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Symbols of Europa


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It's been years now that we've used the sumbols of the European Union as our own signs as well. I feel that the time has come for us to have our own, original mark. That's why I'd like to ask everyone who is at least a bit interested in graphic design to post their idea(s).


I would like to suggest that you make things not to complicated, for example 100 stars spelling 'Europa'. The simpler logo's are usually much more easy to recognise and identify with.


I'm looking forward to see what you can come up with, so go ahead and be creative!


Something I made up last night..


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I'd go for one that is wholly original, and not one based up the current EU flag.


I know that's difficult, I would give it a try, but my artistic skills are represented above.


The blue and gold/yellow colours are striking, but is it too closely linked with the EU?


Would it also be possible to use a representation of the Europa map, rather than real-life Europe or the real-life world?

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1) I'd go for one that is wholly original, and not one based up the current EU flag.


2) I know that's difficult, I would give it a try, but my artistic skills are represented above.


3) The blue and gold/yellow colours are striking, but is it too closely linked with the EU?


4) Would it also be possible to use a representation of the Europa map, rather than real-life Europe or the real-life world?

1) I agree. That's kinda the reason why I wanted to start this thread.


2) Let's talk about some symbols that might represent our region.

- A group of people.

- Nations.

- Friendly.

- Diplomatic.

- Army.

What else could be combined in some sort of logo?


3) True. A different color combination is possible. This wikipedia article about Coat's of Arms could be inspiring for some: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coat_of_Arms


4) I would use neither. Not the map, since that's still quite unclear for the moment. And not RL Europa/earth, because that's not us.



I'd like to get more ideas for #2 if that's possible. Feel free to post some inspirational examples (regarding look and/or style) while you're at it.

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A coat of arms sounds good. A flag divided into four with each segment representing a different ideal. something like...


- Diplomatic (a scroll or something)

- Army (Sword, a Shield, Spear tip, Fist, Bow etc etc)

- Justice (Scales)

- Can't think of a fourth segment unsure.gif



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Based on the previous suggestions, here are some of the items I'd like to combine.


Peace - The olive branches you see around the UN flag.

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Friendship/diplomacy - I'll cut-out the hands you see here.

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Justice - Scales, as Scipii suggested.

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Power/strength - I'm not sure, here are some ideas.

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user posted image bear = strong animal


Something European, at least

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I'll put a little mix of these things together..
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Extra inspiration..


Coat of Arms of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

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Coat of Arms of Bangladesh

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Coat of Arms of Brazil

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National Emblem of Cape Verde

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Coat of Arms of Samoa

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Coat of Arms of South Africa

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More here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_national_coats_of_arms

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