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Railgun Development


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***Fathers News***


the government has started a new weapons development program with railguns. Defence Uncle Tomas Akov realsed this statement on the Prodject.


"railguns are thw way of the future, we are over half way there in their development, and i personly carnt wait untill we have them fully deveolped".


these new weapons promise to be a great sucsess, and with the help of Vickers Weapons Systems, the weapons shall be ready even quicker.


a quote from the development's website.

OOC: certisy of PwerLabs Rail Gun Reaserch.



user posted image "The primary objective of this project is to successfully design and construct a linear electromagnetic accelerator utilizing Lorenz Forces from a high magnitude electrical impulse to propel an armature down two parallel conducting rails. A simple graphic representation of the effect is seen on the image to the left; the current flows up on rail, through the armature which travels perpendicular to the rails, and down the other rail. The result is a magnetic field between the two rails (B = 2x(u0/2pi)x(I/r)) and an intercepting field by the armature. The rails repel one another (F = u0I1I2L/2piR) and they both repel the armature (F = ILB). Since rails are both fixed the net result is a propulsive force on the armature, which will be accelerated forward by electromagnetic means (A=ILB/M). This differs from conventional mass accelerators in that no gases are used, and it differs from conventional electromagnetic accelerators in that the field trails behind the projectile at all times; since no coils are used coupling occurs at a much greater degree and efficiency values would tend to be higher. The potential velocities achievable can also be much higher.


The accelerating force between the rails and armature depends on the magnetic field present (which in turn is a product of the rail separation distance and the current through the rails) and on the area this field acts upon. In order for acceleration to be maximized optimum parameters must be chosen for all these variables (and others which will be mentioned later). The rail separation distance was set at twice the electrical breakdown threshold of air at the peak power supply voltage assuming dry at air STP; 6mm. The 2x safety margin was chosen due to dielectric creepage considerations. As far as pulse current is concerned, it can be seen that in order for a high acceleration to occur, VERY high currents must be employed, which in turn requires a high voltage so that circuit impedance can be overcome and the required current can be achieved. The final design is a series of tradeoffs where higher voltages bring higher currents but at the cost of a higher rail separation distance. A typical design utilizes around 4 - 10kV, with higher voltages being used at higher energies. This particular design calls for a 100kiloampere pulse which should be accomplished at 3.2kV. Good part of the many amateur Rail Gun attempts seen on the Internet failed because their power supplies were simply incapable of supplying the currents required; even "small" military and research designs employ currents in the 300KA+ range, with some of the larger guns going over 5 million amperes per pulse. Acceleration drops off quickly with lower currents and at a certain point drag becomes higher than accelerating force and the projectile becomes welded by the resistive heating that occurs. At the same time however, a very high current will cause dramatic rail erosion and resistive losses.

Once the goal of successfully accelerating the armature was achieved the device was then fine tuned for maximum efficiency so that it can be used as a platform for investigating the following aspects of electromagnetic acceleration:

1- Rail Erosion: This is currently the biggest issue holding back the implementation of linear electromagnetic accelerators: The very high currents employed to accelerate the armature must flow through very small contact patches, which often arc and dissipate a large portion of the energy available. The resistive heating that occurs quickly rises the surface temperature well above any metal's vaporization point, causing extensive erosion. By studying the erosion caused under different conditions it is hoped that a solution will be found for maximizing rail life (plasma armatures, different armature compositions, conductive greases, coatings, lower current pulses, are some of the options being considered).

2- Capacitor bank Life expectancy: Should a capacitor failure occur it will probably be due to magnetic forces within the capacitor causing connections to physically tear due to mechanical motion; in this case it must be determined at what current this occurs so that a practical limit for the power supply performance can be determined (3 spare capacitors are available in case of individual failures).

Also, the capacitance of the capacitors is expected to increase due to cathode anodization (a phenomenon only common to electrolytic capacitors subjected to voltage reversals), and their ESR will consequently increase due to the dissolution of the resulting Hydrogen gas into the electrolyte. This will be analyzed through current waveforms."



user posted image


the government the first weapons should be aviliable very soon.



this was a Fathers News Report.


i'm John Thomas, good night.

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Our Railgun Development team has just made a break through in their work, they have announsed today the sucsess of the first Railgun Prototype known as RG-001.


it fired 5 projectiles over a distance of 4 miles on the first test. on the second test it fired the projectile at a Challanger 2 tank, and the result was the projectile passing strait through the target. the third test was to fire a projectile through a renforced concreate bunker, he result was the same as before. and the third test was to fire a projectile through the hull of a Maximus Class Aircraft Carrier (i hated this test). and the result was the same as previous.


the team did not realize it would be as powerful as this, so this has given the team a new take. High Explosive RG Projectiles. no need for AP though he he.


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OOC: I've read about such things in science fiction books. To me, for gorund forces, nothing like a good old assault rifle or sub-machine gun.... Nice explanation.


FROM: Deltannia

TO: Adaptus


SysTech has research in this field, although its prototypes were deemed not up to standards for the Deltannian military. They have agreed to send some of the research in regards to your problems, as well as a few design suggestions. The designs of SysTech's models, as well as certain implementations will not be sent, however.


If you do get a working model, we would like to analyze some of the prototypes.


Deltannian Army Headquarters

SysTech Relations

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To: Adaptus

From: Niederoestereich Science Research


For some time now we have been attempting to experiment and produce an electromagnetic weapons for infantry use, although out concept is based off Gauss Rifles rather and railgun principles and thusfar has failed. Perhaps you may find our research and past failures useful to you project in producing more effiecient and stable platforms.

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To: Adaptus

From: The Greater Holy Empire of Tagmatium

Re: Railguns


Dear honoured allies,


Firstly, Tagmatium would like to congratulate the people of Adaptus with their development of such advanced technology. It shows that, even with the current crisis that have rocked the Federation, scientific advancement has not stagnated. Armed with these weapons, the Adaptan military could become the envy of the world.


And this brings me onto my second point. We wish these weapons to remain the ency of the world, rather than main armament of the world. The Greater Holy Empire requests of our ally Adaptus that all export stocks of this weapon are withdrawn, and either put to the use of the Adaptan armed forces, or destroyed. Tagmatium believes that this weaponry had better not fall into the hands of some of the more unstable regimes in Europa, including ones that either Adaptus or Tagmatium have favourable relationships with.


If this is not respected, we would like to draw Adaptus to the League of the Treat alliance. Tagmatium signed this treaty with the Federation whilst Prime Minister Andrew Ramsey's regime was still in control, and still, to some extent recognises this over the new Fatherist government. We feel that we would not be in breach of the Treaty were Tagmatium to support or finance a counter-coup by Ramsey.


We would like you to consider these ideas before you continue with the rail-gun technology.


Philip Commenus,


High Chancellor and Commander of the Army.

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To:The Greater Holy Empire of Tagmatium

From: The Fatherist Federation of Adaptus



we have taken you message into acount, and we agree with you. our export contracts shall be removed for this weapon. but we feel we are missing out on a large amount of money, which would benifit our nation. alought, we shall still help other nation to develop there own Railgun, if they wish for us to help them.


Ivon Avesky - Father of Adaptus



To:Deltannia, Niederoestereich Science Research

From: Adaptus


we would be hounored to accsept these past research details, maybe if we manage create a fully working Railgun, we could help both of your nations with your prodjects, if you are both still intrested in using these new technologies.


Dr William Greggson - Head of the Railgun Development Team.



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**Heavily Encoded**



From: TCN


How can you let GHET push you around? Adaptus is a soverien nation, that can make it's own decisions. I hope that these bullying tactics of GHET will not sour our deal. I will not broadcast the shipments, we can keep them behind closed doors.







TCN would like to remind GHET that the current government in Adaptus was elected by the people of Adaptus, and any attack on Adaptus shall be considered by TCN an act of war on ALL LT members; TCN included.

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i dont see these as bulling tactics, i never thought of the prospect of these weapons falling into the wrong hands. as of this i fully agree with The Greater Holy Empire of Tagmatium, on this subject, alought, if TCN was to start it's own prodject, we may help. also, we think your threat to The Greater Holy Empire of Tagmatium was uncalled for, withdraw the threat, as there is no fear of attak at the moment.

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To: the Holy Empire of the Chosen Nations

From: the Greater Holy Empire of Tagmatium

Re: Message


Dear allies,


Until as a time the Chosen Nations is elected or becomes the head of the League of Nations, you may not speak for the whole of the organisation.


We also request that we are not given lectures on elections or political means by a nation that uses eugenics to vet the election process.


It is also our decision to decide who we recognise as the legitimate goverment of a nation. Tagmatine forces acted in support of the Ramsey government before and will do, if needs be, again. We also have reason to believe that the election of the "Fatherists" was less than fair.


We have supported yourselves in an hour of need before, and would like the Chosen Nations to respect that.


We will monitor all traffic leaving or enter Adaptus, if we have suspicions of the cargo it is carrying. We reserve this right as a soveriegn nation.


Philip Commenus,


High Chancellor and Commander of the Army.




To: the Federation of Adaptus

From: the Greater Holy Empire of Tagmatium

Re: Research


We resepct your decision to continue with the rail-gun programme. Do recommend co-operation with Niederoestereich, a nation that Tagmatium has a history of co-operating with.


Philip Commenus,


High Chancellor and Commander of the Army.

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To:The Greater Holy Empire of Tagmatium

From: The Fatherist Federation of Adaptus


we shall take this recommendation, and we have open arms to any friendly nation wishing to work with us in the dovelopment of such marvalus technologie.


Ivon Avesky - Father of Adaptus




***Research Statement***


the research team disided to take a break form development today, and disided to have some fun with there prototype.


they took it to the fireing site, along with a speedometer and a high speed camara. there results for this small test was quite astounding. heres the results.


normal speed of a rifle round is between 370m/s and 460m/s, and for smaller rounds about 1220m/s


but with the railgun it was between (depending on how much the weapons was powered up) 3000m/s and 5000m/s (OOC: i had to make this up as i could not find a source for Railgun speeds)



and Dr Greggson also said this statement.


"when we all think of Railguns, we think of large cannons charging up ready to fire at a warship or something. well railguns can have other uses too, maybe in 50 years, we could have a transport system bases on this. we could also use these to fire aid into hard to reach regions on Europa. we could use them for mining. who knows the posiblility of these. these arnt just weapons, but a revolutionary step. thats if you are imaganitive".



we are continuing our research soon, so be ready for the next update.



Dr David Gary - junior engineer - Project Spokesman

Edited by Adaptus (see edit history)
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FROM: Deltannia

To: Adaptus


We are sending you heavily encoded packets from SysTech. A Decryption specialist will arrive as soon as possible to aid in decoding.


After your research statement, SysTech is willing to aid you in civilian "railgun" projects. A test track running between two facilities already uses these principals to transport certain materials that you need not conern yourself with. The "MagRail" is quite operational, and some SysTech specialists in this field will be travelin to Adaptus as well if you wish to explore civilian implementations of this technology.


OOC: I will say that I have this technology in transportation form researched only. I do not have any mas implementations of this in my nations, only a single test track. Because of standardization protocols, the railgun development has not been pursued up to this point, but the track is up to standards. It is not used throughout the country for other reasons, so don't take it that I'm pumped up in future tech. I'll just say we have a lot of research done, but no applcations and no programs to implement SysTech technology.

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To: Deltannia

From: Adaptus


we thank you for your controbution to our projects, your specialists shall be greated with open arms. your transports are free to refuel and your specialists are free to stay over in Adaptus to rest after such a long journey.

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today the team had their breakthrough, the first Railguns have been sucsessfuly developed, and are entering productiom. serveral have already been hastily mounted out 2 Bruticus Class Battlships. and more are to be mounted withing the next few days. we have no images of these mighty weapons just yet. but we will give the final update with the images of the weapons and there names and types.


the mounts on the 2 Battleships are known as Mk1 Titan Railguns. we are deveolping tank mounts and maybe aircraft mounts later. but by tomorow the Federation will have 2 fully oporational Battleships complete with 4 Railgun platforms, as well as 2 conventional shell platforms. (Adapton Battleships are big, thats why there rare within the fleet, there is only 6 oporational Bruticus Class battleships in service with the FIN, and 2 more are in production, but there are smaller dreadnoughts in service alos.)


the remaining 4 battleships are to be converted within the week.


we would like to thank Deltannia and Niederoestereich for their controbutions to the prodject, and we inviting the leaders of these nations to a show, to see the finished product, and to see where their controbutions went into the project.



Dr David Gary - junior engineer - Project Spokesman


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