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Government begins expansion into neighbouring territory.


His Imperial Highness Andronicus VII has formally approved the 'Virgin Lands Acquisition Scheme', presented to him by the Senate yesterday. This new act will allow a wave of upto 50 million colonists over the next few years, to head westwards into the neighbouring, uninhabited but fertile Ngasi region. This region has been formally requested by the government, and they await the response of other Europan nations to see whether or not this move will be received warmly or with hostility.


OOC: I shall be away and off-line until Monday 26th February, as it is half-term during this time. C-ya!

  • 2 months later...

Live from our studios in Konstantinopoli, and broadcast around the world, this is RNN!


Good afternoon. This is the news update brought to you by RNN.


Palace announces marriage treaty between Tagmatium and Rhomanoi.


The Great Palace has published the accepted marriage treaty to be signed between Rhomanoi and Tagmatium. The treaty, which is comparatively short, lays out a new free-trade area between the two countries, as well as an embassy exchange and stronger political, military and religious ties. The Chair of the Senate Foreign Affairs Consultative Committee, the Honourable Senatrix Sofia Belisa, said in a press conference earlier today that she and her colleagues on the committee were:


"absolutely and 100% delighted with the Treaty, and with Tagmatiums' positive response. We wish the happy couple all the best for the wedding, and we will continue to support the foreign affairs moves of the government where ever we can."


The treaty will be re-ratified by the Senate once the marriage has taken place.

Posted (edited)

Government giving off mixed signals about Xheng - opposition in uproar


Good evening. The Rhomanoi government is tonight under fire as the Xheng war continues. The government had previously pledged to fight 'long and hard' with the Xheng Imperium to restore the independene of Hidaya Miliki. However, as the conflict in the region has started, the government shows no sign of actively committing forces to enforce its decision to declare war on the Arch-Imperium.


The confusion has only been heightened by renewed rhetoric from the Prime Minister about driving Xheng out of Hidaya Miliki and engaging military forces in the upcoming conflict. In his weekly press breifing this morning, the Prime Minister said:


"Yes, we remain committed to the effort against the Arch Imperium, and yes, we do consider this war to still be in effect. However, our commanders are currently reviewing the situation, and we may yet decide to change certain elements of our longer-term planning in regards to the changing situation. Therefore, we must be wise and prudent in our actions - but we will not back down, as some people have demanded of us."


Speaking on IBO Domestic News Radio this morning, the leader of the opposition, Senator Anna Ralli, gave this scathing assessment of the Prime Ministers' words.


"He's confused and he knows it. The government has been dithering on and off for weeks now over the whole Hidaya Miliki issue. They took us to war promising revenge for the attack on the SS Maid of Mercy, and we are still waiting. I think the Prime Minister needs to make serious moves to clarify his position, and he needs to make them now."


In the meanwhile, the Imperial Navy continues its procession southwards, with this being the latest image of the fleet as it passes the Eastern most point of Europa.


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This has been RNN, live from Konstantinopoli. Good evening.

Edited by Rhomanoi (see edit history)

Ducas Guilty - sentenced to 25 years in Prison


Good evening. Former Interior Minister Isaac Ducas has been sentenced to 25 years imprisonment last night as the jury found him guilty of several high-order crimes. The trial of Mr Ducas, which has been going on for some time now, reached its dramatic conclusion last night. It took just under an hour for the jury to return with its verdict of guilty.


Sentencing, the Judge, Justice Zoe Pognatus, stated that Mr Ducas' behaviour had been:


"Unacceptable for any public officer holder. You were fully aware of what you were doing and why you were doing it. I am only saddened that I cannot sentence you to a longer sentence, as you truly are a great menace to public integrity in this country."


This has been RNN, live from Konstantinopoli. Good Evening.


Large Winter storm detected to the SE of Rhomanoi, experts alarmed.


Good evening. Just 24 hours away from the start-up of the new, UN-backed International Meterological Organization, the Rhomanoi Meterological Office (RMO) in Konstantinopoli has detected a large winter storm brewing over the Eastern Ocean. As yet, the RMO has to officially confirm the direction of the storm, but early indications show it is heading for the coast of Rhomanoi, and gaining power.


In a formal statement just minutes ago, the Interior Ministry confirmed that it is making prelimary survelliance efforts to evacuate some sections of the coast, but urged all citizens to remain calm. In the statement, the Ministry added;


"We are still unsure about the exact direction of this storm, or just how powerful it will become. We advise all citizens to remain calm and avoid panic. We have issued orders to police units to begin the preparations for potential evacuations, and to prevent any form of panic-buying or fleeing from any area of the country."


This has been RNN from Konstantinopoli. Good evening.


Storm continues to increase in strength, government issues warning to eastern coast.


Good afternoon. The winter storm detected on Saturday has continued to increase in strength out over the Eastern Ocean, and has begun to move northwards, heading for the eastern coast of Rhomanoi. The Interior Ministry has issued a storm warning to the coast from 50 km east of Nea Thessalonika to the eastern border of the Empire, as the storm is behaving erratically and could land anywhere along this great stretch of coastline.


At a press conference earlier today, the head of the Rhomanoi Meterological Office (RMO) - Andrew Sclerus, issued this warning;


"This storm is coming, and it is huge. We urge all citizens to lay in emergency supplies in the warning area, and to stay clear of the coastal region. I have requested that the local police and militia units assist the elderly and sick in making provisional arrangements for the storm fall. However, may I stress at this time there is a still a very strong chance the storm will not hit Rhomanoi."


This has been RNN, live from Konstantinopoli. Good Afternoon.


Storm landfall now inevitable on Rhomanoi, experts say.


Good Evening. The Rhomanoi Meterological Office (RMO) has formally upgraded the storm warning in effect on 20km of Rhomanoi's coastline to a full storm alert, indicating that the storm will land in this region within the next 24-48 hours. The storm, named 'Hannibal' by the RMO, has reached a high level of intensity, with gusts of upto 90 miles per hour, and heavy rain. All shipping traffic has been diverted from the region, and the Imperial Roman Air Force (IRAF) has ordered fighters out to prevent aircraft breaching the exclusion zone around the storm.


The Interior Ministry has designated this stretch of the coastline, stretching from 10 km east of Nea Thessalonika eastwards, as a 'crisis zone'. The praetor of the Chalcidice theme has now mobilised the entire thematic militia, and has issued evacuation warnings for the elderly, sick and those in desperate need. General evacuation is not expected to be ordered for another 4-6 hours. Citizens have been advised to pack their belongings and prepare for a long road journey.


Speaking at an emergency press conference earlier, Interior Minister Demetrius Melisurgos said:


"The Interior Ministry is now formally issuing orders for the Imperial Army to mobilise forces to send into the region to help the evacuation. At this time, I wish to extend out appeal for help to the national aid agencies throughout the region, from all countries and all peoples. We will require considerable aid, should this storm make impact on the coastline."


This has been RNN, live from Konstantinopoli. Good evening.


'Hannibal' finally makes landfall 10km east of Nea Thessalonika - many casulaties reported


Good evening. The storm system 'Hannibal' has made landfall on the Rhomanoi coast today after several days delay out over the Eastern Ocean. The storm, with winds gusting upto 95 miles per hour, has lashed a 25km stretch of the coastline, with damage extending 4 to 5 km inland. It is beleived that as many as 200 people may have died, mostly in rural areas, and many thousands more are now homeless.


The port of Naxoina has taken the most damage, with the port now blocked with sand and mud blow in from the outlying sandbanks. Many tens of thousands of people are now without power, or running water, and the local transport grid is in chaos.


The theme of Chalcidice, which took the brunt of 'Hannibal', is now instituting a state of emergency and has mobilised its militia to maintain law and order in the towns affected. Praetor Tikathos has also sent in 2,000 Imperial troops to assist in the rescue effort.


However, such is the extent of the damage to the country that the government has put out a general plea to the international community to dispatch aid to assist in the proccess of recovery.


This has been RNN, live from Konstantinopoli. Good evening.

Posted (edited)

Prime Minister resigns as massive quantities of international aid pour into Rhomanoi


Good evening. The Imperial Prime Minister - Stephen Komnenus - has resigned his office today after weeks of speculation over whether or not he can survive the upcoming restructing of Parliament. In his resignation speech, the Prime Minister stated that he had resigned due to:


"Ongoing pressures on my time that mean I can no longer function effectively as Prime Minister. I am aware that people may criticise me for stepping down in the middle of the crisis over Hannibal, but I know that my successor in this office will be more than capable of dealing with this crisis."


This closing remark has left many people speculating over who will be the next Prime Minister.


The ongoing aftermath of Hannibal continues to plague Rhomanoi. Here are some images of the devastation:


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Homes in coastal town of Naxoina destroyed by the storm.


The international community has responded with immense offers of aid to the suffering citizens of Rhomanoi, with many states in the region offering money and physical aid to help alleviate suffering. The Imperial Government has thanked these nations for their help, and has begun the process of clearing runways and attempting to open ports.


In particular, the government is working hardest to clear the port of Naxoina, through which much of the aid will come eventually.


This is RNN, live from Konstantinopoli. Good evening.

Edited by Rhomanoi (see edit history)

Anna Ralli confirmed as new Prime Minister - will make inaugural speech to the Senate Monday


Good Evening. Senatrix Anna Ralli has been confirmed as the new Prime Minister by the Imperial Palace, just days before Rhomanoi will go to the polls to decide on a new elected chamber of Parliament to take over the primary legislative functions of Parliament and form the base of a new government.


The Hon. Ms Ralli is a noted liberal, and has already announced she will lead a centrist 'Liberal' party in the elections on Tuesday. Renowned as a tough negotiator, she has been a constant thorn in the side of the two previous Prime Ministers, and has been seen as the de facto 'leader of the opposition' since HIH Andronicus VII liberalised the Senate in 2003. Currently, she is polling some 63% in the polls, far ahead of her nearest rival, the centre-right Conservative National Alliance, with just 20% of voters polled.


The mve is seen as confirmation that the new interim Parliament will be a permanent fixture in the Rhomanoi political landscape. The Palace also confirmed in the statement that Ms Ralli will be making an inaugral speech to the Senate on Monday, the day before the interim elections.


In a breif statement, Ms Ralli said she was 'delighted' with the decision, and stated that she would continue to press for more democracy, greater justice and improved freedoms in Rhomanoi in the future, regardless of the opinions of 'entrenched reactionaries'.


This has been RNN, live from Rhomanoi.


Ralli pledges new manifesto, polls indicate a definite Liberal win


Good Evening. Prime Minister Anna Ralli has addressed the last ever session of the hybrid Senate today, as the nation prepares to go to the polls tomorrow to elect a new lower chamber and choose the nations first democratic government. In her speech, the Prime Minister outlined her vision for a new Rhomanoi over the next 5 years. She said that Rhomanoi has a duty to defend "five noble virtues" of peace, justice, freedom, democracy and liberty.


Ms Ralli used the speech to outline her policies for the coming election, stating that:


"I aim to focus on the future, as much as on the present. We will build an conomy that mixes state and market forces in a sublime mix that will protect consumers and promote industry. We will create a public sector better than any other nation in Europa. We will promote the five noble virtues in our foreign policy, and we will stand by our overseas allies, especially the noble nation of Tagmatium. We will not tolerate reactionism, nor extremism, and we are not afraid of standing our ground against tyranny and biogtry."


Former Prime Minister Stephen Komnenus, leader of the Conservative National Party, also laid out his party's manifesto, promising a greater role for the markets and a more agressive foreign policy than that promoted by Ms Ralli.


The latest poll, by RNN, indicates that Ms Ralli and her Liberals are now at 64% in the polls, and the Conservative Nationals remain unmoved at 20%. Here is a full round-up of the polls:


Liberal Party: 63%

Conservative National Party: 20%

Social Democrats: 6%

Imperial Party: 5%

Socialist Alliance: 3%

National Front for Unity: 2%

Others/Independents: 1%


This has been RNN, live from Konstantinopoli. Good Evening.



Nation goes to the ballot box today to decide new chamber


Good Afternoon. Rhomanoians go to the polls today to vote for a new government and a new lower chamber of Parliament in the first national elections in Rhomanois' history. The result looks to be a clear win for the centrist Liberal Party headed by current Prime Minister Anna Ralli, though she has indicated she may form a coalition with another party to further entrench her majority.


The polls shifted dramatically overnight, with hourly polls on the RNN website showing that, once the Green Party announced it would run, it took on a very large proportion of the vote very quickly. The last poll, finished at 5:59 this morning, produced the following results:


Liberal Party: 55%

Conservative National Party: 19%

Green Party: 10%

Social Democrats: 5%

Imperial Party: 5%

Socialist Alliance: 3%

National Front for Unity: 2%

Others/Independents: 1%


The results will be in by 10AM tomorrow morning, when the Imperial Election Commission will announce the results of the election to the public, and call upon the Imperial Person to recognise the leader of the largest party or grouping as the next Prime Minister, and call upon them to form the new government.


Speaking to reporters just after casting her ballot, Ms Ralli stated:


"We are very confident in victory, and we appeal once more to the people of Rhomanoi to come out and vote in this historic election."


This has been RNN, live from Konstantinopoli. Good Afternoon.





Good Afternoon. The results of the general election are now in, and Prime Minister Anna Ralli has led her Liberal party into power with a landslide of 56% of the votes cast after all ballots have been counted. Speaking just moments after the Imperial Election Commission announced the final result, Ms Ralli said she was;


"Overwhelmingly delighted with the results of this election. This is a great victory for the people of Rhomanoi more than it is a victory for the Liberal Party. I wish to express my deepest thanks to the people for voting us in, and for all ou party members for doing such a fantastic job during such a fraught campaign."


Ms Ralli is expected to be confirmed as the new Prime Minister later today by His Imperial Highness Andronicus VII. She faces a mountain of challenges, paticularly the ongoing recovery efforts after Hannibal, a backlog of diplomatic issues to address, the arrangements for the upcoming Imperial wedding, the need for economic and local government reforms, not to mention the issue of dealing with Rhomanois' first fully elected Parliamentary chamber in history.


Ms Ralli also announced she would be forming a coalition with the breakthrough Green Party, in order to bolster her majority and ensure that:


"as broad a mass of the people as possible will be represented by the government."


The Conservative Nationals have already turned down her offer of a coalition. The new chamber was elected on an AMS system, with the country divided into 325 constituencies, which were fought on the First-Past-The-Post system, and then 200 'top-up' proportional seats won on the proportion of the national vote the party won. Here are the final results:


Liberal Party: 56% - 272 seats (112 proportional - 160 constituency)

Conservative National Party: 19% - 88 seats (38 proportional - 50 constituency)

Green Party: 9% - 53 seats (18 proportional - 35 constituency )

Social Democrats: 5% - 50 seats (10 proportional - 40 constituency)

Imperial Party: 5% - 40 seats (10 proportional - 30 constituency)

Socialist Alliance: 3% - 31 seats (6 proportional - 25 constituency)

National Front for Unity: 2% - 9 seats (4 proportional - 5 constituency)

Others/Independents: 1% - 32 (2 proportional (1 Communist, 1 Eagle Party) - 30 constituency (13 independent, 6 Eagle Party, 6 Christian Democrat, 3 Communist, 1 Labour, 1 Imperial Union of Nationalists))


Number of seats required for a majority: 263

Majority held by Liberal/Green coalition: 62


This has been RNN, live from Konstantinopoli. Good Afternoon.


Ralli lays out foreign policy - rift with US


New Prime Minister Anna Ralli has laid out her foreign policy in her first ever official press conference, and has suceeded in causing quite a stir in the foreign policy circles of Konstantinopoli. Ms Ralli focused her speech on regional politics, but especially Upper Strathclyde, a nation that has gone through a very violent period of political shifts in recent months.


Ms Ralli, referring to the recent attacks on neighbouring states - both military and diplomatic - by the US government, said that:


"I personally cannot, and will not, tolerate these actions. They are detrimental to regional security, and they contravene my first noble virtue that I pledged to uphold - peace. Therefore, I am consulting with my advisors on possible preventitative action to ward off further agressive moves by Upper Strathclyde, though nothing concrete has been decided yet. I must add that we are still open to negotiation, as always."


These cloaked words are seen as a political gauntlet to the government of Upper Strathclyde, and Ms Ralli is beleived to be privately increasingly frustrated with the actions of US. HIH Andronicus VII is beleived to share her concerns, and there are some reports this morning that the two may make a press statement later today.


Palace and Ralli make joint statement on US - openly decry actions


Good Afternoon. The Palace and Prime Minister Ralli have issued a joint statement about growing concerns over the actions of the government of Upper Strathclyde after Ms Ralli warned of growing discontent concerning US in her press conference this morning. The statement, issued just minutes ago, lays out a clear list of concerns and calls for action on behalf of the US government. Here is the full text of the statement;


"WE, Andronicus Basil Leo Michael Gabriel Constantine Palaeologus VII, Most Noble and August Emperor of the Romans and of the Greeks, and WE Anna Ralli, Honourable and Esteemed Prime Minister of Rhomanoi and Honourable Deputy of the Imperial Parliament, do solemnly declare thus:


We are concerned about the actions of the government of Upper Strathclyde in recent weeks, especially in the arena of foreign affairs. We jointly express our concern at what appears to be a lack of regard for stability by the government of Upper Strathclyde, and we call to mind the actions of that country with regards to Akiiryu. We find their actions distasteful, and we call to mind our governments' pledge to uphold the five noble virtues of peace, justice, freedom, democracy and liberty as the foundations for our objection.


We wish to request that the government of US revoke its recent statement to the government of Akiiryu in the name of peace. We wish to extend the hand of friendship to the government of US in the form of formal negotiations on how best to assist that government in improving their international image.


The government of US says it is not concerned about international opinion. We declare that this is nothing more than shallow rhetoric.


We await the response of the government of US."


This has been RNN, live from Konstantinopoli. Good Afternoon.

  • 3 weeks later...

Rumors about new alliance grow as Parliament debates new social security legislation


Good afternoon. Rumours about a possible new alliance between Rhomanoi and other countries in the eastern region of Europa continue to echo throughout Konstantinopoli today, despite an official government silence on the issue. The rumours have sprung from the long meeting yesterday between the Prime Minister and Miirosian delegates - officially a simple diplomatic discussion. The rumours extend to the governments' continuing moves towards other eastern powers, like Tamurin and Orioni - the regional UN delegate.


Parliament has remained relatively quiet on the issue, with much of its attention now focussed on the new social security legislation Prime Minister Ralli is pushing through. This new plan will set out new pension schemes for workers, as well as raise disability benefits and change the terms for the unemployment benefit. Ultimately, the government hopes to make savings in costs with this new scheme, with a view to investing more in science and technology.


This has been RNN, live from Konstantinopoli. Good afternoon.

  • 3 weeks later...

Ralli cool and calm as Tamurin election and Senatorial discontent put government on edge


Good Afternoon. Prime Minister Ralli managed to maintain her cool and collected image last night at a public meeting in Naxoina, the town hit hardest by the winter storm 'Hannibal', despite tough questions about the Senate and the Tamurin election.


Ms Ralli's social security reforms, which were passed by the Chamber of Deputies last week with a large majority, are facing a tough time in the Senate, as individual Senators, mostly from the right , have attacked the bill for not providing enough of a role for the market in the system, and overloading the bill with commitments that would damage Rhomanoi's short-term economy. Replying to the criticism, Ms Ralli said that:


"I am in no doubt that the short-term affect will probably not be positive, but in the mid- to long-term, which we must be more concerned about, the affect will be overwhelmingly positive. These reforms are vital to set a new, higher standard of care befitting our place as a leading nation in Europa."


The issue of the upcoming Tamurin elections continues to plague Ms Ralli's foreign policy, but she has dismissed rumours that their is a split between her and the Emperor on the issue of the Presidential race in Tamurin.


"His Imperial Highness and myself both agree that the Tamurin Presidential candiate Mr Axmann is the favoured candidate of this government, but we will not interfere with the wishes of the Tamurinian peoples in any way. Democracy must be allowed to function of its own accord in every country, but all countries have a right to hold opinions, and express those opinions, on other countries. It's a fact of life, I'm afraid!"


This has been RNN, live from Konstantinopoli. Good Afternoon.


OOC: Here?s the real news. I have been able to sustain a life online because of the free web access at school, which means I can spend plenty of time online on places like NationStates. However, on Friday, I have my last day in Sixth Form, and then I leave Sixth Form for good, only to return for exams and then my results. This will, of course, have a significant and negative impact on my NationStates life.


I am hoping to get web access in my room for my birthday, but this is a very hit-and-miss affair.


However, I have no intention of quitting just because the situation is changing. For the 9 months or so I will (hopefully) have in my gap year before I go travelling, I will use the City Library service to get online, hopefully once a week, and keep in touch with you all. I make this pledge because I have met some really great people online, and I think I owe them a great deal of thanks ? which I can partly repay by staying here for them. I?m not going to just walk out with no reasonable reason behind me, and leave you all in limbo.


If I do get web access in my room, then I shall be online as often as work will permit, for I intend to get another job during my gap year, in order to earn some money for travelling and university.

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