia (see edit history)
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Small nations with tiny populations are very unlikely to conquer large areas. Also, as said, we don't want unknown people to goble-up all lots. This way has worked before in the past, and I am sure it will keep working in the future.

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Orioni's addition of post count is a good idea to reward activity and also to provide further incentive to be more active, so I agree to it.


As for imperialism, maybe there can be a special case if two nations go to war and there is an agreed territory loss/gain? Other than that, I think the rules should always apply when moving into blank plots. When you have the requirements to expand, you can RP is as violently as you want, but before you have the requirements your nation should be understood to lack the means of conquest for that plot.

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Thank you Miiros, I'm glad that first part is settled.


As for the role-playing aspect of an expansion, I think nations should be free how they would want to play their expansion.

  • You could do it in a violent, imperialist matter, by sending your military overthere and seizing the land.
  • Or, you could play the socio-economic card, hold a conference, and as for international support for your expansion.
  • If you would want to have a player-versus-player battle to see who gets the land, so be it. Just know that it's usually first-come first-serve regarding map requests.
I feel it's really up to the players in this front. Be creative, no need to regulate this particular aspect of role-play.
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I voted for unlimited. I'm also a fan of laissez faire (or however you spell those French words. dry.gif ). I feel that constricting a huge population to a small space like that is unrealistic in the long term. I don't want huge sprawling cities in my country, but I also can't expand or stop my population growth. I think as long as everyone is realistic it would work out, and newbies that try and screw things up can be eaten for lunch. evillaugh3.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

1 Plot:

Minimum pop - 20 million + 20 posts (Anyone can do this without breaking a sweat. Introduce yourself, spam a bit, and you're there. NationStates will take care of the rest within a week or so.)


2 Plots:

Miminum pop - 500 million + 250 posts (Aha, a little more difficult. Be active in RP for example, and a second lot awaits.)


3 Plots:

Minimum pop - 1 billion + 500 posts (1 billion takes about six months if I'm not mistaken. 500 posts only a month or so.)


4 Plots:

Minimum pop - 3 billion + 1000 posts (A reward for the senior members. You've got to be rewarded in some way for sticking around this long.)

I'm going to pin these rules.
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