Pirilao Posted December 21, 2005 Posted December 21, 2005 China now has the sixth largest economy in the world. Is it growing too fast? According to a state report on Tuesday, China's economy was 16.8% larger in 2004 than initially calculated. The figures were issued by the National Bureau of Statistics following a survey that aimed to gather more accurate data. That puts China into sixth place in terms of economic size, ahead of Italy and close behind the UK and France. If current growth continues, economists say, China could squeeze into fourth position by the end of 2005. China accounts for one-third of the growth in global oil consumption, 90% of the growth in world steel demand, and more than the whole of the increase in copper demand.
Ide Jima Posted December 21, 2005 Posted December 21, 2005 China or India are going to be the next world superpowers after the USA's over with.
Pirilao Posted December 21, 2005 Author Posted December 21, 2005 There is no doubt that the Chinese growth story over the past 25 years, and especially within the past five years, has been spectacularly impressive. China is now the world's sixth-largest economy, the third-largest active trading partner and one of the true growth engines of the global economy. By any yardstick -- such as the number of Internet users or the number of cell phone users -- China is creating the pre-conditions for a thriving, high-tech culture that could one day rival America's. But has the pace been too far, too fast? For China, is this new economic boom simply the case of another Great Leap Forward that turned out to be not so great or a Cultural Revolution that turned out to be not so revolutionary? In my point of view we have that to verify the Human rights . China has to respect human rights . There are heavy oppression on Uiguristan and Tibet. Those people should be given to choose their destiny. Taiwan is a free country but not recognized by many due to threaten of China. We cannot forget this problem.
Haken Posted December 21, 2005 Posted December 21, 2005 I tought they were already second. Passing Italy isn't such a big achievement. So who are the six? 1. USA 2. Germany 3. Japan 4. UK 5. France 6. China ???
Ide Jima Posted December 21, 2005 Posted December 21, 2005 I thought the German economy was up the creek? Wouldn't Russia be in there somewhere.
Tamurin Posted December 21, 2005 Posted December 21, 2005 I am pretty sure, that China will have a huge influence on the 21st century. Europe's influence on world matters will decrease as Asia's influence will increase. Since South America and Africa are more or less "lost", the traditional "atlantian" power center (US on the one side, Europe on the other) will shift to a "pacific" power center (China/India and Japan/South Corea on the one side, US on the other side). The US will probably be the only powerful nation from the 20th century, that will play a major part in world politics of the 21st century. The european nations that dominated the 20th century (Germany, France, Great-Britain, Russia) will lose influence and become "lost" (like continental Europe) or a small ally of the United States (like the United Kingdom).
Guest Guest Posted December 21, 2005 Posted December 21, 2005 Yeah, China has to respect Human Rights...read anything about the US lately? Secret Prisons, wire taping citizens (and the citizens of other countries), executions (including forcing a guy to take medication so he can be pronounced sane and then executed), refusal to treat prisoners taken in Iraq and Afghanistan according to the Geneva convention, Abu Grabh, Patriot Act, Mai Lai (Vietnam, one of a sh*t load of war crimes committed there)... My Point? When you point fingers three are aways pointing back at you. Yes, China has a sh*tty human rights record, but don't kid yourself that the "bastions of democracy" are much better. ---------- Tam, if the EU sorts itself out (and includes Russia) it has the potential to become a world super power of the likes never seen before.
Koku Posted December 21, 2005 Posted December 21, 2005 That was me. Wow! You are the man! China is just at their beginning of the rise! They are not only rising because of their exporting businesses..but they will be among leaders in technologies aswell... Their market is so huge that a successfully marketed product can make the owner become millionaire overnight...
Pirilao Posted December 21, 2005 Author Posted December 21, 2005 Yeah, China has to respect Human Rights...read anything about the US lately? Secret Prisons, wire taping citizens (and the citizens of other countries), executions (including forcing a guy to take medication so he can be pronounced sane and then executed), refusal to treat prisoners taken in Iraq and Afghanistan according to the Geneva convention, Abu Grabh, Patriot Act, Mai Lai (Vietnam, one of a sh*t load of war crimes committed there)... My Point? When you point fingers three are aways pointing back at you. Yes, China has a sh*tty human rights record, but don't kid yourself that the "bastions of democracy" are much better. ---------- Tam, if the EU sorts itself out (and includes Russia) it has the potential to become a world super power of the likes never seen before. Ok, Akiiryu you have reason . I correct my point of view. The world has to respect Human Rights.
Akiiryu Posted December 21, 2005 Posted December 21, 2005 P, I don't want you to correct your point of view, I just want us to be realistic. The West has this horrible habit of finger pointing and I think that we need to recognise our own problems before telling everybody else they are bad/wrong/evil.
Pirilao Posted December 21, 2005 Author Posted December 21, 2005 P, I don't want you to correct your point of view, I just want us to be realistic. The West has this horrible habit of finger pointing and I think that we need to recognise our own problems before telling everybody else they are bad/wrong/evil. OK, Akiiryu, but we are to speak of economy - companies (business) - thousand of children to work in these companies. the human rights that I related are these.
Akiiryu Posted December 21, 2005 Posted December 21, 2005 And what are the nationalities of the companies that have their merchandise made by these sweat shops? Hint: The majority of them are western. Look I've been China, I have seen the poverty and am aware of the government's less than stellar human rights record and repressive character (Jesus! I couldn't access over half the internet news sites I usually read whilst I was in China). But, I have also seen similar poverty in Europe (Western and Eastern) and North America (Canada, United States and Mexico). Indeed, in relation to Canada and the United States take a couple of minutes to find out how the 1st Nations peoples ("Indians") are treated. Also take some time to examine the difference between Human Rights theory and practice in the west. My point...nothing is black and white.
Pirilao Posted December 21, 2005 Author Posted December 21, 2005 And what are the nationalities of the companies that have their merchandise made by these sweat shops? Hint: The majority of them are western. OK, I do not have more arguments to argue this subject with you, I understand your point of view, but I do not have English.
Akiiryu Posted December 21, 2005 Posted December 21, 2005 P, I respect your opinion (and respect you even more because I realise how difficult it must be to discuss this in an language that is not your native language). E que as nacionalidades das companhias que t?m sua mercadoria s?o feitas por estas lojas do suor? Sugest?o: A maioria delas ? ocidental. O olhar I foi China, eu vi a pobreza e o am cientes das direitas humanas mais menos do que stellar do governo record e do car?ter repressive (Jesus! Eu n?o poderia alcan?ar a metade excedente da not?cia do Internet situo-me leio geralmente whilst eu estava em China). Mas, eu vi tamb?m a pobreza similar em Europa (ocidental e oriental) e America do Norte (Canad?, estados unidos e M?xico). Certamente, com rela??o a Canad? e aos estados unidos fa?a exame de um par dos minutos a encontram para fora como os 1os povos das na??es ("indians") s?o tratados. Fa?a exame tamb?m de algum tempo para examinar a diferen?a entre a teoria das direitas humanas e a pr?tica no oeste.
Haken Posted December 21, 2005 Posted December 21, 2005 I thought the German economy was up the creek? Wouldn't Russia be in there somewhere. 1 USA 10,208 2 Japan 4,149 3 Germany 1,847 4 United Kingdom 1,424 5 France 1,307 6 China (exc.HK) 1,159 7 Italy 1,089 8 Canada 700 9 Mexico 618 10 Spain 582 11 Brazil 504 12 India 481 13 Korea 422 14 Netherlands 380 15 Australia 357 16 Russian Federation 310 17 Taiwan 282 18 Argentina 269 19 Switzerland 247 20 Belgium 227 source
Pirilao Posted December 21, 2005 Author Posted December 21, 2005 @ Akiiryu. H? muito b?m AK. bom esfor?o em comunicar em Portugu?s . Ent?o ? assim no meu ponto de vista e em rela??o ao assunto em quest?o eu acho que a China est? a crescer muito bem , mas temos que ter em conta os milhares de crian?as que est?o a trabalhar todos os dias para que tal se concretize. Sem terem algum conforto , seguran?a e para al?m do mais , s?o apenas crian?as. Este ponto tem s? haver com economia , neg?cios . Eu sei que em quase todos os pa?ses existe o n?o comprimento dos direitos humanos , mas neste caso estamos a falar da China , quando for uma discuss?o sobre outro pa?s ent?o veremos o que est? mal. Espero que compreendas o meu ponto de vista em rela??o a este assunto. Obrigado por me dares a oportunidade de escrever em Portugu?s.
Akiiryu Posted December 21, 2005 Posted December 21, 2005 Eu compreendo que seu ponto P. e mim n?o est?o negando que o trabalho de crian?a em China ? um problema. O que eu sou o prov?rbio ? que o trabalho ? China (e outros pa?ses) parcialmente (ao menos) est? incentivado pelas companhias ocidentais que t?m seus produtos feitos nas f?bricas que empregam crian?as porque ? mais barata. Mais extensamente, as direitas humanas s?o - porque eu sou certo que voc? sabe - uma coisa muito complexa e eu sou irritado frequentemente pelo fato que muitos pa?ses ocidentais criticam outros pa?ses quando seus s?o muitos abusos das direitas humanas no oeste. No que diz respeito ? escrita no portugu?s: Voc? ? bem-vindo.
Pirilao Posted December 21, 2005 Author Posted December 21, 2005 Est? bem ? um problema global . Podemos criar um t?pico para discutir este assunto na sua globalidade . Em Portugal quase todos os dias abrem lojas e restaurantes Chineses e n?s vamos l? , por isso tamb?m temos alguma culpa no assunto . Est?s a usar algum tradutor ou sabes escrever Portugu?s? Agora vou terminar tenho muitos balan?os para fazer no trabalho at? as 19.00 TCHAU , at? ? manh? , foi um prazer dialogar contigo na minha lingua natal.
Akiiryu Posted December 21, 2005 Posted December 21, 2005 Eu concordo. Eu uso um tradutor. Porque eu posso ler franceses eu posso frequentemente compreender muitos de o que voc? escreve no portugu?s, mas eu n?o posso responder sem um tradutor do computador. Eu estou contente de ter podido ter esta discuss?o com voc?. Ciao.
Pirilao Posted December 22, 2005 Author Posted December 22, 2005 Eu concordo. Eu uso um tradutor. Porque eu posso ler franceses eu posso frequentemente compreender muitos de o que voc? escreve no portugu?s, mas eu n?o posso responder sem um tradutor do computador. Eu estou contente de ter podido ter esta discuss?o com voc?. Ciao. J'aussi parle et ?cris un peu le Fran?ais, c?est la mien 2 langue. J'ai ?tudi? 8 ans le Fran?ais.
Tamurin Posted December 22, 2005 Posted December 22, 2005 Aki, if the EU and Russia sort themselves out, it would be the first united europe since the time of the Roman Empire. I'm a little sceptical that this will happen the next decades...but, you're right - if it happens, it will be a super power...
Haken Posted December 22, 2005 Posted December 22, 2005 Uh... the Roman Empire never got near Russia.
Adaptus Posted December 22, 2005 Posted December 22, 2005 as long as Britian, Germany and France are around there will never be a united Europe, the three countries hate eachother. a resent example of this, was when Mr.Blair was going to get his EU Rebate, but Germany and France Vetoed it, so we never got one. also veven more resent, was our turn for a EU Rebate a few days ago, and France said that we got to much, so they said get rid of 1 billion pound, and so Mr.Blair did, which inturn made Mr.Brown furios, and i dont blame him, it's his money, not blairs.
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