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Strathyclyde Annual Wargames 2007

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OOC: Okay, Its been a simulated year, so I am hosting the War games again, and this time we hope to maintain our dominance smile.gif. We hope more parties will be interested. Below are the rules:



100,000 Troops, 1,000 Tanks and 500 Aircraft limit for each Nation involved. Navies unlimited.



Any conventional Weapon may be used to simulate actual National Army Advantages on the Modern Battlefield.



For the sake of fun, we'll assume any weapon in the match will be able to be outfitted with the MOUT Laser System, or MOuntain and Urban Training System.



Last man standing rules. Army that is left standing or leaves all other armies incapable of mounting an effective resistance, wins. Pretty Simple.



Here's the kicker: 12.5 Million Euro Cash prive to the Winning Government. Thats right. Cash prize baby.



Sign ups start now, and end Tuesday. Match starts on Thursday. Let the Carnage begin smile.gif

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The Royal Guard will attend so that the troops of the Prince's guard can recive more experience. They are preparing right in this moment. I shall not say they are victorious, but they'll put up with a fight! They are a force of 60.000, They will be outnumbered but it will be a challenge.


For the gratious God, the glory of our leader and the greatness of our nation,




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OOC: Mmmmm, unlimied navy.....


FROM: Deltannia

TO: Upper Strathyclyde


Deltannia wishes to participate at the Annual Wargames.




"Next on the list, Upper Strathyclyde has extended an invitation for the wargames, sir."


"Have they? Just what Deltannia needs to get back into shape. Get troops prepared for the games!"


"Of course, sir!"




OOC: Deltannia, as I invision it, does its own wargames with itself, although not on such a large scale. So, we'll have some experience, just not that much.

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