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The Adapton Space Institution

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Adapton Space institution


Finaly our institution has been set up, and we are ready to do business. we are a mainly civil institution, with some military intrest. to start with we have serveral projects which we will be starting up within the next few mouths. first is the Star Sweeper porject, and second the SkyNet Project. with others coming later. our main goal is space exploration, and our dream is space colonization, alough thats a long way away. so for now heres a bit about our first projects.


Star Sweeper Program


The Star Sweeper Program is about using the Star Sweeper 1 to it's full potensial, by sending it on a round trip of the earth ttaking pictures and collecting material, then will traval to the moon and orbit the moon, collecting material, the second stage, will be to land on the moon, and take samples, and observe, and also to test the enviroment.


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Star Sweeper 1


SkyNet 1


SkyNet 1 will be our first Satalite program, mainly for military GPS use, alough also for civil phot use, comms relay use, and many others uses. it will be launched after Star Sweeper 1 returns from it's Second Stage of the Star Sweeper porgam. once it is launched and finaly established, the SkyNet 1 Systems will be marketed as a universal civil stalite.


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SkyNet 1


We hope our Ventures will be sussesful and lead us and Adaptus to a new space era.


Jack May

Lead Scientist

Adapton Space Institution

  • 2 months later...



We are happy to say, that after a long period of time, our first two missions have proves sucssesful. Star Sweeper 1 has brought us back new and amazing things, in the form of minerals, and photos. Our scientists are now working on fiding new elemnts - if possible- within the rocks we have taken.


We are also pleased to announce Skynet 1 is now fully oporational, and can be used by any nation willing for it's use. It is currently working on mapping Europa for it's GPS roles, it is heading from pole to pole, and once finished, it will begin to steady it's self over Europa, and begin to act as a realy, and every year, shall begin another mapping corse. We hope this will be a great venture.


Work on our next project has yet to begin, we shall be releasing infomation on the next project, once it begins.


Thank You.


Ray Smith,

ASI Spokesman.


  • 1 month later...

SkyNet Project: Phase 2


After the sucsses of SkyNet 1 as a commercial satalite i has been desided that the Launch of SkyNet 2, 3 and final 4 will be commensing very soon. However, unlike SkyNet 1, These three satalite will become military use only. With there use being alowed to be distrobued between allied nations. It is All part of the digitalisation of the Adapton Military.


SkyNet 2, and 3 will work as mapping satalites, with the acutacy to pin-point trooper anywhere in Europa, and combinding the infomation to produce a 3D mapped area of where a soldier is, strait to communication room, ans to the trooper in the field, Via his Cross Com monicle. However, the systems still need to be developed, and will be released as the first update to the IWS system.


SkyNet 4 will work as a purly military communications satalite. to be used for the IWS system, to expand the range of the Bowman communication systems, to no longer a local network, but now to a globall network, alowing them to communicate, from anywhere in the world, to anywhere in the world. Usind SkyNet 4 as a relay.


So, the date for launch of Skynet 2 and 3 is for May 20th, with SkyNet 4 being launched on the 27th. So good luck to our team, and lets hope this can be a sucsess.


Star Sweeper 2: Moon Project


Star Sweeper 2 which is nearing the end of it's development and building will be used to be the first Adapton mission to the moon. It will land 5 Stelanoughts on the moon. they will then prosede to evaluate the moon, and it's surounding. Not much has been compiled for this project thus far. So keep pealed.


Jack May

Lead Scientist

Adapton Space Institution

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