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Orinese to meet with Ide Jimans

Written by Anidiriwi Weficho


SEREKAN, Ide Jima -- Foreign councillor Pipkin is due to meet with a raft of Ide Jiman ministers in Serekan this week, intending to strengthen ties between the two countries. General Nae Sincho’s obsequious approach to the Pristo administration appears to be generating a degree of cordiality – for now. Pipkin told Orinese officials yesterday that Ide Jima, having joined the EOS, can expect a free-trade agreement between the two countries. It’s a coup for Sincho and his Pristo-toadying strategy, but such a lifeline would come with conditions. A big one in the short term would likely be for @Ide Jima to take a more accommodating stance regarding the Oriental Ocean territories.

OSIS putting more ears to the ground

Written by Anidiriwi Weficho

O'POLIS -- Orioni has been quietly deploying more spooks. According to a briefing from the Orioni Security Intelligence Service (OSIS) to a sibiseban ("parliamentary") committee in 2019, additional spies have been dispatched to foreign countries in recent months. The briefing, obtained by Roiters, doesn’t detail how many operatives are at large (that’s classified), but the move is part of the OSIS’s strategy to enhance its intelligence gathering. Unlike secret services in other nations, Orioni’s spies have in the past focused mostly on threats to domestic security, with less attention paid to gathering foreign information, putting O'polis at a disadvantage. With foreign meddling expected in December’s national election, Orinese should be glad of a few extra operatives assigned to protect its interests.



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Orinese worry about fake news on Wittier

Written by Tomasi Tebaki

Wittier duckO'POLIS -- A new study revealed that in Orioni circa 75% of internet users are worried about what is real and fake news online. The research is based on a study by Roiters in all 19 provinces from January through June, enquiring online into the online opinions of circa 2,000 people per province. Results were aggregated using representative quotas by gender, age, and education.

The study highlights an "atmosphere of polarisation" in this important electoral year. In Orioni, 67% of internet users use Wittier as the primary network for discussion and sharing of news. The social media company has been in hot water recently. In previous weeks, it had to removed over 100,000 fake accounts.



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Gruis growth grinds to a halt?

Written by Tomasi Tebaki

N0Gd6dt.jpgGRUIS -- A struggle is underway for the future of transport in Gruis. In 2018, voters approved a +5% sales tax to expand the length of the city’s light-rail lines, which carry 30,000 passengers a day.

But a new bill called Proposition 404 threatens to halt further expansion plans and put money towards building more roads instead. The movement’s supporters fear that light-rail construction will impact business development; others disagree.

"Light-rail has allowed our city to grow vertically rather than outwards," says Mayor Awidefale Rezovi. "It’s brought more investment and has attracted a more creative workforce to Gruis."

Voting on the measure has been underway since August 1st. We expect campaigners on both sides to be active during this weekend, ahead of the citywide ballot on Tuesday.



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Safety first in e-scooter spat

Written by Tomasi Tebaki


GRUIS -- Following two recent rider deaths, Gruis mayor Awidefale Rezovi has banned issuing permits to e-scooter companies. Ridership in Gruis is at an all-time high. The new legislation won’t extend to current permit holders, but it will limit the number of e-scooters and electric bikes to less than 5,000. Advocates for alternative mobility rail against the city’s reliance on cars; they say that the deaths could have been avoided if the city had dedicated lanes for e-scooters.

But the mayor's critics believe that the problem lies not with the vehicles, but with the people riding them. From regularly discarding e-scooters to whizzing recklessly down the interstate highway, this bad behaviour extends from Ferrefaaierhafen to Tagmatika. Rezovis' ban, then, is a smart move to curb dangerous riding and a step towards safer scooting.

Grindr Coffee workers treated inhumanely

Written by Tomasi Tebaki

AISFELD, @Morheim -- Grindr Coffee workers have made numerous claims alleging poor working conditions in the Morheim Trade and Industry Zone (MTIZ). The accusations surfaced following a report by ex-employees who requested to remain anonymous. Roiters spoke to 12 employees of Grindr Coffee working at the MTIZ in Aisfeld. Complaints include supervisors' alleged withholding of pay for illness or yearly holiday, working outside agreed hours and the retention of customer tips. 

A Grinder Coffee spokesperson said an objective examination would be started. Meanwhile, Grindr CEO Joe Khamsai spoke out on Wittier, saying: "Given these serious allegations, I have notified our partners that we will launch an independent audit into these internal HR matters."

  • 3 weeks later...


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Stricter controls benefit renters, not landlords

Written by Yohana-Ileni Kirichati

O’POLIS -- The capital’s long history of low-cost living looks set to continue with a proposal, approved yesterday by O’polis city council, that will see rents frozen on 700 thousand properties for five years from January 2020. The city’s strong employment market, allied to the lure of green open spaces, have seen housing costs double over the past decade. The SPO, a majority member of Orioni’s coalition government, has pledged to champion rent control nationwide. But others are more cautious. Landlords will need to ask approval from tenants before raise the rent, and the stringent regulations might deter developers from investing in the Orinese capital. A balance between business and affordable living is healthy; O’polis is doing a better job of discussing it than other cities on Eurth.

SPO hopes to secure election victory with twin-leadership 

Written by Yohana-Ileni Kirichati

O’POLIS -- Orioni’s Socialist Party (SPO) has taken steps to improve gender equality within the party by adopting a twin-leadership model: one woman and one man will lead the centre-left party together. The Orinese upcoming elections look particularly tough on the SPO, so Orioni’s oldest party is keen to refresh its image in an attempt to appeal to voters who sided with the increasingly popular Pink party. But Carla Kebero, political scientist and professor at ESU, has her reservations. “I think the double leadership can only work when it’s not seen as a desperate political move, when it’s not seen as pandering,” he says. The idea of a shared role was, in fact, borrowed from the Pink; the SPO is right in taking inspiration but should go beyond just copying their tactics.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...


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IODF announces additional troop movements

Written by Anidiriwi Weficho


O'POLIS -- The IODF will deploy 2,000 more troops to Miiros in preparation of its peacekeeping mission in the Meteorolas. The move aims to finish bolstering troops in the area after the EOS decision to pacify the Bainbridge islands and restore law and order. "KBI's pirates attempt to use terror, intimidation and military force to advance their interests which are inconsistent with international norms," the defence councillor Toren Nabérrie said on Thursday.

The decision follows a Thursday meeting of defence councillor Toren Nabérrie with EOS defence leadership. The alliance has been ramping up its military organisation from maritime to peacekeeping to full-on invasion force. The new deployments, combined with other moves authorised within the last six months, boost the number of EOS troops in the Azure Sea to about 30,000, Nabérrie said.

Human rights org critical of military build-up

Written by Anidiriwi Weficho

O'POLIS -- Defence councillor Nabérrie announced additional troop deployments to the Meteorolas. According to published reports, Orioni is one of the leading countries to participate in this EOS mission. "While the Orinese government has so far been reluctant to join military missions," says Mr Adam Brand, director of Mercy International, "It is worth considering the legality of different potential deployments of the IODF under the existing legal framework."

When comparing the decision with the Constitution, a number of constraints come into view regarding the equipment and permissible uses of Orinese troops. The IODF are currently involved in maritime police measures and escort activities in the Azure Sea, which is constitutionally permitted. However, if non-policing operations would be carried out, the operations would be unconstitutional.

Mercy International also criticised the decision to launch any military action this close to the upcoming Orinese national election in December. "Chairlady Pristo really pulls out all the stops, even military ones, to drum up patriotic support and save herself from election defeat," Mr Brand said in an interview on Friday

  • 2 weeks later...


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Orioni: Hold Haru to account for atrocities

Written by Anidiriwi Weficho


:pic: Mr Adam Brand, director of Mercy International

ZUIDHAVEN -- "The Orinese government should publicly hold @Haruspex to account for atrocities committed against Cussian and other ethnic minorities," Mr Adam Brand, director of Mercy International, said today. He added that: "The government should discourage Orinese investment that would benefit the military or at the expense of minority groups. The Orinese government has been pitifully reluctant to speak out against abuses by Haru's military."

In May 2019, the Haruspex military began a large-scale operation against the population in northern Cussia, committing crimes against humanity and forcing many to flee into overcrowded refugee camps or become confined to camps and villages without basic needs. Mercy International was one of the first organisations to condemn these atrocities.

Nonetheless, Mr Brand remains hopeful:"The Orinese government should cooperate with international efforts to pursue accountability for the Haruspex military’s crimes against the Cussians. This includes voting in favour of human rights resolutions at the EOS. Orioni's upcoming election should encourage the government to improve its human rights foreign policy, including by calling on Orinese companies not to contribute to human rights violations in Cussia."

  • 2 weeks later...


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Sibiseba seeks say in military matters

Written by Anidiriwi Weficho

Sibiseba of Orioni

O'POLIS -- In most democracies, the parliament carries considerable weight in declarations of war. In Orioni, some believe that the voice of Sibisebali (MPs) in these discussions is quieter than it ought to be. According to the constitution, if the Orinese chairperson wants to use force, all she or he has to do is call the Empress (who, by convention, agrees). This applies to anything from sending OSRU on a covert raid to launching an all-out armed conflict.

Tomorrow, a panel of Sibisebali will publish a report titled: Sanctioning Military Operations. The report will make the case for Sibiseba having a bigger role in military matters. It recommends a better sharing of information between the executive and legislative branches. It also calls for MPs to brush up on their knowledge of foreign affairs, so they can make informed decisions.

The judgement of whether to use lethal force is one of the most difficult decisions a leader has to make. So considering more perspectives when making that choice is a sound idea. The report also declares the government should act fast and decisive in emergencies. But Sibiseba’s lack of consensus doesn’t lend itself to fast action. And without the legal framework for a legislative vote, the explanation of “urgent” remains open to interpretation. Particularly from loose cannons who find their way into the top job of the chairperson.

  • 2 weeks later...


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Orinese refugee centre set on fire

Written by Yohana-Ileni Kirichati

Orinese refugee centre set on fire

PERSEUS -- During the night of 16 November, a planned refugee centre in the city of Perseus was set on fire. Four local children who were playing on the premises suffered severe burns. According to the fire department and local police, it was an arson attack. The government had announced they would use the building as a new centre for refugees from Bainbridge.

The fire broke out just before midnight at a former holiday park outside of Perseus in the west of Orioni. Four local children were playing in the empty holiday park while it was undergoing renovations. The boys were in critical condition when they were rushed to the hospital.

Speaking in the early hours of Sunday morning, fire department captain Gubeti said: “We could quickly get the fire under control. We extinguished the roof structure. But the building is completely gutted.”

According to Perseus’ mayor Yohani Kiremiti there are worrying signs of a break-in, and that “it is 99% certain” the fire was started deliberately. “Our police department has launched an investigation,” Mr Kiremiti said, “I hope that those responsible are identified as quickly as possible. These kinds of acts have no place here.” Police have since confirmed that the fire was started deliberately. 

The holiday park is currently empty. Earlier this year, the Pristo-government announced plans to transform the park into a temporary housing centre for 500 asylum seekers, which was slated to open by mid-January. Before this arson attempt, local resident held several demonstrations in the centre of Perseus in opposition to the opening of the refugee centre. Many believe the arson attack was carried out by ideologically motivated anti-immigration nationalist Orinese.

  • 2 weeks later...


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Wittier could pose national security risk

Written by Shariloti Ametsenya

Wittierduck.jpgBALAS, @Miiros -- The IODF has warned its personnel abroad to think twice before using Wittier on foreign bases. Defence councillor Toren cites @Iverican origins as a risk of foreign intelligence operations. The warning dropped right when the Navy was exploring new methods to use social media for recruitment. The main question is: can Wittier be trusted to protect user data and not hand it over to the Iverican government?

Wittier needs no introduction. The social media app designed for phones includes the ability to take photographs and record video. According to its website, the app has over 500 million monthly active users from almost every nation on Eurth. With its global reach, the app collects an endless stream of data.

While accepting Wittier's popularity among troops, the councillor also recommended caution. "We must evaluate the potential security risks posed by Iverican-owned tech companies such as the Toledo Group." The councillor shared his concerns about the use of Wittier, which he explicitly mentioned by name.

Imagine a foreign espionage agency wants to mine this social media data for military intelligence on Orinese fleet movements. The spies would track the accounts of sailors for hints on possible deployments, new equipment, etc. The intelligence net could also swoop up data from family and friends. These people may share a photograph of a submarine getting underway, captioned: "Three months until I see you again."

Despite this worrying hypothesis, there is currently zero evidence of Witter sharing data with the Iverican government.



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Orinese navy warns merchant ships of possible pirate attacks

Written by Anidiriwi Weficho

Orinese navy

PERSEUS -- The navy has warned merchant ships of possible pirate attacks. The Pristo-government says "increased terrorist chatter" indicates a heightened threat to Orinese interests. Commercial ships including oil tankers travelling through the Azure Sea could be targeted by KBI pirates. Millions of barrels of oil pass daily through the various bottlenecks from Memopotamian producers to Oriental markets.

Sources indicate the Orinese navy, with support from the EOS, has been preparing for intervention in KBI. At the time of this writing, there are close to 30,000 troops deployed in and around the Azure Sea. This includes troops movements authorised during the last seven months. On Sunday, the destroyer HMS Duke Killion departed Perseus Naval Base West. The base is home to the Orinese Meteorolan fleet.

The office of defence councillor Toren Nabérrie released a statement, repeating: "KBI's pirates attempt to use terror, intimidation and military force to advance their interests which are inconsistent with international norms." Grand admiral of the fleet Ramius said on Thursday that forces were on a heightened state of readiness.

  • 2 weeks later...


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Pristo hints at troops deployment to KBI

Written by Anidiriwi Weficho


:pic: EOS landing force training in Balas, @Miiros

O'POLIS -- Orinese soldiers may be deployed to the @Bainbridge Islands, if the EOS-recognised government-in-exile were to make such a request. Orioni’s Chairlady Chandra Pristo said this in a live televised interview on Sunday evening. “If Bainbridge were to invite EOS peacekeepers, of course we would have the right to go to Bainbridge,” Pristo explained. "We are prepared to the legitimate Bainbridge government."

The speech came in response to another piracy act in the Azure Sea. The attack, which ultimately failed, was against the oil tanker SV Tebenya. “These pirates have shown time, and again they do not represent a legitimate partner we can negotiate with,” Chairlady Pristo said.

She stresses that Orioni will follow international law, including the EOS charter clause Responsibility to Protect. “What has been done so far is absolutely in compliance with international law,” Pristo said. “These pirate terrorists disregard international law and basic human rights,” the chairlady added, referring to hostages.

There have been ongoing preparations regarding joint operations in Northern Meteorolas.

  • 2 weeks later...


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2019 Timos prize laureates announced

Written by Feridonanidi Nehase Tiigisiti

1N5va5T.jpgANDRO -- A look at the Eurth's Timos laureates honoured for efforts in peace, journalism, economic and environmental sciences.

Oyusard Kera Eka Lam has been awarded the 2019 Timos Prize for Peace for keeping @Oyus out of the many conflicts raging across the Eurth. "War always seems to be very cool, and most of the “big” nations try to get in on the act as often as possible – if not outright war, then certainly sabre-rattling and posturing."

The prize in economic sciences is shared by economists from @Seylos and @Variota for their vision of a peaceful transition of Zaspa island from the first nation to the second. The official Wittier account of the Timos Prize shared a video of the moment, which went viral because of the Variot laureates outrageous black outfit.

The journalism prize may be awarded to individuals or newspapers or newspaper staffs. This year it was awarded to the reporters of the Gallambrian Press Network. This includes reporters from The Gallambrian, The Bromwich Morning Herald, The Gazette and GBC.

And finally, the Timos Prize in Environmental Science was awarded to @Morheim for the groundbreaking work of the Laren Environmental Conference. The resulting standards were adopted by many nations and will pave the way to a healthier and more sustainable future.

The Timos Foundation is a private institution established in 1896 based on the will of Amali Timos. The main task is to manage the assets made available through the will, and the intellectual property related to the Timos Prize that has developed over the years.



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Hello 2020, Orioni celebrates New Year

Written by Yohana-Ileni Kirichati

FireworksZUIDHAVEN -- Fireworks lit up the skies over Zuidhaven as Orioni became one of the first countries to welcome the New Year. As the clock struck midnight, spectacularly colourful fireworks burst over the harbour area. The display was accompanied by a complimentary light show on the water.

A record amount of pyrotechnics, as well as new fireworks effects and colours, lit up the city's skyline for 15 minutes. More than one million people packed the harbour front and parks of the largest Orinese city to watch the show.

Police said they were taking precautions to prevent any terrorist attack, but assured revellers there was no specific threat. "We put obstacles between those large crowds and vehicles to ensure people can get in and out safely and enjoy their night in safety," police Commissioner Mr Eleama Baltun said.

The party atmosphere swept across other major cities as the clock ticked past midnight. Fireworks, concerts, spiritual services and political addresses were held across the globe as revellers marked the transition to 2020.

The Oriental island nation of Rohini was the first in the world to welcome the new year, greeting 2020 with muted celebrations after spending 2019 on the front line of the battle against climate change.

In her traditional new year's address, Empress Joni issued a bleak New Year’s message that called climate change an existential threat and warned that: "It's time to seize our last best chance." She noted growing intolerance, geopolitical divisions and inequality, resulting in people "questioning a world in which a handful of people hold the same wealth as half of humanity."

“But there are also reasons for hope,” she added. "As we begin this new year, let’s resolve to confront threats, defend human dignity and build a better future -- together."



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Maritime insurance sees 18% growth in 2019

Written by Tomasi Tebaki

Maritime insurance

SIRIUS -- Sustained security concerns will push the annual results of insurance companies to new heights. This is what the insurance branch of Sirius Savings forecasts for 2020. Long-term challenge such as the potential for economic slowdown cast a shadow, causing rising interest rates. This also leads to increased premiums, where the insurance market makes its margin.

In the wake of the continued pirate attacks on merchant ships, especially in the Meteorolas, the insurance companies have taken a greater interest in working with the shipping industry. Maritime insurance for boats and cargos is an expensive business. But people pay a premium to arrive safe and sound at their destinations.

Mrs Kuteba Mudakharat, CEO of Sirius Savings, said in her inaugural speech that "the Meteorolas are one of the most dangerous shipping routes in the world" and a "global piracy hotspot". For many years now, the EOS has been carrying out maritime security missions in Azure Sea, with changing success. A group of transport companies, led by UNEX, stresses the need for more funding, cooperation, and infrastructure.

Piracy is being viewed by insurance companies as a recurring risk to consider. Regular ransom demands are made for the crew, ship, and cargo. This allows insurers to make precise calculations of the expected mount of ransom to be paid, should the worst come to pass. The price of insurance varies based on type, size, and use of each ship, and the owner’s current insurance history. The total cost of maritime piracy in South-Europa was more than Φ800 million in 2019.

  • 2 weeks later...


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Orioni to auction off it 5G frequencies

Written by Tomasi Tebaki

Orioni to auction off its 5G frequenciesO'POLIS -- Today marked the start of the consultation of the auction for mobile high-speed frequencies. The government of Orioni is expected to generate several billions when auctioning off all frequencies relevant for 5G communication technology. Economy Cllr Hiram Hiramson explained that: "Orinese consumers are using more and more mobile data. […] The government is taking steps to make sure society's significant needs for fast and reliable mobile communication are taken care of."

Mr Hiramson presented his proposal to the Assembly earlier today. Notable is the auction being open to international candidates. This generating criticism from the opposition leader Mr Edric Kageni who complained Hiramson is not doing enough to support native tech companies. The councillor countered this by explaining the possibilities of a win-win in a joint-venture between local and foreign partners.

Significant attention was also paid to the security implications of working with foreign companies. On multiple occasions, the opposition highlighted potential security risks. Cllr Hiramson spent more than half of his podium time replying to these concerns, ultimately referring to the requirement details in his tender.

Under the proposed terms of the auction, the frequencies will be dived in a multi-round auction. The auction is set to be private, with no information on the number of participants or their names. However, once completed, the winning companies will be announced and the Councillor will make the bidding process public. Launched January 16th, the auction will run for two months, with the decision set to be announced before 31 March 2020. Following this, a second auction of the 3.5GHz and 26GHz frequency bands will begin mid-April.



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Concorde finally delivered to Oriental Airlines

Written by Tomasi Tebaki

3 Orinese Concorde

:pic: Three Orinese Concorde were delivered by Aérospatiale

O'POLIS -- At Oriental Airlines (OA) announced the delivery of three supersonic Concorde aircraft. The Orinese flag carrier placed an order for the Lysian-made aircraft in October 2017 after a meeting between Chairlady Pristo and Lysian Président Mécra. The aircraft were in production for more than 2 years, prompting questions about government spending. At last, it seems the log-jam at Aérospatiale has finally been released, and the delivery can be completed.

It was speculated that OA put the brakes on the delivery schedule, using their existing order as leverage in negotiations with Aérospatiale. However, OA's CEO, Bertrand Tingus, has firmly denied that the carrier had anything to do with the delays. He commented: "The delay is not caused by us. The three aircraft arriving now should have been delivered three months ago."

Mr Tingus declined to comment on the possible cause for this delay. But industry sources have said that the carrier is unhappy with the extended waiting period. They said that a shortfall in the expected efficiency of these aircraft engines was also unsatisfactory. With jet fuel prices accounting for about half of airline operating costs, efficiency has become a key selling point. Airline companies seek to outpace each other by promoting their latest offerings as greener, quieter and cheaper to operate.

The relatively poor fuel efficiency and difficulty in filling it to capacity have made the Concorde a niche aircraft. As good as it is to see the Concorde programme up and running once again, you have to wonder just how long a manufacturer can go on with an entire aircraft programme supported by only two airlines.

(OOC: Yes, FDL is no longer with us. But I still wanted to upgrade to a better aircraft. Andalla also wondered who would continue the technology. If the question is solved in the future, I can update this post.)

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E-scooters losing momentum

Written by Tomasi Tebaki


O'POLIS -- Last year seemed to herald the unstoppable rise of the e-scooter, as electric mobility proliferated in cities from Zuidhaven to Meda. Other cities such as Gruis outright banned the nuisance.

One month into 2020, things are already shaping up very differently. The e-scooter brand Limo recently announced that it will be laying off about 100 people and exiting 6 cities, including O'polis.

Another e-scooter company, Twirp, said this week that it had raised Φ100 million in its latest round of funding.

Meanwhile, the new Orinese government coalition has announced a consultation that seems likely to result in e-scooters being allowed on some roads. The scooters will certainly be subject to speed restrictions, which is a reminder that regulations are lurking. This could well lead the industry to proceed more cautiously.

5G bid is sparking interest

Written by Tomasi Tebaki

5G spectrum bidO'POLIS -- It's perhaps the first major test of the Orinese willingness to leapfrog its technological evolution: last week, according to government sources, both the Sunset Sea Islandian technology giant Elegy and Galmar's Parau Telecom joined the bid for building the 5G network. What’s notable is that the offers were within days of each other.

The new governing Council has yet to make a decision on which company to partner with. So far, there's no green light for using 5G within the nation. Furthermore, there is also no existing standard within the EOS partnership. Member states can still decide independently, while some, including SSI, are already developing their own technologies.

But Orioni's decision might actually have a big impact in the Orient, where competing providers are tediously trying to untangle the communications spaghetti while also protecting their own particular bandwidth advantages.

The Economic Council will announce its decision mid-March. When that happens, expect the losing bidder to be disappointed. Orioni will continue to need both partners if it wants to achieve its technological demands going forward.

  • 1 month later...


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Former Chairman Ketenya dies aged 95

Written by Yohana-Ileni Kirichati

aTDkp9l.jpgZUIDHAVEN -- The name Ketenya might not be the most recognisable among Orinese chairpersons, but his period in office was one of its most consequential. Former Chairman Hano Ketenya (1924-2020), who played a crucial role in ending the 1980s economic downturn, died on Friday at his home in Zuidhaven aged 95.

“He worked very steadily… and gradually brought results,” Marita Gebereseti, a former councillor of social services, told Roiters. “He exploited the collapse of the Volsci very skilfully. The prestige of Orioni was much higher when he left office than when he came in.”

New Chairperson Awidefale Rezovi expressed in a statement on Friday their profound regret for Ketenya's death, saying the former leader had “dedicated his entire life to the task of glorifying our country.” Sometimes the unexpected course of history can define the success of a leader as much as being a key player in shaping it.



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Happy Ahuni wishes for the Orinese New Year

Written by Feridonanidi Nehase Tiigisiti

Happy Ahuni O'POLIS -- Ahuni is one of the most auspicious days for Orinese as it marks their new year. Ahuni not only marks the Orinese New Year, but it is also the first day of spring. This year, Ahuni is celebrated on Friday, March 20, 2020. This festival is widely celebrated in Orioni and the Orinese diaspora. 

Here is how Orinese traditionally celebrate the holiday, and why the rite is still so popular after 3000 years. The previous day, people will have gone to the cemetery to remember those who have passed away, and are no longer among us to celebrate the new year. People put the first flowers on the tombs. The morning of Ahuni people get up early to greet the rising San. They wear their clean, and preferably new clothes. Next, all members of the family gather around the table, divining the future through Sahini's poetry, and wishing one another a happy, prosperous new year. This practice will sometimes stretch well into the next two months, or any time you greet someone for the first time since the new year began.

In Orioni the new year is called ‘Ahuni’, which simply means a “new day” in Oharic. To the Orinese, it is baffling that some countries on Eurth celebrate their new year in Winter. Winter is when nature goes to sleep, there is no sense of renewal in it. Perhaps it made more sense that a calendar should start with Spring. Just as nature comes to life, trees become heavy with green foliage and tasty fruit. The sky becomes clear, with occasional sprinkles of rain that give the crispy air that wonderful petrichor smell in the morning. Everything feels softer and generally prettier than any other time of the year.

Orinese New YearAhuni, when Orinese mark the transition from winter to spring, is the equivalent of New Year’s and Salvian Christmas rolled into one. Those who can afford it usually chose this time to travel. Although the holiday is not exclusive to one culture or religion, many use the opportunity to make religious pilgrimages. Ahuni is also celebrated outside Orioni. Many countries along the Pearl Road, such as Tamurin, Pirilao, KBI and Niederoestereich, celebrate Ahuni. 

Do you live abroad, with some Orinese neighbours right around the corner? Here are a few happy Ahuni wishes that you can send to your family and friends on this day.

  • Hope this Ahuni brings lots of love and warmth for you and your loved ones.
  • May you achieve success in every facet of life, and all your heartfelt wishes come true. Wishing you a Happy New Year of Happiness & Prosperity.
  • May the glory of the Empress spread all over. May She praise us in galore. Let’s pray for happiness and prosperity… May this Erwanin New Year give us happiness.
  • Nights are dark, but days are light. Wish your life will always be bright. So don’t fear, for we've been gifted a brand New Year.
  • May the stars shine upon you, flowers fill your heart with beauty, and hope forever wipe away your tears. And above all, may this New year be wonderful!
  • May the coming year take you on the path to glory, where all your endeavours become glorious, and your life becomes a success story.
  • In the harmony of the new and fresh birth of the motherland and nature, we, the Orinese, wish everyone a Happy Ahuni!
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Orinese government claims successful first 5G licence auction

Written by Tomasi Tebaki

5G spectrumO'POLIS -- Orioni's telecoms regulator finished the first phase of its 5G spectrum auctions, with operators snapping up 3 licences ahead of an expected commercial rollout later this year.

@Gallambria's top mobile operator, Parau Telecom (PT), emerged as the biggest winner with licences for the 700 MHz and 21 MHz spectrum bands in the auction. PT, along with its parent company, Galmar Telecommunications Group, has been working with the Gallambrian government over the last 18 months, to deliver 5G network capabilities to both the government and commercial sectors. TC guarantees secure and reliable infrastructure as part of its services for the Gallambrian government.

On the mid-band 1400 MHz spectrum, Elegy Corporation won the licence, beating out Parau Telecom. The megacorporation from @Sunset Sea Islands, owned by billionaire Mrs Liên Viênxuân, is an established IT and high-tech giant. Elegy maintains and continuously expands the 5G network connecting all 170 million inhabitants to the internet. Elegy promises "a future-proof network ready for autonomous driving and a tightly-knit internet of things and satisfied users all across Orioni."

The Council of the Economy said the fifth-generation technology, with data speeds up to 100 times faster than 4G networks, will help drive the country’s digital economy. "Orioni's 5G technology is expected to help drive the economy," said $PersonName, the new Councillor of the Economy, adding that they expected the value to nearly double in 2021.

Frequencies in the 3.5GHz and 26GHz bands will be allocated in the second quarter of 2020 (April-June). Mr Yosef Amare, of the Tender Evaluation Section, commented that: "Interested eligible bidders who wish to be included in the auction can send in their bids." The results of the second phase will be officially confirmed in June, Amare said.

The government declined to comment what the final bids were. In January, when the auction was announced, the government expected to gain Φ25-30 billion from the deal.

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Cargo ship crashes in Zuidmax

Written by Tomasi Tebaki

Cargo ship crashes in ZuidmaxZUIDHAVEN -- An unusual accident occurred today at the Zuidmax Container Terminal when a container ship struck multiple shoreside gantry cranes and another ship while berthing. The 300 m-long container ship absolutely crushed the gantry crane and slammed into another container ship before coming to a stop.

The CS Shelas Brú was approaching its berth at Zuidmax. The ship approached a pier with the help of a pair of tugboats, but they couldn't prevent the impending calamity. Shelas Brú was seen coming in too fast before making a hard turn away from the dock at the last moment. This wasn't soon enough to keep its huge stern from careening into the towering cranes on the dock. One of the cranes collapsed as if it was made of tin, with its structure falling across the ship's aft deck area.

Its stern crashed into one of the cranes, which collapsed over the stern of the Shelas Brú. Another two cranes were also impacted, along with a second ship. The other cranes were knocked off their bases as well. Thankfully, no fatalities were counted. Although one port worker ended up with a broken wrist while trying to escape the crash.

It's baffling an accident like this happened. Berthing at the Zuidmax Container Terminal is controlled by GPS and experienced operators. Why was the ship going so fast while in such close vicinity to the dock? Was there a systems malfunction? Or was it done with malicious intent? We don't know at this time. What we do know is that the relatively new and Miirosi-owned Shelas Brú left quite a bit of destruction in her wake.



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Nimas' Kitchen Cookbook tops bestseller list

Written by Ruperiti Gebere

Person slicing green vegetableZUIDHAVEN -- Since Ahuni chimed in the new year and spring returned to our islands, it is the perfect time to try out some new recipes. What better way to do that than with fresh and local ingredients?

Nimas Tarson, Wittier food influencer and brand-new book author, has been creating and sharing new recipes with his wife, Cirini Meniseni, since April 2019. Nimas began his venture with food after having a stomach operation that caused him to lose some weight. He lost almost 60 kg since beginning his venture and is one of Orioni’s most popular cooks.

The weight loss helped Nimas feel happier and healthier, which inspired him to cook bold, healthy new recipes and share them on his social media @NimasKitchen. The cook's social media has been a massive hit, focusing on creating alternative, healthy recipes for what some would call "dirty food" such as fried chicken and greasy burgers. His wild, bold humour is reflected in his social media posts and cookbook. His Wittier account has now erupted with over 117 thousand followers.

Now, this culinary chef is on to the next journey with his first book, The Nimas' Kitchen Cookbook. The cookbook was released on April 10th and has been a massive hit, earning it a spot as number one bestseller. When the book was announced in March, it quickly amassed more than 25,000 pre-orders, creating unprecedented demand on the publisher's website and breaking all pre-order records for Orinese bookshops.

Interviewed by Roiters, Mr Tarson said: "I can’t wait to see more people eating and enjoying these fabulous recipes and sharing them online." When asked about his favourite recipe, there was little doubt: "The book contains so many tasty recipes for everyone. But my absolute personal favourite of me and my kids is the mango cake."

For more recipes to try at home, their book The Daily Dish Cookbook, can be purchased online for Φ19,95.

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