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is it me or has Europa been realy quiet lately. why dont we get somthing going?


how about, a hotile armes deal at the hight of the TCN blockade talks. or maybe a large earhtquake, or a large military bulid up for one nation, and other nations arnt happy or an arms race or somthing?

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My nation is getting ready to build a really really really really really big boat:


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One reason why I wanted to know how much time passes RPing per real life day, is because a vehicle THIS size, takes quite a bit of time to RP and build, not to mention 8 billion US dollars in price.

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We should keep things down for a bit. Once this whole TCN blockade thing has blown over, then Europa has a clean sheet to rp with - and we can have as many wars as we want

Well, unless we wipe all of our memories clean and delete a lot of the new threads, we really aren't going to have a truely clean sheet.


So long as we have realistic wars and no declaring-war-at-the-drop-of-a-hat like some I could care to mention, then it would be fine. A decent reason would also be good, and no crazy weaponry.

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I think that this "cooling-off"-time is not bad. This way, we all can think about creative, new and interesting RPs. And since the "no-war-november" ends in a couple of days, there won't be any restrictions to those new RPs...

You mean like the invasion of TCN which will happen, I am sure. The refusal to let TCN expand, which is already going on. The refusal of trade with TCN by many nations. The mass blockade of TCN, the stalling of talks???

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The way I believe it was, is that there was a unique exeption for Deltannia's war.

It started in October.. so it just continued. The "no-war november" idea was to cool down, not creating any more new wars.


Nukefests are always a no-no... (unless both parties and the RP-mods agree that nukes could be used as an element that adds something to the RP).

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Like when they show up to end a potentially stupid war about plot expansion when sitting at the negotiations table would do quite well. Prior to Capt. Nuke, the only time they'd been used actively (in this case, as a threat) was the end a retarded war over Vanarambaion's expansion into Northern Vanarambaion.


What I find particularly fun was that the "no-war november" was a suggestion that everyone assumed was law. I didn't say anything because I liked the idea. Just an observation. I personally wouldn't be unhappy to see a continuation of the no-war situation. It breeds creativity.

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What I find particularly fun was that the "no-war november" was a suggestion that everyone assumed was law. I didn't say anything because I liked the idea. Just an observation. I personally wouldn't be unhappy to see a continuation of the no-war situation. It breeds creativity.

Well it started as a suggestion, but it ended in being a rule.

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hey i've just had a crazy idea for an RP. how about a race. but not just any race. a marching race, where say the best adventures from around Europa take part, weather they be the most elite military squad in your naition, or weather they be a famous adventuer like Ray Mears, how about, say somthing like, a march over the Adapton Hhighlands for 200K over 4 days, with mountins and hills to condend with, where toughest adventures take part? how about it? and i'll have a think of how we could set it up. whats say? the great north challeng, hosted by adaptus.

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Prior to Capt. Nuke, the only time they'd been used actively (in this case, as a threat) was the end a retarded war over Vanarambaion's expansion into Northern Vanarambaion.

I'd have said you used it to deter a war you'd have obviously won, but there we go.

Just because I could have kicked your arse doesn't mean it was a good idea. This is the difference between me and TCN, among other things. cool.gif

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Hmm. There is one more case. I threatened SSSS during Cenape Islands mess (or was it in that SSSS colony incident) that if he attacks Byzantine mainland his forces would vaporize that instant. That war was stopped there.


Anyway. Nukes are used in politics but after reading Twilight 2000 RPG history I??ll say that theyre usually a bit too messy for my tastes. I used them as a threat only to save my nation frombeing overrun by SSSS which had military superiority and way too aggressive stance to deal otherwise.

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