Akiiryu Posted January 4, 2006 Posted January 4, 2006 To: Nations of Europa From: The Sublime Principate of Akiiryu  It has come to the attention of the Baronic Council that Gomaria Galactic is attempting to sell biological and chemical weapons. Such an act presents a direct threat to the stability of Europa and as such will not be tolerated by the SPA. The SPA demands that Gomaria Galactic cease its attempts to sell these weapons immediately. It further demands that Gormaria Galactic dismantle its biological and chemical weapons plants immediately under the supervision of experts from a number of Europan nations. Failure to meet these demands will be met with the appropriate response.  Hanarojoric Nannaoc, Secretary for the Baronic Council's Sub-committee on Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Adaptus Posted January 4, 2006 Posted January 4, 2006 To: The Sublime Principate of Akiiryu From: People's Federation of Adaptus  we shall work with you on this, we full agree, we have informed VWS to their partners intensions, and they are following it up. but we must fouge for Gomaria, as they are a young nation, they dont know International politics that much just yet. VWS has mannaged to have them stop selling Bio, and Chemical weapons, but their arsanel we have no idea on.
Gomaria Posted January 4, 2006 Posted January 4, 2006 To:The Sublime Principate of Akiiryu and The Nations of Europa  From:Gomaria Galactic     We did not know we could'nt sell such weapons................... Gomaria Galactic has shut down the chem and bio plants and is ready to give up all bio chem blueprints and weapons if there is any further actions we can take please let us know.  Our Deepest Appologies  Gomaria Galactic
Northern Voobaha Posted January 4, 2006 Posted January 4, 2006 (edited) To: Akirryu and Adaptus Fr: The Principality of northern Voobaha RE: Condemnation of Gomaria  After reflection on recent statements by Akiiryu and Adaptus, the Principality of Northern Voobaha strongly object to the condemnation of Gomaria.  Gomaria has openly admitted that they are developing biological and chemical weapons. It is our steadfast and unchanging viewpoint that the development and possession of weapons for defense is the sovereign right of every nation. The use of said weapons is illegal under many international statutes.  Gomaria has made no offensive moves to your nations, or any other.  As We applaud Gomaria for openly stating their capabilites of producing biological and chemical weapons, We also will ask for restrictions to be placed on the sale of same items.  Gomaria's announcement is actually reinforcing regional peace and stability. To roughly translate an old Vooabahian proverb, "dont steal from he who has a bigger rock than you."  We ask that your nation remove your calls for international condemnation and your unwarranted demands for Gomaria to end all research and development.    Stefan Martin Prime Minister Edited January 4, 2006 by Northern Voobaha (see edit history)
Gomaria Posted January 4, 2006 Posted January 4, 2006 Gomaria Galactic will do what ever our nation must do to keep the peace of "Europa" we mean no harm. Gomaria Galactic did not know that this is against SPA or "International" law and our "deepest and sincere apologies to SPA and "All Nations". I did not know we nor any nations are not allowed to sell bio or chem weapons. If there is any further action that can be taken by Gamoria Galactic please tell us.   Sincere Apologies Galactic Gomaria   Â
Deltannia Posted January 5, 2006 Posted January 5, 2006 FROM: Deltannia TO: All involved nations  After consideration on the subject, we believe that Gomaria Galactic offers many useful items for sale. We do agree that the selling of such biological and chemical weapons is not allowable. However, Gomaria Galactic has apologized for the incident, and as stated, has not been under secret development. They were also unaware of the weapons situation in Europa. In the interest of trade, and the economy of Gomaria, we suggest that all nations resume trading with Gomaria Galactic if they were involved, and that Gomaria keep these weapons facilities shut down.
Akiiryu Posted January 5, 2006 Author Posted January 5, 2006 To: The Principality of Northern Voobaha CC: Nations of Europa From: SPA Â The Baronic Council stands by its condemnation of Gomaria Galatic attempts to sell Biological and Chemical weapons, it will not remove its warranted demand for Gomaria to end all research and development into these immoral weapons of mass destruction. These weapons are in no way defensive in nature, and the Baronic Council is mystified that the government Northern Voobaha sees them as such. That said the Baronic Council openly applaudes Gomaria Galactic's willingness to stop sales and production of these weapons. Â Finally, the Baronic Council wishes to respectfully point out to the government of Northern Voobaha that the "rocks" of Akiiryu are boulders to the peebles of Northern Voobaha and Gomaria. Â Hanarojoric Nannaoc, Secretary for the Baronic Council's Sub-committee on Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Tagmatium Rules Posted January 5, 2006 Posted January 5, 2006 (edited) To: Concerned nations From: the Greater Holy Empire of Tagmatium Subject: Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) Â Although Tagmatium does not possess or plan to possess any such weapons now or in the future, Tagmatium does realise that it is a right of a nation to defend itself in any way that it wishes. Just because the SPA does not like the use of chemical or biological weapons does not mean that other nations cannot develope them or, indeed, sell them. Â It may please Akiiryu if there was some sort of convention against the sale of such weapons, and that they may be produced only for the maker's military. This may suit Akiiryu in a way that their sensibilities won't be offended. Â We would like to remind Europa that it was the SPA's stauchest ally that openly threatened Tagmatium with a nuclear strike. Yet another ally has repeated used chemical weapons against rebelling natives. Such acts can only be condemned, yet Akiiryu has stood by these nations. Â Akiiryu should also be above the use of thinly veiled threats against smaller nations. Such acts are not very dignified, nor do they add to the security of Europa, if indeed the SPA is even acting in this interest, as they so often profess. Â There is no Europan convention against the sale of WMDs, not since the disbandment of the old Militaries Against Terrorism Alliance, one of whose membership clauses stipulated the destruction of WMDs. Tagmatium signed up, and sticks by this now. Â Gomaria should be allowed to develop such weapons, even sell them if it wishes. it is up to Gomaria how to function. We would also like to remind the SPA about this recent statement: Dispite what the Arc-Imperium might contend, this not a question of security, but rather a question of allowing nations to have the freedom to follow their own foreign policies. And: The Arch-Imperium's current attempts to isolate Akiiryu are indicative of how Xheng will treat nations who stand up to its bullying. A last, rather hypocritical statement by the SPA. Edited January 5, 2006 by Tagmatium Rules (see edit history)
Akiiryu Posted January 5, 2006 Author Posted January 5, 2006 OOC: I lost the post I was writing in response and don't have time now.
Scipii Posted January 5, 2006 Posted January 5, 2006 TO: All concerned nations From: The Triumvirate of Scipii Subject: Gomaria & Northern Voobaha  It is our opinion that recent threats to Gomaria & Northern Voobaha, by more powerful nations, cannot be tolerated and as a result The Triumvirate of Scipii offers both nations our guarantee to both their boarders and integrity. Any attack on either nation will be met by an appropriate response.  People's Consul, Michelle Gorski.
Ide Jima Posted January 5, 2006 Posted January 5, 2006 Contact: To: The Nations of Europa From: The Federal Republic of Ide Jima  We share the same stance as our ally, the SPA. Whilst we condemn the selling of WMDs which GG has agreed to put a stop to, we dislike the fact that certain nations have chosen to endorse this policy of 'WMDs for all'. Any threats from foreign nations to Ide Jima or it's allies over this matter will be dealt with accordingly.  Inishiro Heisan, Ide Jiman President.
Akiiryu Posted January 5, 2006 Author Posted January 5, 2006 (edited) To: Concerned Nations From SPA Â The Baronic Council is stunned by the reactions Triumvirate of Scipii and the GHET to its condemnation of Gomaria Galatic's attempts to launch unrestricted sales of biological and chemical weapons in Europa. Do these states truly want these weapons available on the open market where they can be picked up by rouge states or even terrorist organisations? The SPA rightly demanded that Gomaria stop researched and development of these weapons because its attempts to sell them without restriction on the open market indicates the nation has neither the political nor ethical maturity to possess these weapons of mass suffering. Sadly, It would seem the Triumvirate of Scipii and the GHET has ignored the SPA's obvious peaceful intentions and are instead are much more interested in scoring cheap political points than in the stability of Europa. Â The Baronic Council stresses once again that biological and chemical weapons ARE NOT defensive weapons. History has proven this beyond a doubt. They are immoral and indiscriminate weapons of terror whose use the SPA has always condemned - both publically and privately. Moreover, in reference to the GHET's comments about the SPA's ally's use of chemical weapons the SPA would like to point out that the GHET was ally of said nation's former repressive reigme and did not condemn the reigme's mass murder of minority groups. The SPA did. Prehaps the GHET needs to reconsider just who exactly is being hypocritical. This is especially true given the GHET has been known to condemn other countries weapons programmes in the past. Â Furthermore, with reference to the plot 21 incident it would seem that the government GHET also need to be reminded of its actions during that period of tension. Not only did it bloackade a Vanarambaion colony which offer no threat to the GHET - causing considerable suffering amongst civilians, it also fired on a Akiiryan hospital ship. Â With reference to the GHET attempts to twsit the Sublime Principate's words regarding Xheng. The SPA is not attempting, as Xheng was, to limit either Gomaria's or Northern Voobaha relations with other states. It is trying to stop the unrestricted profileration of biological and chemical weapons. The difference is obvious. The GHET, and other nations, also seemed to have "failed" to note that the SPA had no intention of acting unilaterally in this matter. Closure of Gomaria Galatic chemical and biological weapons plants under the Akiiryan plan were to be conducted under the eyes of a multinational team of experts, not simply Akiiryans. Â The SPA has not threatened the borders or integrity of either Gomaria or Northern Voobaha. The SPA stated that if Gomaria Galatic failed to stop sales and product of Bbiological and chemical weapons that it would take appropriate action. The nature of the action was not stated, but it most certianly would not have been taken without the consultation of other Europan nations. A brief examination of history will demonstrate that the SPA does not act before consulting other nations and prefers to avoid military conflicts. In relation, the SPA's "rock" comment was not, despite what the GHET might think, a threat, veiled or otherwise, to either Gomaria or Northern Voobaha. Rather it was a statement of a reality obvious to even the most casaul observer. The SPA was simply pointing out that its condemnation of Gomaria Galatic's chemical and biological weapons programme was not built on the fear Gomaria was developing a "bigger rocks" than those owned by the SPA. Again, if both the Triumvirate of Scipii and the GHET had stopped to consider the words of the SPA before launching their attempts at cheap political points scoring they would have realised this within an instant. Â Finally, the Baronic Council welcomes the GHET's suggestion of a convention regarding biological and chemical weapons, althought it is sadden that it was presented in such a sarcastic tone. Â Hanarojoric Nannaoc, Secretary for the Baronic Council's Sub-committee on Weapons of Mass Destruction Edited January 5, 2006 by Akiiryu (see edit history)
Tagmatium Rules Posted January 5, 2006 Posted January 5, 2006 To: The Sublime Principate of Akiiryu From: The Greater Holy Empire of Tagmatium Cc: All concerned nations Subject: Â Once again, the Sublime Principate has stepped up as the self-appointed moral policeman of Europa. Â Who, we ask, is Akiiryu to be the judge of who and who is not "ethically or politically mature" enough to possess such weapons? One suspects that the Sublime Principate would not stop at the limiting of the defensive measures a country can take, but also begin to embark on a crusade against other measures as well, such as removing jet engines from aeroplanes as they scare little children with their noise. Â Akiiryu, by remarking that Scipii and Tagmatium are aiming to score "cheap political points", is in itself doing this. Another nicely hypocritical and two-faced attempt by such a barbarian nation. The "rock" comment was another, a blatant veiled threat, which the Sublime Principate can throw its hands up in their air about and claim that others have interpreted it incorrectly. Again, amid claims of "cheap political points scoring", something that the government of Akiiryu appears to have on its mind recently. Even though several nations thought that this was a threat, something that obviously means that either several nations are foolish, or Akiiryu ought to sort out its metaphors. Â With reference to the Plot 21 Incident: The crew of the Iceberg broke the blockade with full knowledge of would happen if they did. There is also no proof that the blockade enforced by Karthenia, Ekainak and Tagmatium caused any humanitarian crisis. The blockade was purely against building materials, weaponry and vehicles, in a move to prevent Vanarambaion establishing military bases in the north of Europa. A no-fly zone was not enforced, in case there were any humanitarian crises, and aid could have been moved in quickly in this fashion. Similarly, there was no sea or land blockade on foodstuffs, medical supplies or equipment. The Sublime Principate continually makes this incident out to be much, much more than it was. Â If the government of the Sublime Principate did truely wish to act laterally, then why did they not make this clear to begin with? Instead, no real, satisfactory answer is given, just claims of point scoring and hypocrisy. We would have gladly stood behind the SPA in this instance, but no such plans were forth coming. Â If the government of the Sublime Principate of Akiiryu wishes to make some sort of convention on the sale and purchase of chemical, biological and nuclear weaponry, then the Greater Holy Empire of Tagmatium would gladly do such a thing, with or with out snide Akiiryan comments.
Akiiryu Posted January 5, 2006 Author Posted January 5, 2006 To: Nations of Europa From: SPA Â The Baronic Council is sadden by the childish comments of the GHET. Such statements do not do a nation with a long and proud history such as Tagmatium any credit and the Baronic Council can only assume they were the mistakenly release jottings of a junior office clerk, rather than a well trained senior Tagmatine government official. Â The SPA firmly believes that any nation that would sell biological and chemical weapons to all and sundry is not to be trusted if them. Does the GHET disagree? Â In relation to the plot 21 incident if, as the GHET claims, "there was no sea or land blockade on foodstuffs, medical supplies or equipment" why was the Iceberg - a hospital ship - fired on? Â Finally, if the GHET does in fact support SPA stance on biological and chemical weapons why did it no say so in the beginning? The SPA would further point out it did make it clare it wished other nations to be involved in the mismantling of Gomaria Galatic's biological and chemical weapons programme.
Tagmatium Rules Posted January 5, 2006 Posted January 5, 2006 To: the Sublime Principate of Akiiryu From: the Greater Holy Empire of Tagmatium Cc: Concerned Nations. Subject: Bullying  Our primary concern is not the sale or development of chemical and biological weaponry; rather it is the bullying of smaller nations. Akiiryu, acting for the good of Europa, is attempting to bully smaller nations into line. This can never be tolerated. We have stood at the brink of war on this sort of issue before, and will gladly do it again.  However, as Gomaria Galactic has withdraw its sale of chemical nad biological weaponry, there is no more issue. Also, it has come to our attention that Gomaria Galactic is also part of Vickers Weapons Systems, rather than Gomaria: ***Vickers Weapon Systems Deal*** we heaby have paid 100 Billion Euros to Gomaria for their company of Gomaria Galactic, in exchange for their business to become franchise of Vickers Weapon Systems, and to have a 70% price reduction, in all thing perchased from their business.
Deltannia Posted January 5, 2006 Posted January 5, 2006 FROM: Deltannia TO: All concerned nations  Deltannia is in full agreement with the GHET's position. Gomaria Galactic has already stated that research and development of said biological and chemical weapons has stopped, and has ended sale of these items. Gomaria Galactic is no further pursuing the selling of said biological and chemical weapons. Gomaria has also apologized twice for their mistake.  Deltannia is willing to support Gomaria in the interest of fair trade. Even if Gomaria Galactic is owned by Vickers Weapons Systems.  Deltannian Foreign Ministry Deltannian Trade Ministry
Akiiryu Posted January 5, 2006 Author Posted January 5, 2006 To: Concerned Nations From: SPA Â The Baronic Council is somewhat concerned by the apparent misunderstanding the government of Deltannia has in relation to the SPA's stance on this issue. The SPA never cut trade with Gomaria and has, in fact, applauded Gomaria Galatic's move to stop biological and chemical weapons production and sales. Â In relation to GHET's accusation that the SPA bullies smaller nations. The size of Gomaria is irrelavent to this issue. What is relavent is the unrestricted development and sale of biological and chemical weapons and the potential threat such actions offer to the stability of Europa. Furthermore, if the GHET had researched history a little more closely it would have noted that in the past the Sublime Principate has challenged nations of equal size and larger on a number of issues. Indeed, the GHET directly referenced one of these instances (Xheng) in reference to this issue. The GHET also seems to have forgotten one of the first acts of the SPA in this region was to condemn the now defunct superpower of Stone Smurfs's threats against Meteorola. It would not be unfair to say that the nation of Stoned Smurfs was vastly stronger economically and militarily than the SPA. Â Hanarojoric Nannaoc, Secretary for the Baronic Council's Sub-committee on Weapons of Mass Destruction
Gomaria Posted January 5, 2006 Posted January 5, 2006 To:Nations of Europa From:Gomaria Galactic  The Following is how Gomaria Galactic understands this issue so far.  *Gomaria Galactic nor any nation is *not* allowed to sell WMD's  *The Nation of Gomaria and any other nations are allowed to (*defend*) themselves any way the please.  *Gomaria along with any nation are allowed to produce WMD's in a way to (*defend*) themselves against an invading force.
Northern Voobaha Posted January 6, 2006 Posted January 6, 2006 To: The Sublime Principate of Akriiyu From: Principality of Northern Voobaha open CC: Concerned nations of Europa RE: Condemnation of Gomaria  As we still feel the demand that Gomaria end any research into WMDs is wrong, though well intended; we also would like to clarify the intent of adding of our old and trusted Voobahian proverb in a previous letter.  The context of "do not steal from he who has bigger rocks then you" is not intended as a military threat by our peaceful Principailty. The intent was to remind others that by Gomaria stating that possess such wepaons, they will discourage attacks by those who do want said weapons used against them.  We will reinterate that the PNV does not condone the use of WMDs. But we will continue support a nation's right to continue research and development of said technologies for purely defensive and/or peaceful uses.  We did not intepret your response to us at being militaristic in nature, but will state we will defend our rights, principles and our borders with every resource available.  We do agree with the SPA that the sale of WMD's is a risk to the security of the region. On that point we stand side by side. We also hope that we can continue to stand side together on other matters of mutual interest.  To this end, our legislators and international legal experts are drawing up a binding treaty banning the sale or distribution of WMDs, and invite all nations to join us in this effort.  In Peace to all, and In service to HRH Prince Vox,  Martin Kimberley Minister of External Affairs Principality of Northern Voobaha  Â
Deltannia Posted January 6, 2006 Posted January 6, 2006 FROM: Deltannia TO: All concerned nations  Deltannia apologizes to the Sublime Principate of Akiiryu. However, while we agree on its stance toward the "development and sale of biological and chemical weapons", we do not see that Gomaria Galactic is any longer "unrestricted" in its actions. Of course, we must also agree that there can be no selling of weapons of mass destruction.  Deltannian Foreign Ministry
Akiiryu Posted January 6, 2006 Author Posted January 6, 2006 To: The Principality of Northern Voobaha From: The Sublime Principate of Akiiryu  The Prince has instructed me to extend an invitation to North Voobahian (OOC: is that right) government officials to attend a meeting in the Akiiryan capital of Nimraci so that our nations might develop a joint understanding on WMD.  T'Nith, 1st Minister, Akiiryan Baronic Council
Akiiryu Posted January 6, 2006 Author Posted January 6, 2006 To: Deltannia From: The Sublime Principate of Akiiryu  The Sublime Principate accepts your honorable apology extends an invitation to Deltannian government officials to attend a meeting in the Akiiryan capital of Nimraci so that our nations might develop a joint understanding on WMD.   T'Nith, 1st Minister, Akiiryan Baronic Council Â
Deltannia Posted January 6, 2006 Posted January 6, 2006 FROM: Deltannia TO: The Sublime Principate of Akiiryu  In order to better relations with the Sublime Principate, Deltannia is willing to send two Senators for a joint understanding of weapons of mass destruction.  Deltannian Senate Deltannian Foreign Ministy  OOC: Deltannia has 5 Senators and a certain number of Councilmen. Its a very tricky system, but the 5 Senators work like 1 "president". Sometimes, one is referred to as the High Senator, the senior-most leading one. Deltannia is very confusing....
Niederoestereich Posted January 6, 2006 Posted January 6, 2006 To: Concerned Nations From: Niederoestereich  We support GHETs previous statement on this issue fully and also believe that any nation should take precautions to defend themselves with whatever they see as fitting. If another nation can not take measures to counter the weapon on the battlefield, well then thats their loss.
Tagmatium Rules Posted January 6, 2006 Posted January 6, 2006 To: All nations From: Tagmatium Subject: Chemical, biological and Nuclear weaponry  We feel that we need to clarify our position.  The government and peopleTagmatium does not think that such weaponry is really needed, and does condemn their use in any circumstance. But, we do recognise that a nation does have the right to develop what ever means they think are necessary to defend themselves from aggressors.  To this end, we do feel there is a need for some form of treaty against the sale and distribution of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), rather than the actual development of them. This should be up to the nation's discretion, rather than other nations, unless that nation truely is unstable and a threat to other states in Europa. We do not feel that Gomaria falls into this category.  Concerning Akiiryu's last statement, the government of the Greater Holy Empire did not accuse the Sublime Principate of bullying nations, just Northern Voobaha and Gomaria, nor have we cast any doubt on Akiiryu's impeccable past actions.  We would be honoured to participate in any treaty on the sale and distribution of WMDs.
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