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Nuevaltan Independence Day
Minister, I believe this will be my last message to you as the prefect and administrator of Nuevalta, not knowing if it will reach you. The unthinkable, sir, has occurred this morning around 9 AM. Usually, we only receive technicians from the mainland, the families of our administrators, a few idle tourists, and about as many outlaws of all kinds, whom our small militia of natives and private employees easily repel. This morning, about a thousand men emerged from the woods, where we rarely venture, took the railway line and cut communications with the periphery, before heading towards the town and the port.
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Eurth map in Suzerain style
Well, since nobody asked for it… I decided to make a political map of Eurth in Suzerain's style. So here you go my magical map made with passion, efforts, tears and shattered dreams. Enjoy! Since it's based on Xio's map updates, I'll try to keep it updated as much as I can. Plus, thanks to Orioni for having checked the typos I made.
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Chronicles of a New Wurld
By the grace of God, on Monday the 25th February of the year 1630. El Nuevo Mondo, a brand-new land, teeming with resources and tribes as wary as they are mysterious. Our journey, since the separation from Admiral Deiargon's fleet, Alponzo claims that there was some dispute between Montega and Deiargon that caused the fleet's separation, but I highly doubt it, was punctuated by obstacles that God, in His great kindness, allowed us to overcome. Here we are, reduced by half but safe and sound, emerging in a wurld that is then unfamiliar to us, far from the homeland that had cast us out.
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In a covert operation disguised as a military purchase, Orioni forces seize Velaheria's capital, Bastaria, supporting a local uprising known as the Lily Revolution to overthrow an 80-year-old dictatorship. As Orioni stabilises the region and implements democratic reforms, international debates arise over their motives.
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Stuck between a rock and… more rocks
Eccentric billionaire Noel Smuk travelled to the Chernyye Kholmy Mine in Garindina. Noel entered the tunnel mines 4,300 meters (14,107.61 ft) below with the goal of finding so-called “hollow Eurth”. His team lost contact with Noel at around 7:41 this afternoon. Rescue teams have been dispatched and are now on site, tasked with finding Smuk.
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Ocean Mix Up
"Climbing flight level two eight zero, Kolhar 132." Captain Kaidal Taliq answered ATC as they got clearance to go higher. So far the flight was uneventful. Their A330-300 was slowly climbing to their cruising altitude of 31,000 feet. If all went well Kolhar Airways flight 132 would be well on their way to Belleville, Florentia. The flight was unusually packed today, but that wasn't surprising to anyone who was in the know.
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AN Task Force on Slavery
My fellow representatives. I address you today to bring to your attention an issue that tarnishes our wurld. Slavery. Slavery still exists in our wurld. Exists because the nations of the wurld allow it to. This is a travesty of justice and a failure of conscience. I am calling on this body, on the nations present that also recognize this evil, to take action.
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War of the Red Sands
This is an emergency service announcement. Be aware of the following: the Democratic Republic of Sefesia and the Republic of Proncawi'chi have declared war against Na Xiohane. Artillary fire has been sighted across Nanhong, the Hong river, southern Leho, and eastern Xio. If you reside in western Leho or Xio it is advised you remain indoors. If you reside in major urban centres it is advised you remain indoors.
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FedCom in the Grand War
The C-Deck Ops Centre onboard the frigate was cold and dimly lit. It smelt strongly of caffeine and faintly of buttery churros. A long table dominated the centre of the space. Atop it, a mobile suitcase computer tower had been set up and clamped down. Bundles of cables, like a root system, spread from the tower and tangled around pens, folders, tablets, manille envelopes and ultra-thin displays.
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“We are getting the results for voting in this year's elections for the position of Davil. The dear leader of our nation, Arez, is once again running. This year he is opposed by Sitka Kaskana, she is an independent candidate running of her own accord.”
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The Brothers' War
On the morning of 30 July 2022, the CDF launched a massive cyberattack against Zaxari civilian infrastructure in Flaxzar. This led to a direct confrontation.
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Following the Chimeric Star
Let me introduce you to one of the most famous books of Walnerian literature, the 1988 classic named the "Following the Chimeric Star", written by Tomass Sídlaŕ. It is a psychological drama asking questions about present day society and its relation to the people who diverge from the general consensus.
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Second Baltican Civil War
Reportedly, at exactly 12.41 PM, during a meeting between the National Council regarding the replacement of the former president Algridas, the meeting was stormed by members of the DNPB. The garrison of the city had been infiltrated by the party, and with their support, they were able to storm and take control of the national council.
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Speech of Hate
The Council of Unity is the Upper house of Aurivizh. A group of fifty who rule the nation, arguably more important than the Council of the State, which is the lower house of Aurivizh. In the centre of the room was a stage where someone could give a speech. In this case, the Head Minister of Aurivizh, Tudig Gwernig. Gwernig was giving a speech on the stage, a speech to the people of Aurivizh, both inside and outside of Aurivizh.
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Tyrámen Stock Exchange to lower Velaherian rating
The Walnerian Central Bank recommended to the Tyrámen Stock Exchange lowering of the reliability and safety of investment grades for Velaheria and Stedoria over the possible side effects which the recent decision to deploy Velaherian army against the local populace on a border region in cooperation with Stedoria.
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Sanar System 2021 December Contest
For thousands of years, mankind has been exploring and conquering Eurth. From the depths of Thalassa to the heights of the Tapetepetli Mountains, the sweltering summers of Paran to the bitter winter of Argis, mankind has reached every nook and cranny on this blessed Eurth. Now humanity looks up to space, the final frontier, to take those first steps onto the Mun, to explore the great planets of... Uhhh... And the moons of...
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Longest Rails: Intreimor to Labrador
As Aristutle once said: "It's not the length of your rail, but how you use it." Now, clearly, Aristutle didn't have a very long rail. How could he? He was Aroman. Aristutle was wrong and Freud was right, when he said: "If you salivate when you see trains, it was because your mother wasn't impressed by your smol rails. Well no more! Your mother would be impressed by your long rail. So precisely, it becomes our heaven-sent mission to build them! Build Argis, build the longest rails on Eurth and find for them the thickest, most bossom-gauged trains to ride them.
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Canamo forest party
This morning, around 11am, the Varnar ammunition depot near Skógheim has exploded which set fire to the whole complex and destroyed multiple buildings in the base. The fire itself has not gone out yet, and the depot is still burning and occasionally detonating any remaining munitions that launch off in multiple directions. The base was ordered to be evacuated shortly after the detection of fire and explosions alongside any settlement or town within 10 km radius of the base.
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This land is my land
It’s late in the afternoon when Sergeant Alarick Schäfer tells his squad that they’ve reached their next waypoint along ASR Blue Lagoon. They’re located in a small patch of forest somewhere in rural Nordwalde Province; as far as most of this band of average 18 to 20 year-old Rhodellian conscripts is concerned, they’re somewhere south of Camp Bergenstein, north of the provincial capital of Schwarzwald, and west of MSR Spirytus - the main road connecting Bergenstein with the rest of Rhodellian civilisation.
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Can a Leopard Change its Spots?
Like the tiger, a big cat native to more southerly Europan climes than our own Arhomaneia, the leopard sometimes takes to man-eating. In my experience, a man-eating leopard is to be dreaded even more than a tiger that has gained the same taste, as it possesses greater agility and stealthiness, as well as its silence.
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Working Nine till Five
“Attention all employees, attention all employees. Please remember to have your ID pass visible at all times. Vostrom Incorporated will not be held liable for any injuries caused by security staff in the event of an unknown person in the building. Thank you.” Bill Nostrom flinched slightly at the sound of the tannoy system.
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A Complex Situation
Sri Sultan Mulawarman VII has passed away today peacefully, specifically this morning, at the Raden Tumenggung Suroso Hospital after being treated in the hospital for about a month. The doctors have made an official statement about the sultan's death, in which they all believed a chronic stomach illness was to blame for the beloved sultan's death. As a sign of mourning and respect towards the sultan, the empire has declared a one month mourning period, and all forms of entertainment to be scaled down. The funeral, conducted according to Islamic rites, will be conducted as soon as possible.
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Great Alharun War
The Alharun War was a conflict that officially started in 1945 with the declaration of war between Seylos and Gallambria. Of course, the war spread quickly from there as Seylosian Mandate ambitions grew and much of Alharu become embroiled in the conflict, to the extent where much of the fighting occurred in the continent.
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Mesdames et Messieurs
The sun-filled evening sky over Briselle was an attraction in itself, the imperial Lysian architecture untouched for over a hundred years. Families have dinner in streets cafés and restaurants, with all of the taste and charm of the old wurld. The city was adamantly against changing the aesthetics of the town, as the nation itself was changing faster than before, they wanted to keep what little they had left.
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Europan News Network
Europa has gone through a terrifying time after the collapse. Only nations like Tagmatium, Machina Haruspex, and Orioni have survived relatively unscathed due to exceptional foresight and incredible luck. But there's another sleeping power that has begun to wake up, and is more dangerous than any other nation on the planet. Great Anglia sits perched perfectly on the western edge of the Occident and it has decided to bring order to the chaos of Europa and even begin turning its eyes to the New Wurld.
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