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Pictures Taken!

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Basically, this thread is for people to show off any nice pictures they have taken or done recently. Anything you're pleased with, baring in mind the board rules of our nice forum and the hosts, invisionfree.


Well, this is the photo I'm well chuffed with. It's looking down from a car-park across the centre of my city, where they're doing some re-building work, at a junction between a motorway and normal roads. It's during this night of projections on to a building that's being demolished.


It's not what's in the picture that I like, rather the effects.

user posted image


PS: I'd be happier if a mod with knowledge of how to do these things was able to make the picture seen without clicking on the thumbnail.

Edited by orioni (see edit history)
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This is one from me. It shows Speyer from low altitude.


user posted image


Well, it's not that thrilling...it's just one of the pictures I took when I was flying for the first time of my life...and about 5 minutes before I got really, really sick...sick from flying...me...an aircraft enthusiast... sad.gif

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It really was cool...


There was a "Flying day" at a small airport in Neustadt, just 20 km south from here. I thought "cool", grabbed my new camera and went there. They offered 20-minute-flights and I thought "cool", grabbed my money and got into the plane.


We took off and I thought "yeay!!!", grabbed my camera and made some pictures. I had no problems with taking off, accelerating, climbing, falling, maneuvers...but I had a very serious problems with the effects of thermionics. The plane fell and climbed randomly and my stomach was always a couple of meters behind me...


Then I really got sick, grabbed the being-sick bag and hoped for a fast landing...I didn't have to use the bag, but after the landing I wasn't able to eat for a couple of hours...


Sick from flying...me...an aircraft enthusiast... crybaby.gif

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