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Free Orthodox Commonwealth of Nevareion Nova


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The Free Nevareies Council-in-Exile would like to announce to the nations of Europa the following treaty with the Sublime Principate of Akiiryu. They would further like to praise the Akiiryans for their generosity in requiring no payment beyond a limited agreement of use and in return not only constructing the bases but also undertaking to garuntee the sovereignty of Nevareion Nova. Undoutedly the Free Nevareies will repay this in the future with favourable trade deals.


Nevareion Nova and Sublime Principate of Akiiryu agree to jointly fund, staff and use one naval and one air force base in Nevareion Nova, infrastructure and staff accommodation associated with these bases will to be constructed by Akiiryan companies. Akiiryan access to bases to continue until Nevareion Nova is able to defend itself.ย  Until this time the Sublime Principate of Akiiryu will aid in the defence of Nevareion Nova against unprovoked attacks.


The air base will be constructed in the centre of the border between land areas 127, 115

the naval base will be constructedin the small bay at the bottom of the west coast of area 115.


They also look forward to announcing further trade and co-operation treaties with other nations.

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To: Bhalman, Vanarambaion, The Chosen Nations and issued publically

From: Nevareion Nova


The Council-in-Exile welcomes the friendship of the nations that have approached us in recent days. As soon as we have a basic infrastructure rather than the tent cities, construction sites and emergency camps that currently comprise our nation we would be very happy to invite you to open embassies in our future capital city. We would also like to take this opportunity to announce that our capital will be known as Nea Nevareia.

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TO: Nevareion Nova


RE: Treaty


We would like to suggest a more international defense army. Relying on the force of one nation can result that other nations may distrust this interference. The fact that Akiiryu isn't exactly a model on neutrality automaticaly means you have picked sides. We would like to send a large group of our civil workers, who can help construct your nation and are self-reliant of their own protection.

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To: Haken

From: Nevareion Nova

We can only accept help from nations that offer it. We would be very happy to hear specific defence proposals from any nation, however we cannot wait for them all to come in at a time when we are barely a nation, let alone able to protect our borders. Our aim is to be self defending. In the meantime, given the instability we have observed in Europa at this time, can you blame us for accepting offers of help?

Regarding your offer, we are afraid we cannot accept "self protecting" workers as that suggests they are self policing and in effect a para-military force at loose within our borders. We would like to accept unarmed workers who will be subject to our civil law. We would also very much like to hear a proposal for defence from Haken as a step towards a "more international defense" force.

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To: Nevareion Nova

From: HR


As you wish. I'm more then willing to agree on such a large Akiiryian presence if you would accept LotT envolvement. The organisation of our task force is allmost complete and it consists for a large part out of engineers and medical personel. They will not only be more constructive, they are also more helpful to prevent foreign aggression, because more nationalities are involved.


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To: Haken

From: Nevareion Nova

Thank you once more for you offer. We would very much like to see aid from Haken as an indic=viduaal nation. Unril we more fully understand the balance of power here and are more secure we do not believe it wise to take aid from treaty organisations, only individual nations. We would be happy to enter an agreement with your nation to provide assitance but we are not prepared to compromise our hard won sovereignty.

These are not Akiiryan bases they are nevareies bases jointly constructed by the two nations and used by Akiiya to provide defence to our nation.

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These are not Akiiryan bases they are nevareies bases jointly constructed by the two nations and used by Akiirya to provide defence to our nation.

That it is in effect what I fear...


I understand, indeed take comfort, in your stance.

I have dragged this long enough. We will send a group of engineers and a regiment of civil workers, carrying no heavy weapons and under Nevareion civil law. They will be active for the period of three years and regulary replaced by new workers... if you desire.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To: Serannian

From: Nevareion Nova


We welcome your friendship and look forward to doing business with you. We are currently building an economy so opportunities are limited however we are willing to trade information for materials and use of your manufacturing plants.

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TO: Free Orthodox Commonwealth of Nevareion Nova.


FR: Premier Andronicus Palaeologus, Unspecifistan.


As Unspecifistan continues to expand her diplomatic efforts, it has been agreed by Parliament that we should outreach to you, and request a formal treaty of friendship between our two illustrious nations.


I await your response with high hopes,


Premier Andronicus Palaeologus.

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To: Unspecifistan

From: Nevareion Nova


We look forward to building strong freindships with other nations and welcome your approach. We are happy to formalise realtions and look forward to exchanging embassies.


To: Unspecifistan and Tagmatium

From: Nevareion Nova

As Orthodox nations we propose we all recognise the autocephalous nature of one another's Churches and the primacy of each Patriarch within their nation. We also propose the forming of an Orthodox Council of Churches where issues can be discussed by the Patriarchs of our Churches jointly, to be held bi-monthly in rotation between our nations.

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The Council-in-Exile wishes to announce a joint training programme for the creation of an elite mobile rapid reation force. The Akkiiryans are to provide assitance in the formation of this force comprised of paratroopers, troop trnasport ornithopters and mechanized infantry. The facilities being jointly built by the two nations in Nevareion Nova will form the home barracks of the force.

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