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MEINFORM - News from Karelia-Ivanovia

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People's Commissariat for Information launches International Information Service

Today in Ivanograd, People's Commissar for Information, Comrade Nikolai Arapov announced the establishment of International Information Service or Mezhdunarodnayy Informatsionnayy Sluzhba, more commonly referred to as MEINFORM. According to Comrade Arapov, MEINFORM will operate under People's Commissariat for Information and will be responsible for publishing selected newspaper articles and television programs from Karelia-Ivanovian media abroad in order to increase international awareness about Karelia-Ivanovia and to relay information about events in our country abroad.

MEINFORM has been allocated extensive resources by the People's Commissariat of Information, and will be headed by former Nationalist Workers' Party Ivanograd District's Information Director, Comrade Stepan Kuzhnerov.

In Other News:

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  • Premier Cherkassov grants "Order of Achievement in Benefit of Socialism" to Comrade Tatjana Mironova, retired elementary school teacher who worked in Ulyanovsk Elementary School No.6 for 46 years.
  • Worst snowstorms in years in Karelia-Ivanovia
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Secadores condemns this cruel godless Communist nation which attacks its own people who try and strive towardds freedom.

People's Commissariat for International Affairs


On behalf the Council of the People's Commissars, we remind the Secadorean government that the United Soviet Republics certainly are not "godless". Even though the government does not officially take any views in favour of any religion, freedom of religion is guaranteed in the Constitution of the United Soviet Republics and many members of the Council of People's Commissars, Supreme People's Soviet and Nationalist Workers' Party Politburo have overt religious beliefs.


Comrade Oleg Molotov,

People's Commissar for International Affairs

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From: DOR Foreign Secretary

To: Karelia-Ivanovia


The Dominion of Rekamgil believes wholeheartedly in freedom of speech. We are therefore gravely concerned by the Karelia-Ivanovia government's arrest of citizens who are doing nothing worst than printing words. While we realize that words can incite action, we believe that an open and free dialgoue will promote cooperation and friendship within (and between) all nations. This government therefore does not at all condone the arrest of people who are exercising what is, after all, a basic human right. We cordially emplore the Karelia-Ivanovia government to reconsider its recent actions.


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worships evil men such as Mao, Stalin, Marx and Engels.

You should not dare to throw out such filthy words of the founders of Socialism!


Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels stood up againt the oppressors and fought for equality. Although we can admit that that we dont count Mao Zedong and Josef Stalin as solcialists. They were evil, and did not belive in equality. We are ashamed that other nations view these two men as solcialists.


We also belive in Free speach and our nation have taken steps to improve it to our population.


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OOC: Lay low folks. There's more then enough room for 'good' and 'bad' guys around here. And that's all in the eye of the beholder. Besides, it wouldn't be much fun anymore if there was no-one to compete with. Some sort of rivalry is always good to keep the RP's interesting.

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OOC: Lay low folks. There's more then enough room for 'good' and 'bad' guys around here. And that's all in the eye of the beholder. Besides, it wouldn't be much fun anymore if there was no-one to compete with. Some sort of rivalry is always good to keep the RP's interesting.

But surley we must react when a nation violates our beliefs.



Edited by Suverina (see edit history)
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